Thursday, February 23, 2006
youre so dear to me! and i love you k.
happy sweet 15. so old ald huh.
i owe you a present k. muacks.
i had my chem/phys today. so screwed i tell you. i practically screwed all my papers besides the social studies and history. tmr is maths. its gonna be screwed too i tell you. gosh! im so scared of the stupid results. my mum is so gonna screw me. this is so screwed.
class is as usual. same stuffs everyday. today was exceptionally boring cos we're so tired. both me and myn were like trying so hard to keep ourselves awake! the door just had to keep slamming due to the wind.
went to simpang for lunch before chem class with my lovely girlfriends! lol. shamyn and me was like trying so hard to announce seriously bout the girlfriends thingy. lol. but myn just have to spoil it! okay nvm. i stil love her! 21feb06' will be the day that we made this girlfriend thing. we'll celebrate each other's birthday for each other! how sweet eh. it consists the 9 of us! oh. seeing ros opening her present slowly was so frustrating! ugh ugh. lol. and im the one who suffer cos i have to help her throw the newspapers away! ohwells.
chem class was super fun! lol. some war thing. we did practical. the chromatography. mine was nice! using the green dye. so niceeee. watched soccer for a while and went home with wan. his right butt cheek is injured! HAHA. was so tired that i fell asleep without bathing!
okay. enough of the blogging.
gonna start revising my maths! ;D

nothing is gonna change jadjoyapr.
we're not close now but we're stil closely bonded in the heart!
i love jadyn and joy! ;DDDD