Sunday, August 27, 2006
dint go to church today. blah.
went out with mom to shop at tampmall and century square. sounds dumb i know. haha. bought a mango basic tee and two sets of bras. heeh. had dinner at jack's place.
went home to get haagen-dazs vouchers and went to meet joy and kewei to siglap. icecream is love! took some lovely pictures. a stayover at mine was initiated by LEE KEWEI. we happily took a bus over to joy's to get clothes and celebrate uncle benson's birthday! sang him a birthday song and gave him cake. at this critical point of time, kewei just had to say that shes tired and she wants to go home. so yea, in the end she went home and i was obviously pissed with her. joy came over in the end. we're gna cycle to mac later. LOL.
amos and me are gna die together on monday! ):
pictures for yesterday!

pictures for today!

i took forever to blog this post.
before that joy and me went down to cycle in my embarrassing piyo-piyo! we couldnt cycle each other cos we're too heavy. so we had a hard time riding. it was so embarrassing please cos so many people were laughing at us. they were taunting us! ):
bought mac and came home quickly to save us from more embarrassing moments. lol. idiot please.12:49 AM