Thursday, September 07, 2006
okay im finally gna blog. been having that erm, urge to blog since i was over at jiahui's! i just hope my com wont fail me halfway thru. i'll be darn sad.
woke up early today to go for class. met joy and she was running for bus9 like an ahsiao. kay, went for english lessons and POA test. nothing much. left sch with sasa, joy, kewei, jiahui and mel. went to tamp mall. had express teppanyaki for lunch for much deciding and discussing. walked around and out of a sudden this BreakTalk uncle came approaching us to ask if we could help him take a picture and develope it. so yea, we took and develope for him! hes a cute uncle!

mel, sasa and joy followed me home and waited for me while i bathed and change. went out to collect claire's mango strudel cos gna celebrate her birthday! actual date is tmr so yea, wish her tmr again. went to jiahui's. we were all so tired. ): surprised claire at the pavillion with sparklers and all. initially wanted to celebrate it at the rooftop. had to climb up with kewei. i was so scared and kewei said i was trembling! k, really dumb. haha. gave her this HUGE box filled with sweets and biscuits! went home after that and im not homesick. lol.
k, gna upload pictures now.
some sentosa underwater world pictures!

kay and some pictures of yesterday when we took at the playground near mel's.

and for today's!
k tried taking a group photo but failed!

another attempt and we succeed but but but, i spoilt the picture with that face.

k, besides joy and kewei. mel, jh and claire are really sweet people. :D11:32 PM