Monday, June 25, 2007

alright, school starts today and no more holidays till the end of Olevels. ):
i spent my Saturday at Boo's place for a small get-together bbq thingy. we ate, chatted, laughed thru the conversation and all the other stuffs. it was pretty alright, i guess? haha.
Sunday was spend at Starbucks with Mel and J to do some holiday homework. yea, last minute again. managed to finish my Social Studies homework and hell, im so proud of myself. Suf came to find us after that and went to have dinner at HongKong Cafe at Siglap. andandand ONE of the MOST embarrassing thing happened to me when asdkljadkajsd. ugh, so paiseh.
anyway, i had problems sleeping last night cos my bio clock is seriously screwed. just about 4 or 5 days before school reopens, ive been sleeping at 6am in the morning and waking up at bout 2pm and its like habit aldy! so like today, im really tired and sleepy in school so i have to keep talking to keep myself awake. first day of the semester was okay, not very scary afterall.
me and my cute Bee with a new cute hairstyle.

alright, my tutor is finally here. see you bananas.6:25 PM