okay. im so bored. opened my amaths textbook and felt really sick. i have no idea why. ugh. i hope theres no rugby match next week! ah. stupid la can.
no rugby match.no rugby match.no rugby match.no rugby match.NO RUGBY MATCH.ah stupid. okay. bye.8:13 PM
im going to sec 1 camp next week.
and i hope theres no rugby match or whatever.
please please no rugby match next week!
was late again today. 4 times. cos i forgot theres mass run so when im at the bus stop, i went home to change! so there isnt any cab. as usual. dammit. did cwo. had this erm. white beta form. feel so stupid for going home to change.
hm. i got my maths and social studies paper!
i dint fail any! how nice.
i have 24/40 for maths. i had so so many careless mistakes! i think i could even get 30 marks for my maths if i dont have any careless mistakes. ugh. i have 10/12 for social studies! woo. okay. i studied so yea im happy. damn happy. HAHA. woo. okay. but i stil dunno bout my history results so ah. forget it.
we had 6 periods of maths today. which is really tiring! 4 periods of amaths and 2 periods of emaths. end class at 2.20 den had POA test after that. so tiring please. POA was fine i guess. just hope it wont pull down my original marks! overall was fine i guess. went home alone. waited for the bus and stuffs. supposed to have tuition but ah. cancelled. change to sat morning.
i think tmr getting back physics paper! i hope i do well.
my cam's back! ;Dtoday is quite a good day i must say.
hm. i havent been going church for like so long. i miss w115 and cellgroup meetings. all the fun and joy i have with my brothers and sisters. well, i just hope i can go this week. its good to know that i stil have loads of faith in God. my days have been rather disastrous these days but im sure whatever He did for me comes with a reason and thank Him for that. no matter what, the devil cant love but God can. (:
4:51 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST TIAN.lol. i wished you so many times ald.but i dont care! lalala. ;Deven though i dint celebrate with you this year! but nvm la k. i stil love you as much.and i bet you do also!so i havent been blogging or even coming online! i dint come online the whole day yesterday! i wanted to blog bout it anyways. oh. i had loads of fun yesterday! getting thrown and carried into the sea! thanks to ridhwan. that not cute guy. okay. before that met boo on the bus den went to parkway to meet the rest of the guys like mervyn, asri, bryan, haojie and aly came after that. we left for the pit thinking that we're late cos it was 4.30 but none was there! lol. so after that they came and people start coming in. started the food and stuffs. tried to skate but failed cos no one wanted to hold me! how erm. SAD! lol. took pictures and stuffs with my girlfriends! at night. so they tried pushing finn into the water but also failed la. after that was the girls. i was one of them of cos. i was like struggling! but yea. i had my fun. the cake part. after singing the birthday song. me and wan were the ones who started throwing the cake at the two birthday girls. in the end we dint even eat the cake! lol. i thot i wont get any cake. but gosh. they throw at me! ):okay. boo broke his front teeth.so cute when he smile!went to wash up! lol. was so funny.dirty little secret with aly.went home after that with wan.okay today!got to know my english and chinese results! not that bad i guess. english was like 21/50. wasnt that bad i guess. compared to my classmates' results. erm. chinese. im so shocked that i dint fail my chinese! lol. i got 33/50. very good right. lol. for my chinese! had meeting for the sec1 camp. left for parkway with aly to collect cookie! lol. home!so tired that i slept and woke up till 10.30. i was so scared!hahaha. okay. bye al!i love yesterday!11:12 PM
so im feeling better. getting over the fact that my camera is not with me.gosh. mervyn just had to rub it in. hes such a sucker!whatever it is.on the lighter and happier note, i went shopping today with my mum. wanted to get a phone from starhub since my plan has expired like way long ago. so wanted to get a new phone. samsung e730! but ah. the guy said the stock havent been coming it. i hope i can find it or get it somehow. i like it alottt. so i bought the camo skorts that aly and me wanted for soo long. esprit shirt and this set of beegees bra! thats bout it i guess. i need to find that e730 out!so i'll be out tmr. yeah.common tests are over and im not feeling any better cos i practically screwed all my papers. how great. how nice. how sweet. heard from ms hoori that the whole express level did very badly for their english paper. even 3A. this means that the result totally suck. so yea. gotta buck up.-.- i want my camera backkk.this suck totally! :(im so bored!8:25 PM
i had a bad day.i had enough.really.its more den enough.i cant help it. wads wrong with everything.this is gonna be a bloody emo post.i dont care.first. i screwed my maths paper.second. someone took my bag and brought it home.third. which covers the whole big part.my camera.so speechless. so loss of words.i really dont feel good.thank you to those people who tried to cheer me up.sorry to aly for giving you shit. thank you for taking it too.thanks girl. i love you and the other 7 girlfriends.anyways. this stil suck.whatever. i hate today.im very very upset and pissed.9:36 PM
youre so dear to me! and i love you k.
happy sweet 15. so old ald huh.
i owe you a present k. muacks.i had my chem/phys today. so screwed i tell you. i practically screwed all my papers besides the social studies and history. tmr is maths. its gonna be screwed too i tell you. gosh! im so scared of the stupid results. my mum is so gonna screw me. this is so screwed.
class is as usual. same stuffs everyday. today was exceptionally boring cos we're so tired. both me and myn were like trying so hard to keep ourselves awake! the door just had to keep slamming due to the wind.
went to simpang for lunch before chem class with my lovely girlfriends! lol. shamyn and me was like trying so hard to announce seriously bout the girlfriends thingy. lol. but myn just have to spoil it! okay nvm. i stil love her! 21feb06' will be the day that we made this girlfriend thing. we'll celebrate each other's birthday for each other! how sweet eh. it consists the 9 of us! oh. seeing ros opening her present slowly was so frustrating! ugh ugh. lol. and im the one who suffer cos i have to help her throw the newspapers away! ohwells.
chem class was super fun! lol. some war thing. we did practical. the chromatography. mine was nice! using the green dye. so niceeee. watched soccer for a while and went home with wan. his right butt cheek is injured! HAHA. was so tired that i fell asleep without bathing!
okay. enough of the blogging.
gonna start revising my maths! ;D

nothing is gonna change jadjoyapr.
we're not close now but we're stil closely bonded in the heart!
i love
jadyn and joy! ;DDDD
dint blog yesterday. hm hm.had tuition yesterday. chinese paper!so screwed please. chinese papers are always screwed.before tuition, went to bedok corner to eat with the guys.went home!today. hm. went for band. stil feel so weird. ohwells.whatever shit it is la please. so bloody irritated.the instructor who took the woodwinds is a thai.he had really funny accent. so cute.went to meet jingying, harry, adele and lichin at some bedok area with aly, junrong and kel.went home! the bus took so long to come.ohyeah. i had my combined humans today!and im quite happy with it. cos i actually studied for this.i think whatever i studied came out cos i was praying like mad.i finally had chicken today! whoa whoa.okay. bye al.9:53 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JORDAN AND NIGEL. ;Dcommontest starts with the killer english paper. it was tough. i dint even had like 15 points for my summary. so so so died. okay forget it. its all over! mother tongue paper tmr! i hope i can remember those chinese words.anyways. chem class was fun fun fun. haha. okay shant elaborate. we had this last minute plan thingy after sch to hit Soeul-Garden! lol. thanks to yasmine. so we went! ate alot please. crazy people. jordan and the rest were there too! fatin acted like she has fleets or however you spell it! it was fun with my girls. walked around after that for some not-very-effective disgestion. wan came over and we all went home!ahh. felt so stress when im in sch and at home.everything is like piling up on me.sec3 isnt easy at all.but well, everyone is stressed-up.7:26 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BELOVED PUMPKIN-zakiah.sorry girl i cant make it today cos i have tuition.
but no worries. i'll make up a birthday present and a celebration with you aight!
i love you girl! ;Dhey al.i dint do anything today besides having tuition and eating.i ate alot today! i had a 3 hours tuition today.wendy was supposed to come at 11 but she came at 2.commontest officially starts tmr! whoa. whoa. whoa.stil no sense of emergency in me. lol.i dont really see myself putting ALOT of effort.okay whatever it is den.bye al! ;D10:37 PM
was almost out the whole day yesterday.
it was my
mama's birthday and its
my brother's birthday today!
celebrated my mum's birthday yesterday!
before that had sch yesterday and it was such a boreeee. nothing much actually. fell asleep in the canteen with aly. lol. went home got ready and went to some no signboard restaurant for dinner. left for aranda country club ktv with my mum. she booked like 3 ktv rooms. all her aunty friends and all were there. wan, mervyn, boo and bryan came and went to walk around. they ate and stuffs.
went back in time to blow the cake or whatever! lol. wan followed me back. we danced, played pool and yea. it was alright though. was so tired la. okay.

right. commontest is like next week. i havent even start studying. such shit. ahh.
and so many birthdays are coming up. gotta start finding presents!
12:56 PM
hey al.
classes have been real tiring and i was so sleepy.
had chem class till 5 today. so so so shag.
gotta see ms abraham tmr for my cross. went to see her but she say i dint make appointment. wth. lol. ohwells. whatever. tmr kel is coming to talk to us. i need to start my revision. common test is like next week and i dont feel any sense of emergency in me. so this sucks.
went to simpang before that for lunch with my girlfriends. was funny though. took pictures!

some pictures taken a few days back.

right. so thats all folks. its my mama's birthday tmr!
gosh. lalalala. wad a shag week. TGTIF. lol.
6:54 PM
hello sweet people in the world. ;Di had 4 periods of TKT today. lol. which is maths la. erm. usual lessons. no assembly! yays. we all had this IPP exercise thingy today. ms abraham came to our class before that my class was so funny. should have see their reaction. it was damn funny! me, shamyn and izaidah were laughing like crazy! it was so funny. lol. we followed the instructions and start sealing the windows and all. it was so stuffy and hot! lol. sendjaja started telling the whole class that i farted and it smell like strawberry. HAH. okay. so we waited erm. impatiently for the announcment to take out the tapes and all. so yea. we took out. left the class for sec1 camp briefing. i hope my mum sign the form and not gonna force me to go to taiwan. zzz. im missing a GREAT chance for shopping. i suck.waited for aly. went to simpang with sasa and her. ate. aly is damn idiot. lol. ive been real sucky these few days so whatever. lol.its thursday tmrrrrr.8:20 PM
hello. its 12.20am right now! im stil blogging. theres sch tmr. merapekkk!
lol. anyways. i havent been blogging for days or rather i dint even come online. so must fast fast blog.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO ALL PEOPLE. ;Dokay. bout yesterday. i went to bugis with ma girls. aly, nad, myn and ros. we took prints! we got all excited cos all of us havent took it for a very long time. its really fun i must say and i think i look damn nice in the prints. -.- someone just kill me la. HEHE. ohyeah. bag was damn heavy and for once, i thot my shoulders are gonna break. me, myn and ros watched
i not stupid too and its damn nice! lol. i cried like crazy. in fact all of us did! it was so funny. when we're crying halfway den me and myn looked at each other den the policeman appear so we started laughing. HAHA. after that took mrt back with myn cos ros went to meet her mama.

rightt. so today! its VALENTINES DAY. lol. so not special. i think it sucks in fact. lol. wrote hello kitty letters from my sweet clique or girlfriends or whatever. lol. got presents from my girlfriends and my boyfriends! LOL. okay.
i got-
roses from fatin and clarissa.
small card from clarissa.
worship cd from joalin.
clip peg with a little pink heart from joy.
card from luciana.
letter from zak.
chocolates from alvin sjj. LOL.
handkerchief from myn and ros.
very nice necklace from wan.
this is more like christmas than valentines! lol. anyways, i like it. my friends are all so nice and sweet. at least i know tat im in their hearts!
COOL MAN. hehe. anyways. did nothing actually today. nothing much. went back with wan den went home. i slept. woke up eat dinner and did homework so blogging now. wanna sleep soon ald! okay. blogging is fun!
ohyeah. MRS TKT. HAHAH.
changed my class seating arrangment! not very good for entertainment purposes or whatever. cos before that all the noisy and crazy boys were around us. but ah nvm. im sitting with shamyn and izaidah now! damn happy. we're moved to the back. how shitty. its like we cant even concentrate when we're in front wads more behind with the stupid
cool gang. HAHAHA.
i love my dear retarded ones. theyre so sweet. ;D12:23 AM
im stil lazy to upload zak and aly's entries. lol.
ohwells. right. this is shit, really.
i have no idea wads the problem right now.
just something aint right. wad a .
i cant seem to find my school dairy. i think i left it in school under my table.
im gonna be stucked at home the whole day today again. i was supposed to have tuition at 11am but it was cancelled. again. mum bought this korean serial called 'my lovely samsoon' its really funny and nice. love sweet love. whatever.
valentines' day is so unnecessary, really. i dont see why everyone is making a big fuss out of it. roses, bears and shit. its the same every year isnt it. cracking your brains to think of wads special to give to your love ones. i mean yes. its a good time to show your love ones that you love them and you appreciate whatever they've done for you. hm. yea. i dunno. i dun even know wad im typing right now.
i havent even got presents for my lovely ones yet. something small and sweet. i dont even have the stupid time to go shop for it. this is pathetic.
this sucks. this post is super depressing. haha.
besides the haha.
4:31 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOO!youve been a great sarscastic friend but youre stil great la uh.thanks for the super crappy advices you gave. youre such a best friend.righttt. its 12.12am! i came home at bout 11 plus i think. went to mum's friend's place. they played in between and i was watching. it was so funny. they raise the stakes till super high and they all were so scared. its like some heart-attack game. -.-
before that went to parkway with boo, nad and wan for lunch. dint go to church today cos dint had enough time. there were the parkway exhibtions thingy. zak and aly's picture entries were up! lol. i took pictures of it. shall upload another day or something. damn lazy.
we went to sakae sushi for lunch or late lunch or whatever. they had loads of sushi. haha. i was so full i thot i couldnt walk. boo treated us! thanks
sister brother. HAHA. went to mph a little while and i had to leave to meet mama. cabbed to kallang to meet her den went to her friend's place.
whoa whoa. i cant sew for nuts. gosh. someone help?12:12 AM
ohyeah. i forgot to blog bout this.ive been really grumpy and getting angry over alittle stuffs these days. im sorry to all people! people like aly, nad, boo, wan and whoever la. the people around me all got it i guess. im sorry loves! ;Di'll try not to be so grumpy!10:30 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUOWEI. (:rightt. had school today. had pe! thats the only fun part. we played badminton! lol. i thot it was damn fun. it made my wrist hurt like crazy and when im writing it was shaking! haha.
had my poa test. i think i screwed it. how shitty. ugh. so irritating please. ohwells. ive ald like done it so forget it. no point crying over spilled milk or soda or wine or whatever.
-.- mrs kow was like asking me to post in my blog. WHO WOULD ACTUALLY READ IT. haha.
haha. so we went to tamp mall. with quite a big group of people. we're super noisy.
big group as in.
fatin came after that.
okay. whatever.
its damn such a shag weeek.

for the viewing pleasure. =)
9:37 PM
okay! i dint blog yesterday and yesterday yesterday!
may you grow taller and taller! (: wed- okay. its another whatever day. so forget it.
took quite some pictures! shall upload.

thurs- today.
lessons was as usual again. its miss anna's last day! aww. how sad. okays. i had my physics and chem test! whoa. haha. had classes again. went to simpang for lunch with the retarded ones. was dang high on the way back to sch. it was raining! theres soccer match in our sch! hm. watched after chem class. our school won man! haha. 4-1. was screaming the shit out of me. den i went home!
olevels results are releasing tmr! good luck to all. (:
xcountry tmr and im running. gosh. i missed last year's xcountry. lol.
i hope my stamina dont suck tmr! haha.
love to all. <36:50 PM
so blogger will not be available during 7 to 8pm. okay. shall blog now den.
monday. i had super early recess. i had recess at like 8.20? after one period of history. today wasnt as bad as i thot. it was fine i must say. i had fun in class. the guys were so -.- mrs tan wouldnt be coming i guess. lollllllll. =) =D
HAHAHAHA. okay. hm. so miss anna is gonna take over for the week i guess. no amaths lesson. only emaths.
a shopping plan. MUAHAHA. vips. -.-k gay. stayed in school a little while den after that me and aly left for bedok interchange. its my first time this year stepping into bedok and taking bus 14. lol. i dont exactly like bedok. ohwells. hm. we went to have burger king and wanted to find school shoes. she got her sleese or whatever one and there isnt any kappa ones. so we went home and i went to get my kappa shoes near my house. HEHE. new shoes tmr. okay. i feel super dumb.
so theres school again tmr. the only thing that makes me wanting to go to school is my friends and my classmates! so well, besides them, theres really nothing much to make me look forward to school. who likes to go to school anyways! everyday so shag

this is like so long ago. we look so cute
hor. both of us have grown up! lol. (:
5:31 PM
haha. i stayed at home the whole day again. okay. i blogged bout it just now.
as i was browsing some whatever web. i saw this stickam thingy! it damn cool. like some webcam thingy which you could show yourself through the webcam and you could even chat there. so now yea i have it. but gosh, having it alone is no use la dammit.
ohwells. hm. school tomorrow. school = miss abraham. she really freak me out. she caught me on friday saying that i have wrong attire when i tucked my shirt in and my skirt is not exactly super short. so wads the deal now. she claims that i run away or hide from her whenever i see her when i dun think i did. i just avoid
INCASE i break some whatever school rules. she said shes gonna make me stay with her the whole day if she catch me again. rightt. thats gay! which means internal suspension. how cool. -.-
school have been really hectic. homework and tests. ohyeah. common tests are also coming up! its like so fast. i think somewhere mid feb. ive been using the com for the whole day. i havent even start on my homework. im too lazy to even move or something. gosh. i need to change. whats more, there are gonna be many auntys coming over to my house for mahjong session.
TWO mahjong tables somemore. dot dot dot.
http://www.youtube.com/?v=H3uJDWp2J4I7:07 PM
theres really something wrong with my blog. i blogged yesterday and it came out nothing.
im like grounded or something. i dunno. ugh. spoiling everything.
ohwells. i have like 5 tests next week and i havent even started on studying yet.
-chinese. /chinese
ting xie.
ugh. okay. this is so shitty. sec3 really suck. soon enough, we're all gonna be sec4 and i think thats worse. we definitely need to build a strong and good foundation for our sec3 stuffs. if not, im sure we're all gonna die when we're in sec4. this is shit! ahh. but really, i dont even see myself trying to put in the effort to build it. so erm. yeah. whatever.
i stil wanna watch
i not stupid too.2:44 PM
righttt. so i made a new blog. well, im not gonna post any whatsoever offensive pictures anyways. just some thots and wads happening around me. oh, with pics too! not gonna use my old blog anymore. wanted to delete it but somehow couldnt bear to. there are like 300 plus posts in that account! ah. ohwells.
i have loads of pics to upload. havent been uploading pics. ohwells.

right. so i went for band today. i saw the new conductor. i felt real shitty seeing her trying to conduct our band. she made me use 3half reed. how crazy. i miss mr jais. can he just come back and conduct us. to hell with that MOE form. how stupid please. ugh. okay. so i couldnt take it seeing other people conducting so i walked out. right.
ugh. my camera.

i wanna upload so many pics on friendster.
but im freaking lazy. lol. upload tmr den!
12:07 AM