Monday, February 06, 2006
so blogger will not be available during 7 to 8pm. okay. shall blog now den.
monday. i had super early recess. i had recess at like 8.20? after one period of history. today wasnt as bad as i thot. it was fine i must say. i had fun in class. the guys were so -.- mrs tan wouldnt be coming i guess. lollllllll. =) =D HAHAHAHA. okay. hm. so miss anna is gonna take over for the week i guess. no amaths lesson. only emaths.
a shopping plan. MUAHAHA. vips. -.-
k gay. stayed in school a little while den after that me and aly left for bedok interchange. its my first time this year stepping into bedok and taking bus 14. lol. i dont exactly like bedok. ohwells. hm. we went to have burger king and wanted to find school shoes. she got her sleese or whatever one and there isnt any kappa ones. so we went home and i went to get my kappa shoes near my house. HEHE. new shoes tmr. okay. i feel super dumb.
so theres school again tmr. the only thing that makes me wanting to go to school is my friends and my classmates! so well, besides them, theres really nothing much to make me look forward to school. who likes to go to school anyways! everyday so shag lors.

this is like so long ago. we look so cute hor. both of us have grown up! lol. (:5:31 PM