Tuesday, March 14, 2006
her birthday was yesterday!
dint go for her bbq. sorry dear.
will make up to you k. loves.
right. i was like kinda sick yesterday.
severe headache and horrible sorethroat.
it was so bad that my voice sounded freaktard sexy.
had to go to sch in the morning to hand up the english file den went to bedok to have breakfast at mac with myn and bee. i went home after that and met myn nad bee and raz to go to airport to do homework. it was obviously not a success. nad, myn and me ended up going to swensens for some ice-cream. it was superb. yea. met mervyn and boo at eastpoint after so much bugging. took many many pics yesterday!

we will walkk togedderr till tthe endd worrs.

zzz. andd still walkking worrs.

okay enough of pictures. theres more actually. went to sch for extra maths class. after that went for leadership course in the music room. it was alright. not as boring as i thought it would be. went for dinner with girlfriends after that.
was really pissed, angry, frustrated, annoyed and exasperating. i mean i know im wrong for not going for band and stuffs but stil, is that a way to talk to your students? the sarcastic remarks and disgusting stares was just as irritating. we're obviously not rejecting the new conductor. just that we cant adapt to the changes. wads wrong with it now. yeah changes are inevitable in life but stil, we need the bloody freaktard time dammit. its not like we dint try or something. i must say that at least we TRIED. so have you ever TRIED understanding us and TRIED talking to us nicely? TRIED encouraging us properly? i dunno if you did. perphaps you did but i just dont see it.
right. bye al. gonna do my homework now.8:28 PM