Wednesday, February 15, 2006
hello. its 12.20am right now! im stil blogging. theres sch tmr. merapekkk!
lol. anyways. i havent been blogging for days or rather i dint even come online. so must fast fast blog.
okay. bout yesterday. i went to bugis with ma girls. aly, nad, myn and ros. we took prints! we got all excited cos all of us havent took it for a very long time. its really fun i must say and i think i look damn nice in the prints. -.- someone just kill me la. HEHE. ohyeah. bag was damn heavy and for once, i thot my shoulders are gonna break. me, myn and ros watched i not stupid too and its damn nice! lol. i cried like crazy. in fact all of us did! it was so funny. when we're crying halfway den me and myn looked at each other den the policeman appear so we started laughing. HAHA. after that took mrt back with myn cos ros went to meet her mama.

rightt. so today! its VALENTINES DAY. lol. so not special. i think it sucks in fact. lol. wrote hello kitty letters from my sweet clique or girlfriends or whatever. lol. got presents from my girlfriends and my boyfriends! LOL. okay.
i got-
roses from fatin and clarissa.
small card from clarissa.
worship cd from joalin.
clip peg with a little pink heart from joy.
card from luciana.
letter from zak.
chocolates from alvin sjj. LOL.
handkerchief from myn and ros.
very nice necklace from wan.
this is more like christmas than valentines! lol. anyways, i like it. my friends are all so nice and sweet. at least i know tat im in their hearts! COOL MAN. hehe. anyways. did nothing actually today. nothing much. went back with wan den went home. i slept. woke up eat dinner and did homework so blogging now. wanna sleep soon ald! okay. blogging is fun!
ohyeah. MRS TKT. HAHAH.
changed my class seating arrangment! not very good for entertainment purposes or whatever. cos before that all the noisy and crazy boys were around us. but ah nvm. im sitting with shamyn and izaidah now! damn happy. we're moved to the back. how shitty. its like we cant even concentrate when we're in front wads more behind with the stupid cool gang. HAHAHA.
i love my dear retarded ones. theyre so sweet. ;D12:23 AM