Friday, May 12, 2006
happy vesak day to all. :)
slept at 3 plus last night and woke up at 10 plus in the morning. slacked on the sofa and watched tv. felt asleep and woke up at 4 when i was supposed to meet Ros at 4.30. rushed the shit out of me. was late for like 10-20mins. we went to do the Mrs Field thingy. collecting tmr. left to meet Fatin. she was cutting her hair. headed to Melville Park for terence chong's birthday pit. lol.
his mother is really nice cos she kept giving us food, telling us to eat everything. very cute. :) his mother so yo-yo. haha. played table tennis and did some shit. yea nothing much. luckily i dint have lunch. yea. he had two ice-cream cakes! it was really good.
went to nad's house after that to slack. mum called and start nagging that i go out everyday. i think she called cos shes at home and she felt bored. most importantly, i think she miss me. heeeeh.
took the Fox catalogue just now. saw so many nice clothes in it!
think im gna go take a look tmr with ros. i hope i dont see anything nice.
cos im broke. broken. break.
anyways. shall upload today's pictures another day.
i captured a photo of aly and me's conversation.
shes damn idiot. -.-

shes so gna kill meeee. =)))11:07 PM