Tuesday, September 04, 2007

i am finally updating and reviving this dying blog.
this is gna be a long post so be prepared ya'll!
thanks to my Rebecca for changing the skin for me despite her ongoing Prelims so that it would be more enticing to ya know, update. i love her for so much as she loves me! okay so like, September holidays are here and August'07 is gone with the windddd. time really flies and as usual, my O's approaching. how dreadful is that?
i mentioned that i went to catch Dead Silent on the post before Reb's right but no, we did not. (23/8) the timings suck so we ended up Prawning! yay, it was my virgin try for prawning and it was fun even though i did not catch a single prawns. Casper and Melvin caught all the prawns and we bbq-ed them. it was great but it was not enough for supper so after that we went for Teochew porridge. reached home at 4plus going 5 i think!
the rest of the week was nothing but last minute mugging for Prelims and i had Science Practicals today so yay, Prelims is officially over for meee! burning midnight oil and having Redbull for breakfast were awful.
i started off my Sep holiday with Riding with my \m/ friends. i was very reluctant to go at first since the weather was murderous but i still went in the end plus i called Reb along! we spent like so much time waiting for this and that, quite annoying but its okay. so.. we (Reb, Nad, Otah, Faiz, Jason, Jacob, Sean, Amos, Zhenyu, Sid and Glad) cycled to East Coast then to Town or rather, Central area. it was so tiring but i had Fun ( must emphasize my fun with a capital F)!
2Sep07- Happy Birthday Yasmine! ;D
went to Bugis with Myn for TongSeng initially but to my or our horror, it was closed so we ended up having Swensens. lucky Glenn was working there so we manage to get some discount! we wanted to go to town but we got too lazy so we went homeee.
supposedly a 9irlfriends outing to celebrate Yasmine's belated bday and Aly's early bday but Yas couldnt make it in the end. ): we did not exactly start the day well but i guess it was okay after that. we had lunch at PizzaHut and we caught Hairspray after that. the show was not as fantastic as i thought but hell, Zac Efron was seriously cute. i felt like a total bimbo while watching. Fatin's fever came back and that poor girl went off after the movie. Aly, Nad and Zak went off also. leaving Ros, Myn, Lc and me standing at the same spot for 15 mins deciding where to go. after much deciding, we went to Swensens (again!) for icecream and fries. ran our lives for bus 14 and went homeeee.
am too lazy to make a proper collage so i took random piccas!

alright, i took like super long to blog all these and post all these piccas.
last but not the very least..
i miss Kewei, Joy, Claire, Jiahui and Melsie! and and i will try to blog regularly now that i have this really pretty skin. heeeeh.9:43 PM