Monday, November 06, 2006
i just have to post this for the fun of it.
had physics and socialstudies. not productive at all.
caught The Grudge Two with shamyn at century square. met nadiah for lunch at ljs before the movie. okay, the movie was fine. it was darn funny cos me and shamyn were holding each other's hands and screaming right at our own faces. thats like damn retarded! the ending kinda sucks thou. sorry suf, i dint wait for you but okay now you watch deathnote with me k. haha. walked around after that then she left while i met hai. went to temasek poly for rugby match. ITE vs SP. kay, not a very exciting one thou. then left for home after that.
wan left for vietnam today and is coming back on sat.
dint go and send him offff. but ohwells, six days.
i want the adidas jackkkket. any sponsors?7:57 PM