Friday, October 06, 2006

had Emaths and English paper2 today.
im left with 3 more days of hell and 3 more days to fun!
alright alright. im having a terrible sorethroat now and it hurts like crazy! my throat was like damn dry during the paper and the feeling is horrid! Emaths paper 1 was manageable but paper 2 was horrendous. i think i lost like 20 over marks in paper 2 and how sad can that get. er, had English paper2 after that. it was quite okay i guess. rah careless here and there.
i think i am so screwed and i think im gna do like badly again. yea, again. lol. Chem is definitely screwed cos i know nothing bout whatever mole concept. ......
Science, Physics & Chemistry
POA paper 2
History elective
POA paper 1
Chinese Listening
kay BYEE everyone.
omg, i cant believe i forgot to reply. omgomgomgomg.
heeeeh. nvm la.
okay lor.
aiya go die.
LOL. stress leads to such nonsense. sadsadsad.