Sunday, June 04, 2006
before i start,
Emerge was great last night! surprise visit by Sun Ho. lol. she looked damn hot in red. was screaming like crazy yesterday. whole church was siao yesterday. when i went in, it felt like people rioting! guess what, they were actually watching the Xbox soccer challenge! hahah. it felt like the actual worldcup. how fun. yeah. praise and worship was great. it was as if we're in the concert. they had arm wrestling also! lol. we were all shouting for Pastor CK. word by Pastor Kong was GREAT. impacted quite abit. yeah.
btw, tauqik, kelly poon and junyang came to church to sing on friday night! well, i missed it. okay nvm. HAHAHA.
waited for dad to pick me for dinner after church. went to Neil Rd for some sharkfins. lol. met brother for a while. got to know that i actually have a new nephew by the name of Jan Chen. lol. wth. okay whatever. fyi, i actually have another niece called Larraine. im an aunty but im stil young. HAHA. right.
met wan downstairs and blah.
shall upload some random pictures!
while trying out some clothes, the camera comes in!

okay im going to Sebana Cove tmr. i havent pack shit yet.
and im going to church later tonight again for the grand finale.
i was supposed to have tuition but i dont know wads wrong with wendy.
she dint reply my msges.2:26 PM