oh wow. wad a meaningful day.im a gullible kid. wow wow wow.so now wad? tell me. what else.anyways, its quite a gay day today. i dunno why. 1st April starts tmr which means my birthday is coming in like 20 days. how exciting but when your birthday is over, its no longer exciting anymore. ):ran 2.4km for PE. my timing suck cos i walk all the way after half of the round. yea. nothing much exciting happen just that i was fooled, i was bullied by aly and i bullied aly.aly, fatin and me were practically fighting at the table. it was obviously me and fatin against her so yea. she was so irritating. i said sorry like so many times and she went to hit me. she gave me a tough kick on my bone and theres a blueblack now. wad a sucker but she got her retribution by falling down right on her butt. err. buttcheeks. lol. yea.ohyeah i went for band too. they had parade reheasal and band is not in the parade. how crappy and sucky. i got soo jealous when i saw them marching in together! thats so unfair. but ohwells im so glad the conductor isnt here.it was raining! i couldnt walk to the bus stop so i had to take a cab. my girls waited for the cab with me. how sweet of them. they're all very sweet. the erm. 8 of them! i love everyone of them. they were like making me smile after that. ;Di love girlfriends. ;Di dislike you. ;DDDohyeah, did i mention that i was made a fool?oh wait. i think i did.7:41 PM
i think i dint blog yesterday.i had fever! ): was feeling so terrible.wednesday;wanted to go for band after writing the essay that im supposed to hand in to Ms Hoori but was feeling really unwell so just sat at the canteen. i went home after that with nad and aly. i fell asleep somehow and they were on the com dont know doing wad. yea. was feeling so horrid. legs are aching.thursday-today;dint wanted to go to sch today but just went cos i THOT i was okay but nooo. im not. i went to sch and i had fever again. was feeling so hot yet so cold in class. a severe headache. anyways, went to simpang after sch with my girlfriends and the boys. ate and went back to sch for chem class. okay. -.-(edited) wan had concussion. he couldnt remember everything. yeah. i sent him home with fatin and ros. thanks girls. i dont know wad i would do without you two man! haha. i was freaking out ald. yea. hes fine now. (:okay i think my fever is gone but i think its coming back again.bloody fever. you suck.8:57 PM
dint blog yesterday. shall blog now.im doing my socialstudies essay.monday;I LOVE MONDAYS! class usually end very quickly. thats why i love it. anyways, lessons are arent that boring too. it was raining frogs and fishes. -.- kewei. lol. after sch went out with my girlfriends to siglap to eat lunch. lol. alyssa was so effffffing irritating please. after that, we went to katong to get uniform and it will only open at 4. we sat around some coffeeshop and waited till 4. they came to my house after that. it was fun i must say cos we were bullying aly together. i love them like hell. HAHAHA. aly and nad left earlier. ros and myn stayed till bout 10. we had a very nice dinner! ;Dtuesday;ohright. today. i hate tuesday. 6 periods of Mrs Tan which is totally erm. ... whatever. class always seem never-ending cos it ends at 2.20. waited for mum to come den went to buy my phone. met aunty pat, uncle david, aunty pauline and jennifer for a while. they were saying tat i grew alot. hahaha. slept just now. wooo.11:37 PM
i went to do the speech day project at terence's. we did most of it except for the presentation part. yeah. what else. sean tagged along. i havent complete my history source-based questions! gosh. i did one like yesterday, three more to go. school starts again tmr. how sad, sundays are so sad because the next day is school. so dreadful. physics report. UGHHHHHHH. so annoying. 7:43 PM
nadiah wants me to blog bout her but somehow,i seriously have nothing to say bout her.well, nadiah is a girl and she gets excited easily. when she get excited, her hands will start fanning herself like as if shes won some beauty pegnant and she will start smiling like crazy. she used to be very egoistic but now her ego-ness went down alittle which is obviously a darn-good thing. HAHA. okay. what else bout her? i dont know. cant think right now besides her excited-ness.shes dumb too! lol. but shes in 3A. wth.i shall use brown. since she likes brown.9:03 PM
i got the sec1 camp pics! from khadijah. she burned the pics to the cd i gave her! shall upload some of them. ask me for the cd and i shall lend it to you. to burn it into your com. MUAhaha...             okay pictures are till here. mum just called me what is the samsung model i wanted. and i told her and she ask the person and the person say no stock. bloody shit. 3:11 PM
HAhaHAhaHAhaHA.i was supposed to complete the fiesta project today. it is taking so much of our time and i also heard that the learning fiesta will be pushed forward. its such a rush that we dont even have enough time. the things we have to do is like more than the time we actually have. back to the project but it was cancelled due to some unpredictable reasons so it was changed to tomorrow.IF I KNOW THAT THE PEOJECT WILL BE CANCELLED, i would have follow my mum to East Ocean for lunch with aunty pat they al. ): i only had potato chips for lunch but i dont feel hungry so forget it!well well well, school is so busy.sec3 life really suck. ):i thot i concluded that in the beginning of the year.wad a bad year.so much problems.2:31 PM
lessons in the morning.was supposed to run 2.4km for pe.but knowing that the pe teachers were kind enough to think that we have Xcountry in the afternoon, i think they change it to next week or something so we did the 5 stations. i think i only did shuttle run and standing broad jump. yeah.ohyeah. did i mention that shamyn came back to school today! i was overjoyed i tell you. she was sitting behind me in the hall and i kept turning behind to smile at her! fear not, imma no lesbian.okay. i thot my day would be fine and all.the rest of the day dint turn out like this.forget it, whatever.went home first den met my girlfriends at eastpoint and took a cab down to bedok reservior. its nothing like crossing the country! more like crossing the stupid reservior. okay i ran. my position suck cos i kept stopping. for that moment i thot i was going to faint but i dint of cos. i got like 28. how stupid. aly and me were like complaining that our legs are breaking. okay so whatever.the usual ones went to tamp to wait for wan and boo to come. we had dinner and ros came. yeah we crapped and stuffs till the people had to tell us to lower our volumes and to be more considerate, we left the place.i was supposed to go for wendy's chalet. decided to give it miss.seriously no mood for anything.so yeah. this is a whatever day.it sucks.11:26 PM
shamyn dint come again! i feel so depressed. lol.alyssa dint come too. how sad. ):MUAMUA.anyways, sch was just normal today. nothing much.got bullied during physics cos im alone!damn shahrin and the zao.yeah. okay. miss abraham walked into my class today during english cos of the litters on the floor. err i think. no matter what, i just cant stand sch. its so stressful! projects and homework. tests and exams. i dont even know if i can cope. im so scared. i totally dread going to sch right now. its like a chore but one thing that keeps me going is my friends, classmates and SOME of the teachers that i like. HURHUR. -.- they are all so crappy. hm. yeah :)had class till 5. before that went to bedok corner to eat. yeah.lalalala. H O M E >>>7:04 PM
okay. sch. shamyn dint come! ): i miss her, seriously. anyways. had band after sch. right. band stil suck like hell but im gonna just go for the sake of going and my clarinet. whatever. i totally dislike you. not gonna use such a strong word like hate. but i seriously detest you. okay. went for dinner and home. inequalities and POA test tmr. wth. physics test change to next wed. so many projects are coming along. this is so stressful. 9:51 PM
edited/HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SPP AND CHAN!lol. forgot to post just now!well, doubt chan is gonna see this but who cares.:)right. im waiting for wendy to come. its ald 8.05. wth.tuesdays sucks. well, today suck.we had mass run in the morning. 2 rounds and next week onwards 3 rounds. its terrible. Xcounty this friday. i thot it was crazy cos PE for firday, we're running 2.4km and we have Xcountry after sch. its kinda crazy. mrs tan changed the seating arrangment in class today. i thot it was just as useless cos she placed all the noisy boys together so wads the point of rearranging the class. whatever it is. 6 periods of maths. well, she expects me to bring both Emaths and Amaths textbook when we have lessons. she doesnt allow us to share. wads her problem. its so heavy. tuesdays suck. yea.took a cab home just now cos bag was so heavy and so many books to carry!okay. bye al. i think she come ald. -.-7:53 PM
oh look at nadiah. -.-  my classmate, my girlfriend and my crazy one.  okay this is me! ;D  school starts today. nothing horrible happened i guess. the usual talks during IR period. sch was normal i guess. i got alittle restless at the end of the lessons. i kind of love mondays. lessons arent that draggy so yea. whatever. its stil sch. went to paya lebar after sch for lunch with 5 of my girlfriends. aly and nad left for other places. lc went back. so myn, ros and me went to coffeebean to slack. yea did nothing much. we went home. i waited for the bus for like so effing long please cos i missed the bus before that. a double-decked one and i ended up having to squeeze in the small single deck bus packed with people. its like sardine! k. i dislike tuesdays and wednesdays. somehow. i dunno. its so boring. yawns. 7:31 PM
so ive heard. my mum had some mysterious caller calling her the whole day today. she said that person called and dint talk. wth! ohwells. HAHAHA. thats funny.okay. i finish reading one book i borrowed from the library yesterday. "Fresh Off The Boat" thats the title. its not bad i guess. yea. gonna start on another one. 2 more to go and another from nad.this sucks. hols are ending and i dint even go for any retail therapy! thats really erm. saddening for a girl. anyways, i slept at 4 last morning night cos was on the phone with mervyn and it was so noisy in the morning due to some shit renovations or something. it was so bloody noisy and annoying. mum and i were like complaining bout it since yesterday. it suck. totally.~!@#$%^&*()_+11:40 PM
so i thot today was supposed to be a stay home day for me. i was supposed to have tuition in the monring but mum told me to cancel it cos it was way too noisy for tuition due to some stupid renovation. so yea. i changed it to tuesday afternoon.
mum dint work today so as usual, she went for her mahjong session. she wanted me to follow her so i was like erm. i going to library. lol. so while waiting. so couldnt go for cellgroup at kewei's. borrowed 3 books. lol. its nice! haha. anyways, went to visit daiyu after that at changi general hospital. he had fever. hope hes fine la uh. his ward was like A class please. he had scv and stuffs. the guys who visited him was like saying that they wanted to camp over there. HAHA. -.- mum came over at around 7 plus to fetch me! she said her mahjong will be over at 5 la. okay nvm. we went for dinner with jennifer at joo chiat. some porridge steamboat thingy. mum's friend, uncle stone, came over for a while from some coffeeshop. he was practically flirting with the waitress! lol. it was damn funny. he was talking to me in all teochew. i was like wth. after dinner, went to the coffeeshop and they chatted so i read my library books. lol. he was like suaning my mother saying that shes fat den he kept saying that shes not updating with the youngsters. went home at bout 11 plus.
okay bye al.the world is weird.12:11 AM
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MY DEAR FATIN. okay. its 12.05am now! lol. hope you enjoy yourself today. love you girl. ;Dwe had pit again! sort of celebrating haojie's birthday too. haha. it was fun. girlfriends without aly and nad, ruggers and the usual people! most people came! haha. met myn and made her wait for half an hour! sorry girl. junrong, jingying, alson, harry and hai came. we went to giant to get some of the stuffs. lol. yea.
went to the pit and stuffs. food food food. i ate the chickens.
usual stuffs. they cam-whore with my camera! will upload the pics later! ;D
yea. finn threw eggs at me. wth! ohwells. i couldnt find my slippers halfway. was so angry. lol. went down to the water again. fatin and mervyn pulled me down. wan carried me in. how crazy. i thot i was heavy and fat. anways, yea. i was wet like shit. felt so gross. but went to wash up after that.
took pictures! den walked to mac and slack alittle while. cabbed home with wan!
girlfriends minus aly and nad.  zak look retarded!  the birthday girl and me. ;)  you see they are cam-whoring. -.-  randomRANDOMrandom.     the birthday people + 2 extras.  lastly, the people without junrong and some of them. yea. ;DDD   right. last but not leastttttt, ME! bye world.its 12.57am now! ahhh.bloody blogger.12:03 AM
okay. this is getting nowhere. ive been sneezing like a mad dog and sneezing till my eyes are gonna pop out anytime. im doing my homework now and its bloody hell making me sleepy. okay. i bet some people out there miss me too much thats why im sneezing so much. hahaha. okay whatever.fatin's birthday tmr. ;DD 10:14 PM
HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY BROTHER ZHANWEI.;DDDDokay. maid told me that i have slight fever in the morning just now. i dont even feel it. went to sch again for class and band. they had some music exchange thingy so went to sengkang sec with sharif and casslyn. did nothing there cos dont have instruments. yea. junyuan sec was there too. mrs low's daughter, natalie, is super cute. junrong was like bullying her and forcing her to smile. how retarded. lol. oh and aly bite me just now. shes such an idiot today.     evidence of junrong bullying natalie. and forcing her to smile!    in the end, she gave a forced smile.  but she is stil very cute! ;DD  okay bye. 6:25 PM
okay. did i mention that im seriously sick! im down with a total flu or something. ive been sneezing like some idiot. my voice is stil as sexy and i think it got worse cos i cant even sing now.i just called aly to let her hear my sexy voice.im very nice HOR aly? lol. ;DDDdont be angry cos of that woman la k.not the short one the taller one im talking bout.lol. whatever it is. you have moiix.lurbbe euu.9:39 PM
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR JINGYING. her birthday was yesterday! dint go for her bbq. sorry dear. will make up to you k. loves.right. i was like kinda sick yesterday. severe headache and horrible sorethroat. it was so bad that my voice sounded freaktard sexy. yesterday; had to go to sch in the morning to hand up the english file den went to bedok to have breakfast at mac with myn and bee. i went home after that and met myn nad bee and raz to go to airport to do homework. it was obviously not a success. nad, myn and me ended up going to swensens for some ice-cream. it was superb. yea. met mervyn and boo at eastpoint after so much bugging. took many many pics yesterday!       we will walkk togedderr till tthe endd worrs.  zzz. andd still walkking worrs.   okay enough of pictures. theres more actually. went to sch for extra maths class. after that went for leadership course in the music room. it was alright. not as boring as i thought it would be. went for dinner with girlfriends after that. was really pissed, angry, frustrated, annoyed and exasperating. i mean i know im wrong for not going for band and stuffs but stil, is that a way to talk to your students? the sarcastic remarks and disgusting stares was just as irritating. we're obviously not rejecting the new conductor. just that we cant adapt to the changes. wads wrong with it now. yeah changes are inevitable in life but stil, we need the bloody freaktard time dammit. its not like we dint try or something. i must say that at least we TRIED. so have you ever TRIED understanding us and TRIED talking to us nicely? TRIED encouraging us properly? i dunno if you did. perphaps you did but i just dont see it. right. bye al. gonna do my homework now. 8:28 PM
April Chen
19 April
♥ my Bestfriends.
oh wow. wad a meaningful day.im a gullible kid. wow wow wow.so now wad? tell me. what else.anyways, its quite a gay day today. i dunno why. 1st April starts tmr which means my birthday is coming in like 20 days. how exciting but when your birthday is over, its no longer exciting anymore. ):ran 2.4km for PE. my timing suck cos i walk all the way after half of the round. yea. nothing much exciting happen just that i was fooled, i was bullied by aly and i bullied aly.aly, fatin and me were practically fighting at the table. it was obviously me and fatin against her so yea. she was so irritating. i said sorry like so many times and she went to hit me. she gave me a tough kick on my bone and theres a blueblack now. wad a sucker but she got her retribution by falling down right on her butt. err. buttcheeks. lol. yea.ohyeah i went for band too. they had parade reheasal and band is not in the parade. how crappy and sucky. i got soo jealous when i saw them marching in together! thats so unfair. but ohwells im so glad the conductor isnt here.it was raining! i couldnt walk to the bus stop so i had to take a cab. my girls waited for the cab with me. how sweet of them. they're all very sweet. the erm. 8 of them! i love everyone of them. they were like making me smile after that. ;Di love girlfriends. ;Di dislike you. ;DDDohyeah, did i mention that i was made a fool?oh wait. i think i did.
i think i dint blog yesterday.i had fever! ): was feeling so terrible.wednesday;wanted to go for band after writing the essay that im supposed to hand in to Ms Hoori but was feeling really unwell so just sat at the canteen. i went home after that with nad and aly. i fell asleep somehow and they were on the com dont know doing wad. yea. was feeling so horrid. legs are aching.thursday-today;dint wanted to go to sch today but just went cos i THOT i was okay but nooo. im not. i went to sch and i had fever again. was feeling so hot yet so cold in class. a severe headache. anyways, went to simpang after sch with my girlfriends and the boys. ate and went back to sch for chem class. okay. -.-(edited) wan had concussion. he couldnt remember everything. yeah. i sent him home with fatin and ros. thanks girls. i dont know wad i would do without you two man! haha. i was freaking out ald. yea. hes fine now. (:okay i think my fever is gone but i think its coming back again.bloody fever. you suck.
dint blog yesterday. shall blog now.im doing my socialstudies essay.monday;I LOVE MONDAYS! class usually end very quickly. thats why i love it. anyways, lessons are arent that boring too. it was raining frogs and fishes. -.- kewei. lol. after sch went out with my girlfriends to siglap to eat lunch. lol. alyssa was so effffffing irritating please. after that, we went to katong to get uniform and it will only open at 4. we sat around some coffeeshop and waited till 4. they came to my house after that. it was fun i must say cos we were bullying aly together. i love them like hell. HAHAHA. aly and nad left earlier. ros and myn stayed till bout 10. we had a very nice dinner! ;Dtuesday;ohright. today. i hate tuesday. 6 periods of Mrs Tan which is totally erm. ... whatever. class always seem never-ending cos it ends at 2.20. waited for mum to come den went to buy my phone. met aunty pat, uncle david, aunty pauline and jennifer for a while. they were saying tat i grew alot. hahaha. slept just now. wooo.
i went to do the speech day project at terence's. we did most of it except for the presentation part. yeah. what else. sean tagged along. i havent complete my history source-based questions! gosh. i did one like yesterday, three more to go. school starts again tmr. how sad, sundays are so sad because the next day is school. so dreadful. physics report. UGHHHHHHH. so annoying.
nadiah wants me to blog bout her but somehow,i seriously have nothing to say bout her.well, nadiah is a girl and she gets excited easily. when she get excited, her hands will start fanning herself like as if shes won some beauty pegnant and she will start smiling like crazy. she used to be very egoistic but now her ego-ness went down alittle which is obviously a darn-good thing. HAHA. okay. what else bout her? i dont know. cant think right now besides her excited-ness.shes dumb too! lol. but shes in 3A. wth.i shall use brown. since she likes brown.
i got the sec1 camp pics! from khadijah. she burned the pics to the cd i gave her! shall upload some of them. ask me for the cd and i shall lend it to you. to burn it into your com. MUAhaha...             okay pictures are till here. mum just called me what is the samsung model i wanted. and i told her and she ask the person and the person say no stock. bloody shit.
HAhaHAhaHAhaHA.i was supposed to complete the fiesta project today. it is taking so much of our time and i also heard that the learning fiesta will be pushed forward. its such a rush that we dont even have enough time. the things we have to do is like more than the time we actually have. back to the project but it was cancelled due to some unpredictable reasons so it was changed to tomorrow.IF I KNOW THAT THE PEOJECT WILL BE CANCELLED, i would have follow my mum to East Ocean for lunch with aunty pat they al. ): i only had potato chips for lunch but i dont feel hungry so forget it!well well well, school is so busy.sec3 life really suck. ):i thot i concluded that in the beginning of the year.wad a bad year.so much problems.
lessons in the morning.was supposed to run 2.4km for pe.but knowing that the pe teachers were kind enough to think that we have Xcountry in the afternoon, i think they change it to next week or something so we did the 5 stations. i think i only did shuttle run and standing broad jump. yeah.ohyeah. did i mention that shamyn came back to school today! i was overjoyed i tell you. she was sitting behind me in the hall and i kept turning behind to smile at her! fear not, imma no lesbian.okay. i thot my day would be fine and all.the rest of the day dint turn out like this.forget it, whatever.went home first den met my girlfriends at eastpoint and took a cab down to bedok reservior. its nothing like crossing the country! more like crossing the stupid reservior. okay i ran. my position suck cos i kept stopping. for that moment i thot i was going to faint but i dint of cos. i got like 28. how stupid. aly and me were like complaining that our legs are breaking. okay so whatever.the usual ones went to tamp to wait for wan and boo to come. we had dinner and ros came. yeah we crapped and stuffs till the people had to tell us to lower our volumes and to be more considerate, we left the place.i was supposed to go for wendy's chalet. decided to give it miss.seriously no mood for anything.so yeah. this is a whatever day.it sucks.
shamyn dint come again! i feel so depressed. lol.alyssa dint come too. how sad. ):MUAMUA.anyways, sch was just normal today. nothing much.got bullied during physics cos im alone!damn shahrin and the zao.yeah. okay. miss abraham walked into my class today during english cos of the litters on the floor. err i think. no matter what, i just cant stand sch. its so stressful! projects and homework. tests and exams. i dont even know if i can cope. im so scared. i totally dread going to sch right now. its like a chore but one thing that keeps me going is my friends, classmates and SOME of the teachers that i like. HURHUR. -.- they are all so crappy. hm. yeah :)had class till 5. before that went to bedok corner to eat. yeah.lalalala. H O M E >>>
okay. sch. shamyn dint come! ): i miss her, seriously. anyways. had band after sch. right. band stil suck like hell but im gonna just go for the sake of going and my clarinet. whatever. i totally dislike you. not gonna use such a strong word like hate. but i seriously detest you. okay. went for dinner and home. inequalities and POA test tmr. wth. physics test change to next wed. so many projects are coming along. this is so stressful.
edited/HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SPP AND CHAN!lol. forgot to post just now!well, doubt chan is gonna see this but who cares.:)right. im waiting for wendy to come. its ald 8.05. wth.tuesdays sucks. well, today suck.we had mass run in the morning. 2 rounds and next week onwards 3 rounds. its terrible. Xcounty this friday. i thot it was crazy cos PE for firday, we're running 2.4km and we have Xcountry after sch. its kinda crazy. mrs tan changed the seating arrangment in class today. i thot it was just as useless cos she placed all the noisy boys together so wads the point of rearranging the class. whatever it is. 6 periods of maths. well, she expects me to bring both Emaths and Amaths textbook when we have lessons. she doesnt allow us to share. wads her problem. its so heavy. tuesdays suck. yea.took a cab home just now cos bag was so heavy and so many books to carry!okay. bye al. i think she come ald. -.-
oh look at nadiah. -.-  my classmate, my girlfriend and my crazy one.  okay this is me! ;D  school starts today. nothing horrible happened i guess. the usual talks during IR period. sch was normal i guess. i got alittle restless at the end of the lessons. i kind of love mondays. lessons arent that draggy so yea. whatever. its stil sch. went to paya lebar after sch for lunch with 5 of my girlfriends. aly and nad left for other places. lc went back. so myn, ros and me went to coffeebean to slack. yea did nothing much. we went home. i waited for the bus for like so effing long please cos i missed the bus before that. a double-decked one and i ended up having to squeeze in the small single deck bus packed with people. its like sardine! k. i dislike tuesdays and wednesdays. somehow. i dunno. its so boring. yawns.
so ive heard. my mum had some mysterious caller calling her the whole day today. she said that person called and dint talk. wth! ohwells. HAHAHA. thats funny.okay. i finish reading one book i borrowed from the library yesterday. "Fresh Off The Boat" thats the title. its not bad i guess. yea. gonna start on another one. 2 more to go and another from nad.this sucks. hols are ending and i dint even go for any retail therapy! thats really erm. saddening for a girl. anyways, i slept at 4 last morning night cos was on the phone with mervyn and it was so noisy in the morning due to some shit renovations or something. it was so bloody noisy and annoying. mum and i were like complaining bout it since yesterday. it suck. totally.~!@#$%^&*()_+
so i thot today was supposed to be a stay home day for me. i was supposed to have tuition in the monring but mum told me to cancel it cos it was way too noisy for tuition due to some stupid renovation. so yea. i changed it to tuesday afternoon.
mum dint work today so as usual, she went for her mahjong session. she wanted me to follow her so i was like erm. i going to library. lol. so while waiting. so couldnt go for cellgroup at kewei's. borrowed 3 books. lol. its nice! haha. anyways, went to visit daiyu after that at changi general hospital. he had fever. hope hes fine la uh. his ward was like A class please. he had scv and stuffs. the guys who visited him was like saying that they wanted to camp over there. HAHA. -.- mum came over at around 7 plus to fetch me! she said her mahjong will be over at 5 la. okay nvm. we went for dinner with jennifer at joo chiat. some porridge steamboat thingy. mum's friend, uncle stone, came over for a while from some coffeeshop. he was practically flirting with the waitress! lol. it was damn funny. he was talking to me in all teochew. i was like wth. after dinner, went to the coffeeshop and they chatted so i read my library books. lol. he was like suaning my mother saying that shes fat den he kept saying that shes not updating with the youngsters. went home at bout 11 plus.
okay bye al.the world is weird.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MY DEAR FATIN. okay. its 12.05am now! lol. hope you enjoy yourself today. love you girl. ;Dwe had pit again! sort of celebrating haojie's birthday too. haha. it was fun. girlfriends without aly and nad, ruggers and the usual people! most people came! haha. met myn and made her wait for half an hour! sorry girl. junrong, jingying, alson, harry and hai came. we went to giant to get some of the stuffs. lol. yea.
went to the pit and stuffs. food food food. i ate the chickens.
usual stuffs. they cam-whore with my camera! will upload the pics later! ;D
yea. finn threw eggs at me. wth! ohwells. i couldnt find my slippers halfway. was so angry. lol. went down to the water again. fatin and mervyn pulled me down. wan carried me in. how crazy. i thot i was heavy and fat. anways, yea. i was wet like shit. felt so gross. but went to wash up after that.
took pictures! den walked to mac and slack alittle while. cabbed home with wan!
girlfriends minus aly and nad.  zak look retarded!  the birthday girl and me. ;)  you see they are cam-whoring. -.-  randomRANDOMrandom.     the birthday people + 2 extras.  lastly, the people without junrong and some of them. yea. ;DDD   right. last but not leastttttt, ME! bye world.its 12.57am now! ahhh.bloody blogger.
okay. this is getting nowhere. ive been sneezing like a mad dog and sneezing till my eyes are gonna pop out anytime. im doing my homework now and its bloody hell making me sleepy. okay. i bet some people out there miss me too much thats why im sneezing so much. hahaha. okay whatever.fatin's birthday tmr. ;DD
HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY BROTHER ZHANWEI.;DDDDokay. maid told me that i have slight fever in the morning just now. i dont even feel it. went to sch again for class and band. they had some music exchange thingy so went to sengkang sec with sharif and casslyn. did nothing there cos dont have instruments. yea. junyuan sec was there too. mrs low's daughter, natalie, is super cute. junrong was like bullying her and forcing her to smile. how retarded. lol. oh and aly bite me just now. shes such an idiot today.     evidence of junrong bullying natalie. and forcing her to smile!    in the end, she gave a forced smile.  but she is stil very cute! ;DD  okay bye.
okay. did i mention that im seriously sick! im down with a total flu or something. ive been sneezing like some idiot. my voice is stil as sexy and i think it got worse cos i cant even sing now.i just called aly to let her hear my sexy voice.im very nice HOR aly? lol. ;DDDdont be angry cos of that woman la k.not the short one the taller one im talking bout.lol. whatever it is. you have moiix.lurbbe euu.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR JINGYING. her birthday was yesterday! dint go for her bbq. sorry dear. will make up to you k. loves.right. i was like kinda sick yesterday. severe headache and horrible sorethroat. it was so bad that my voice sounded freaktard sexy. yesterday; had to go to sch in the morning to hand up the english file den went to bedok to have breakfast at mac with myn and bee. i went home after that and met myn nad bee and raz to go to airport to do homework. it was obviously not a success. nad, myn and me ended up going to swensens for some ice-cream. it was superb. yea. met mervyn and boo at eastpoint after so much bugging. took many many pics yesterday!       we will walkk togedderr till tthe endd worrs.  zzz. andd still walkking worrs.   okay enough of pictures. theres more actually. went to sch for extra maths class. after that went for leadership course in the music room. it was alright. not as boring as i thought it would be. went for dinner with girlfriends after that. was really pissed, angry, frustrated, annoyed and exasperating. i mean i know im wrong for not going for band and stuffs but stil, is that a way to talk to your students? the sarcastic remarks and disgusting stares was just as irritating. we're obviously not rejecting the new conductor. just that we cant adapt to the changes. wads wrong with it now. yeah changes are inevitable in life but stil, we need the bloody freaktard time dammit. its not like we dint try or something. i must say that at least we TRIED. so have you ever TRIED understanding us and TRIED talking to us nicely? TRIED encouraging us properly? i dunno if you did. perphaps you did but i just dont see it. right. bye al. gonna do my homework now.