Wednesday, May 02, 2007
happy birthday lichin and jiahui! :D
oookay, im gna waste some time blogging. i realised i havent blog in a long time. i remember how i used to blog everyday without fail. moving on, we're all having our midyears now and i havent been coming online for like days and days! i tried making full use of my time to study but i ended up watching loads of nonsense show on tv and 1 really stupid taiwan drama which results me in having some kinda "fever." im so not gna say that drama out cos its damn bloody !@#$%^& embarrassing!
ohoh guess what! i stayed at home the whole weekend and turned myself into a total crouch potato. can you imagine that! okay, nvm.
ohoh! party in my house on monday (30 Apr) ! LOL.
mels and joy, LETS SPRINGROLL!
lol okay i have some pictures to upload. overdued pictures! :D
20th April - town with mel and J. :D

Jiahui's early birthday celebration! (really funny bicycle incident.)