HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY TO AL. and happy birthday to chinkiat. :)
i went out with my girlfriends today. it was raining like frogs and fishes. was supposed to meet at 1.45 at expo bus stop but ended up meeting them at 3? sorry darlings.
went to the expo book fair thingy. bought one book from there. theres this john-little sale and some warehouse sale. the warehouse sale sold branded clothes like armani exchange, abercomie and fitch, roxy, hollister and erm. newbie? which i dont exactly count as branded. haha. ohwells but dint get any cos the designs were alittle weird and shit like that.
headed to plaza sing after that to look for myn's skirt. saw many nice stuffs over there. i want the dorothy pekins little erm. bag. the "bag" is super plain but yet really nice. so formal yet so casual. ah. okays forget it. i shall get it some other time. myn found her black skirt over at emphasis. shes gonna wear it tmr! i got this skirt from hula&co. ros got this shirt from outfitter girls. yea. zak went back earlier. was bored so we went to take prints!
took some pictures but ah lazy to upload. another day. i scanned the prints.
bye al. hollaback crew finals tmr! ;D9:46 PM
April Chen
19 April
♥ my Bestfriends.
HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY TO AL. and happy birthday to chinkiat. :)
i went out with my girlfriends today. it was raining like frogs and fishes. was supposed to meet at 1.45 at expo bus stop but ended up meeting them at 3? sorry darlings.
went to the expo book fair thingy. bought one book from there. theres this john-little sale and some warehouse sale. the warehouse sale sold branded clothes like armani exchange, abercomie and fitch, roxy, hollister and erm. newbie? which i dont exactly count as branded. haha. ohwells but dint get any cos the designs were alittle weird and shit like that.
headed to plaza sing after that to look for myn's skirt. saw many nice stuffs over there. i want the dorothy pekins little erm. bag. the "bag" is super plain but yet really nice. so formal yet so casual. ah. okays forget it. i shall get it some other time. myn found her black skirt over at emphasis. shes gonna wear it tmr! i got this skirt from hula&co. ros got this shirt from outfitter girls. yea. zak went back earlier. was bored so we went to take prints!
took some pictures but ah lazy to upload. another day. i scanned the prints.
bye al. hollaback crew finals tmr! ;D