Saturday, July 08, 2006
today is the official giving up day.
we couldnt find the costume shop and we gave up.
we waited for the neoprint machine for so long that we ALMOST wanted to give up. yea pathetic.
okay what else, i cant think of anything.
we had to do CIP today.
flag day for the Singapore Heart foundation.
nothing much actually, almost couldnt wake up in the morning but the bad dream came just in time to wake me up. it was a stupid dream. shant talk bout it. met the people and whatever. took our tins and left for simei. i did with yasmine, nadiah and izaidah. we walked around and ask people for donations. after that we went to bedok for even more donations. walked around and other nonsense. saw the ruggers and wanted them to donate but all they donate was a 5 cents coin. how pathetic.
felt so tired so went back to tamp to return the tins. went to tamp mall and walked around. saw this pair of converse shoes thats really cheap. it was on sale! $29.90. wanted to get it but on second thought decided not to. yasmine likes the high cut and i like the low cut one. kay whatever. left for bugis to find costumes! walked around Arab St. our legs were aching like hell and we're all so tired. but we couldnt find the shop.
left and took prints at bugis!

and took pictures in the train!

with loads of love. x]7:17 PM