HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEITING. :)hello im back to blog again. i cant resist the temptation and the distraction of this bloody com. read aly's blog. i miss GIRLFRIENDS too. yes, we're all drifting apart. its always me, myn, ros, nad and aly. the others are usually busy with their own stuffs. no matter what, i'll stil love them with all i have.they're the ones who cheer me up.they're the ones who wipe away my tears.they're the ones who listens to my grumbles.bascially, they're the ones who share all the sadness, anger, tears, laughters, smiles and fun with me. =)yes, i knoow. very lesbian but just shut up la. okay back to some normal blogging. exams are like coming. im so scared. its like having a heart attack anytime. theres this teacher whos really stressing us up. shant mention who, in case, i get call up again. this teacher is stressing us like tmr is our o'lvls. i know this teacher meant well but our olvls is stil next year, not now. theres also this teacher whos really annoying. i really cant stand this teacher. this teacher is so super annoying and okay nvm. shant go on and elaborate. i miss mervyn! hes not in sch anymore. lol. but i guess he's stil just as annoying. heeeeh. okay bye! 5:29 PM
havent been using the com for like days. so as you can seee, i havent been blogging as well. midyear is coming. im just gonna blog a quick one. not gonna use the com that often until exams are over. been having tuitions and shit like that. its so bloody stress in sch. we had 4 periods of amaths and 4 periods of english today. i know wth. its hard to absorb. teachers are stressing the shit out of us. its so metally taxing and of cos, physically taxing. okay bye! im going to complete my half-way done history essay. shall blog soon. 11:29 PM
it was my sch's learning fiesta and speechday yesterday. it was kinda boring compared to last year's. last year's was hella blast! we were baking cookies in the kitchen. this year, band had to play for the parade and we dint have much to do. walked around and was only released at bout 1 plus by band. Mr Jais came back yesterday! all of us were lightened up when we see him. my eyes got teary when i saw him. i know its super emotional. but just shut up. lol. whatever it is, some stuffs happened yesterday which isnt exactly pleasant. shant blog bout it. lol. will only upload a few pictures. in case its considered as offensive. went to tamp mall with my girlfriends and khai. ros had npdp. myn injured herself. nad and zak went off with irni and gang. lc went for npdp. walked around and had lunch. bought stuffs again. went to tamp stadium to meet wan and the others. lol. went to downtown. wan called my mum to ask if i could go. yea. was told to be back before 9. =) com isnt working yesterday so couldnt blog. now waiting for my tutor to come for tuition. my gosh. midyear is approaching like some monster. wth.    okay thats all. bye! 1:11 PM
its 11.43 now and im stil not sleeping when i have to meet aly at bout 7am. actually, i slept just now, from 6 plus till 11. stil feeling alittle tired and sleepy.lessons ended at 10.35 but we are only allowed to get out of sch at 12.15 which kinda doesnt make sense. lol. so much for thinking that we could get out of sch straight. myn is back in sch! had 2.4 today and i think my timing suck like hell. i jog through out slowly which is in another words, walking quickly. lol. at least i pass, its finally overrr.3B, C and D got screwed by Ms Abraham after recess and we all were held back for like one period? 3D was given one hour detention for playing chinese chess and not paying attention during chinese class cos BB complained. we were all screwed cos our classmates dint go to the hall and line up. yea.went to ros aunty's shop for lunch! ros treated us. only fatin, myn, aly and me were there. myn and aly went to library. fatin, ros and me went back to sch. ros went for np. yea.learning fiesta and speechday tmr.this whole week is super hectic.i cant wait for the whole thing to be over.im getting worried for my midyear.11:44 PM
thursday. shamyn dint come today. think shes sick uh. i miss her noise and nonsense. izaidah came back to sch today. shes like crazy. lessons and lessons. as usual. had physics and history test. screwed both so yea. lol. went to simpang with 3 girlfriends. raining. was wet. took cab back to sch. chem lessons. Mr Edward took over. waited for khadijah. HOME. =) lessons till 10.35 tmr. WHOA WHOA.    this was on the band board. thank you bandits. =)  7:44 PM
hi people. i just had my worse birthday ever. i mean yes. by far, the worse birthday. i got nothing to say bout it. so whoever it is, just shutup. thank you to the people who wished me. and the presents. yeah and thanks to the physics guys for the birthday-ings. sorry if my face is ultra black. sorry if my face pissed you off. but its just too bad for you. so why am i saying sorry. go and die. sorry if my attitude sucks. ah whatever. bye. 8:35 PM
the week starts. i had chemistry test today which i think i totally screwed it.school is really stressing.k this is so out of point.my birthday is in like 2 days time? how exciting. -.-a very strong feeling that its gonna be boring. ):okay. its just birthday. my 15th birthday.ohwells. we took class photo today! i think i look horrible. i couldnt decide how to smile! it looks super fake. just gonna pray hard that i dont look THAT horrendous in the year book or in the picture. the first fun shot was screwed. the second one was better! the boys were like right in front of us dont know doing wad. lol.went out with my girlfriends after sch. only the 5 of us. myn, ros, aly, nad and me. ate at pizzahut. yea talked and shit like that. walked around after that. aly and me bought bras. it was on sale! how sweet. went home after that.realised that i dint get to see wan and the others today.okay whatever.im like addicted to Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean- hips dont lie.but its reggae erm. or whatever it is. lol.i like this malay song, pudar- Rossa, i thot the tune is damn nice. lol.6:44 PM
apparently, ive been out for like 2 and a half whole days. cos i just got back from church and airport. im going to my grandma's for some birthday dinner thingy. so yea. i reckon that if this continues, and my results are not good for midyear, my mother is so gonna skin me alive please. i must know my limits. im a good girl. HAHA. went to church in the morning. i overslept. thank God kewei called me. wan called me 3 times at 7.30 but i dint even hear a single shit in my sleep. okay so rushed to church. easter service. the drama was as usual great. there were sound effects and whatever it is. the drama was superb. headed to airport for lunch at popeyes and slacked around the viewing mall with some cam-bitchin. took pictures. okay shall post some pics for some viewing pleasure.  haha the escalator isnt working. the people climbing up. LOL.  us trying to act emo. liF3 sucKs$.    okay now waiting for my aunty to come over to pick me. laters people. ah. school starts again tmr. sighhhh. 4:10 PM
HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY TO AL. and happy birthday to chinkiat. :)
i went out with my girlfriends today. it was raining like frogs and fishes. was supposed to meet at 1.45 at expo bus stop but ended up meeting them at 3? sorry darlings.
went to the expo book fair thingy. bought one book from there. theres this john-little sale and some warehouse sale. the warehouse sale sold branded clothes like armani exchange, abercomie and fitch, roxy, hollister and erm. newbie? which i dont exactly count as branded. haha. ohwells but dint get any cos the designs were alittle weird and shit like that.
headed to plaza sing after that to look for myn's skirt. saw many nice stuffs over there. i want the dorothy pekins little erm. bag. the "bag" is super plain but yet really nice. so formal yet so casual. ah. okays forget it. i shall get it some other time. myn found her black skirt over at emphasis. shes gonna wear it tmr! i got this skirt from hula&co. ros got this shirt from outfitter girls. yea. zak went back earlier. was bored so we went to take prints!
took some pictures but ah lazy to upload. another day. i scanned the prints.
bye al. hollaback crew finals tmr! ;D9:46 PM
hello people. school finally end this week!its been such a shag week. supposed to have both history and chem test today.but thank god, it was cancelled. all lessons ended at 1.50 due to the speechday full dress rehearsal. yea.went for band after sch. rehearsed. the usual thing. waited for wan to come. went to simpang to eat with the people including joy! its been so long since i last ate or whatever with her. felt good. ate and went home. i felt so stressed cos i thot theres sch tmr.good friday tmr.hollaback crew finals on sat!mum's not celebrating my birthday with me. how sad please cos im busy with sch. shes busy with work. so yea. its okay. its just another birthday i have many more to go. ;Dfor once, i dont feel like blogging.9:53 PM
AHH. I THOT JOY RECEIVED MY BIRTHDAY MSG TO HER!i dint know her line was cancelled by her mother. -.-wth. anyways, i just typed the msg to her on msn again.such a tiring day. im sure its gonna be the same for tmr and friday due to the speechday rehearsal and she stil dont want to tell us if we're playing anot. wads your problemmmm. its just a yes or a no. issit THAT hard? whatever.lessons and lessons. went for band after sch. rehearsal at the quadrangle. the weather was effing hot i tell you. its like burning. we couldnt even open our eyes. the saliva in my clarinet evaporated too. full-dress rehearsal tmr. i cant wait for this to end.yea. bout 1 more week to my birthday.oh-so-exciting. but when its over! den its not exciting anymore.IT HARDDDDD.9:19 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY. <3tuesdays. 6 periods of maths.tired chasing rin in class. rin lost. HAHA. i drew pictures of me, rin, myn and suf on ru's fullscrap. yeah. nothing exciting happened. besides having a POA test after sch which i totally screwed it. so yea. had tuition just now. felt super grumpy cos i was so sleepy and i was forced to wake up. bloody. lol.anyways. yea. byebye! theres this video bout the fake memoirs of geisha which is damn funny. i cant seem to put the video html here. okay shall just post the link.http://youtube.com/watch?v=j-Sp28shL_Ego watch! ;D10:54 PM
monday blues.lessons. after sch, almost all of us were so blue. its like we're so quiet which was kinda unusual. waited for everybody. the girls, faiz and me went to mediacorp thingy to collect the hollaback crew finals tixs. yeah. theres some problem at first but it was settled after that. yeah. went to toa payoh central for like late lunch. we all except myn took 8 back. we were like talking and talking. lol. faiz the black one. -.-ah damn. tuesday. 6 periods of maths. kill me.no no kiss me. HEEEEH.oh. my left shoulder is like burnt by the sun. -.-6:51 PM
this is so annoying. projects, projects AND MORE PROJECTS. the speech day or learning fiesta project is taking too much of our time. finding the artefacts and doing the presentation. RUGBY SINGAPORE SEVENS. if not for the project, i'll be there watching the damn thing now. okay. mayb i'll try tmr after tuition. damn tuition. argh. everyday is so packed yet i stil need to find time for tuition. but well, i need tuition. my lessons end at 2.20 on tuesday but yet we have so many endless extra this and extra that. extra test and extra homework. wth. this is sooo exasperating. ): okay this is so random. randomly complaining bout the things around me.complaining isnt gonna help much but yea i stil want to complain.i abhor school. i detest school. i dislike school.its so stressful please. -.-1:30 PM
its been such a tired week! finally, its friday.3 periods of POA today. i couldnt concentrate cos i was too sleepy and tired. before that, we had napfa test! i screwed my standing broad jump! the rest was alright. As and Bs but i had a D for my sbj. how sick. all i need to do now is to get at least a C for my 2.4 and have a retest for my sbj! my muscles are so gonna ache for the next few days.went for band. ah whatever. the condigents said that the songs we played were like funeral. they ALL detest it. she kept changing the counts. its so annoying. totally different from mr jais. the weather was like hothothot. ohyeah, did i mention that they are stil deciding if me and aly should perform due to our drastic atttendence but at least we stil know how to play? anyways, WTH. hehehe. we're stil on the pending thingy. band is like err. ive got no comments bout it.okay singapore sevens tmr! i hope boo gets the tixs so i can go on sunday. doubt i can go tmr cos i have to fix the presentation thingy. shit mannnzxs.hollaback crew finals coming up! lol. whoa.i better get started on my midyear revisions.i cant afford to do badly. >:(okay. bye al.10:10 PM
It was just another schoolday. Right.Anyway, lessons were as per normal. I yawned 7 times in history class today because I was really tired. Girlfriends did not go to simpang today cos most of them couldnt go. Aly, Fatin and me slacked in school till class starts. Chem was fun! Rin and zao were trying to act emo on the table. Ms Chan allowed us to do some practical today cos she finish teaching what she is supposed to teach. Was supposed to go some slime thingy but it wasnt a success. It become like some potatoe. The one zao made was like a ball, a fishball, it was bouncing! lol. They wanted to throw it at me. ): Okay whatever. I went to Eastpoint to collect Gladys' phone. HUHUHUHU.-.- What a boring day.To end off, RIN SUCKS.9:12 PM
+HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!okay shall blog cos RIN said i dint blog.4 periods of maths today. i was so sleepy during class today. dont understand why too. whatever it is, i chased rin everywhere just to throw this paperball on his head. its all his fault that i got so tired. well, i WON anyways. lol.i went for band. kel came! i dint even get to touch my clarinet. the sec2 boy was using it so decided to just let him use. shall be nice.it was raining so heavily after band! i was almost ALL wet. just hope i wont fall sick again. myn, ros, aly and fatin came over just now. before that we had dinner at eastpoint. myn and me did the physics presentation thingy. well, its alittle screwed but yea screw it.rin is like rushing me to blog cos he wants to spam on my tagboard. well, he sucks.RIL ROCKS! =)okay whatever it is, i should be nice to him cos hes helping me converting the rollercoaster video format for my physics presentation. my report sucks. i cant find any pics. ARGH. so pissed and guess wad? i havent bathe. ):10:52 PM
this is such a tiring day. its like continuation of studying without any breaks or stops except for recess and the 10 minutes break after sch. how annoying. we had extra POA lessons today cos Mrs Liau thot that we were quite slow and we need to speed up. okay. after the POA lessons, we had our english essay test. it was so irritating. it was raining frogs and fishes, and cats and dogs. the thunder was so loud. izaidah, casslyn and me were like freaked out. amos and terence were busy screaming. how retarded. nad and fatin waited for us. met wan on bus10. HOME.okay. i have to do my homework.ohyeah. i had my chinese test. i totally screwed it. chinese sucks.6:19 PM
i am so bored. what a sunday. sundays are usually boring.
so rightt. just felt like blogging. school starts again tmr. midyear is coming really really soon. dammit, it seems like commontest was just over and now midyear is just round the corner! damn you midyear.
mondays usually rock simply because theres no mass run, theres no maths and theres no physics. life's good without maths and physics. erm. yeah. mondays are usually quite free. before you even know it, lessons end. THATS WHY ITS GREAT.
i need clothes. new clothes. im so sick with all the clothes i have in the cupboard. just felt like throwing everything into the dustbin. goodbye clothes. some of you suck cos you made me look fat. thats how you suffer when you make me look fat! MUAHAHA. >:c
i need to get new slip-ons and whatever.
okay this is bloody random. some time back. 5:31 PM
sunday. sunday blues. gonna have tuition. supposed to have it at like bout 12 and its 1.09 now. yeah. might be meeting my mother after her work for some esprit retail therapy! she has some 20% thingy. whoa whoa. tell me bout it but later she leave me again. lol. -.- im on msn now. talking to shahrin. hes telling me and zao how does orchard look like yesterday? he explained that it was like a human zoo. wads worse, he got owned by his mom. heeeh. he loves calling me RIL. just cos i call him RIN at times. wad an idiot.(edited) rin asked me to mention zao in my blog. okay. so right. zao is an idiot. he's damn smelly. oh. and rin sang with me on msn. LOL. when he dint exactly realise that he was doing something so stupid. well, thats RIN. he thinks that he's big just cos he's older den me by 10 days. like wah. wad a difference! RIN is scared of ZAO.1:10 PM
April Chen
19 April
♥ my Bestfriends.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEITING. :)hello im back to blog again. i cant resist the temptation and the distraction of this bloody com. read aly's blog. i miss GIRLFRIENDS too. yes, we're all drifting apart. its always me, myn, ros, nad and aly. the others are usually busy with their own stuffs. no matter what, i'll stil love them with all i have.they're the ones who cheer me up.they're the ones who wipe away my tears.they're the ones who listens to my grumbles.bascially, they're the ones who share all the sadness, anger, tears, laughters, smiles and fun with me. =)yes, i knoow. very lesbian but just shut up la. okay back to some normal blogging. exams are like coming. im so scared. its like having a heart attack anytime. theres this teacher whos really stressing us up. shant mention who, in case, i get call up again. this teacher is stressing us like tmr is our o'lvls. i know this teacher meant well but our olvls is stil next year, not now. theres also this teacher whos really annoying. i really cant stand this teacher. this teacher is so super annoying and okay nvm. shant go on and elaborate. i miss mervyn! hes not in sch anymore. lol. but i guess he's stil just as annoying. heeeeh. okay bye!
havent been using the com for like days. so as you can seee, i havent been blogging as well. midyear is coming. im just gonna blog a quick one. not gonna use the com that often until exams are over. been having tuitions and shit like that. its so bloody stress in sch. we had 4 periods of amaths and 4 periods of english today. i know wth. its hard to absorb. teachers are stressing the shit out of us. its so metally taxing and of cos, physically taxing. okay bye! im going to complete my half-way done history essay. shall blog soon.
it was my sch's learning fiesta and speechday yesterday. it was kinda boring compared to last year's. last year's was hella blast! we were baking cookies in the kitchen. this year, band had to play for the parade and we dint have much to do. walked around and was only released at bout 1 plus by band. Mr Jais came back yesterday! all of us were lightened up when we see him. my eyes got teary when i saw him. i know its super emotional. but just shut up. lol. whatever it is, some stuffs happened yesterday which isnt exactly pleasant. shant blog bout it. lol. will only upload a few pictures. in case its considered as offensive. went to tamp mall with my girlfriends and khai. ros had npdp. myn injured herself. nad and zak went off with irni and gang. lc went for npdp. walked around and had lunch. bought stuffs again. went to tamp stadium to meet wan and the others. lol. went to downtown. wan called my mum to ask if i could go. yea. was told to be back before 9. =) com isnt working yesterday so couldnt blog. now waiting for my tutor to come for tuition. my gosh. midyear is approaching like some monster. wth.    okay thats all. bye!
its 11.43 now and im stil not sleeping when i have to meet aly at bout 7am. actually, i slept just now, from 6 plus till 11. stil feeling alittle tired and sleepy.lessons ended at 10.35 but we are only allowed to get out of sch at 12.15 which kinda doesnt make sense. lol. so much for thinking that we could get out of sch straight. myn is back in sch! had 2.4 today and i think my timing suck like hell. i jog through out slowly which is in another words, walking quickly. lol. at least i pass, its finally overrr.3B, C and D got screwed by Ms Abraham after recess and we all were held back for like one period? 3D was given one hour detention for playing chinese chess and not paying attention during chinese class cos BB complained. we were all screwed cos our classmates dint go to the hall and line up. yea.went to ros aunty's shop for lunch! ros treated us. only fatin, myn, aly and me were there. myn and aly went to library. fatin, ros and me went back to sch. ros went for np. yea.learning fiesta and speechday tmr.this whole week is super hectic.i cant wait for the whole thing to be over.im getting worried for my midyear.
thursday. shamyn dint come today. think shes sick uh. i miss her noise and nonsense. izaidah came back to sch today. shes like crazy. lessons and lessons. as usual. had physics and history test. screwed both so yea. lol. went to simpang with 3 girlfriends. raining. was wet. took cab back to sch. chem lessons. Mr Edward took over. waited for khadijah. HOME. =) lessons till 10.35 tmr. WHOA WHOA.    this was on the band board. thank you bandits. =)
hi people. i just had my worse birthday ever. i mean yes. by far, the worse birthday. i got nothing to say bout it. so whoever it is, just shutup. thank you to the people who wished me. and the presents. yeah and thanks to the physics guys for the birthday-ings. sorry if my face is ultra black. sorry if my face pissed you off. but its just too bad for you. so why am i saying sorry. go and die. sorry if my attitude sucks. ah whatever. bye.
the week starts. i had chemistry test today which i think i totally screwed it.school is really stressing.k this is so out of point.my birthday is in like 2 days time? how exciting. -.-a very strong feeling that its gonna be boring. ):okay. its just birthday. my 15th birthday.ohwells. we took class photo today! i think i look horrible. i couldnt decide how to smile! it looks super fake. just gonna pray hard that i dont look THAT horrendous in the year book or in the picture. the first fun shot was screwed. the second one was better! the boys were like right in front of us dont know doing wad. lol.went out with my girlfriends after sch. only the 5 of us. myn, ros, aly, nad and me. ate at pizzahut. yea talked and shit like that. walked around after that. aly and me bought bras. it was on sale! how sweet. went home after that.realised that i dint get to see wan and the others today.okay whatever.im like addicted to Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean- hips dont lie.but its reggae erm. or whatever it is. lol.i like this malay song, pudar- Rossa, i thot the tune is damn nice. lol.
apparently, ive been out for like 2 and a half whole days. cos i just got back from church and airport. im going to my grandma's for some birthday dinner thingy. so yea. i reckon that if this continues, and my results are not good for midyear, my mother is so gonna skin me alive please. i must know my limits. im a good girl. HAHA. went to church in the morning. i overslept. thank God kewei called me. wan called me 3 times at 7.30 but i dint even hear a single shit in my sleep. okay so rushed to church. easter service. the drama was as usual great. there were sound effects and whatever it is. the drama was superb. headed to airport for lunch at popeyes and slacked around the viewing mall with some cam-bitchin. took pictures. okay shall post some pics for some viewing pleasure.  haha the escalator isnt working. the people climbing up. LOL.  us trying to act emo. liF3 sucKs$.    okay now waiting for my aunty to come over to pick me. laters people. ah. school starts again tmr. sighhhh.
HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY TO AL. and happy birthday to chinkiat. :)
i went out with my girlfriends today. it was raining like frogs and fishes. was supposed to meet at 1.45 at expo bus stop but ended up meeting them at 3? sorry darlings.
went to the expo book fair thingy. bought one book from there. theres this john-little sale and some warehouse sale. the warehouse sale sold branded clothes like armani exchange, abercomie and fitch, roxy, hollister and erm. newbie? which i dont exactly count as branded. haha. ohwells but dint get any cos the designs were alittle weird and shit like that.
headed to plaza sing after that to look for myn's skirt. saw many nice stuffs over there. i want the dorothy pekins little erm. bag. the "bag" is super plain but yet really nice. so formal yet so casual. ah. okays forget it. i shall get it some other time. myn found her black skirt over at emphasis. shes gonna wear it tmr! i got this skirt from hula&co. ros got this shirt from outfitter girls. yea. zak went back earlier. was bored so we went to take prints!
took some pictures but ah lazy to upload. another day. i scanned the prints.
bye al. hollaback crew finals tmr! ;D
hello people. school finally end this week!its been such a shag week. supposed to have both history and chem test today.but thank god, it was cancelled. all lessons ended at 1.50 due to the speechday full dress rehearsal. yea.went for band after sch. rehearsed. the usual thing. waited for wan to come. went to simpang to eat with the people including joy! its been so long since i last ate or whatever with her. felt good. ate and went home. i felt so stressed cos i thot theres sch tmr.good friday tmr.hollaback crew finals on sat!mum's not celebrating my birthday with me. how sad please cos im busy with sch. shes busy with work. so yea. its okay. its just another birthday i have many more to go. ;Dfor once, i dont feel like blogging.
AHH. I THOT JOY RECEIVED MY BIRTHDAY MSG TO HER!i dint know her line was cancelled by her mother. -.-wth. anyways, i just typed the msg to her on msn again.such a tiring day. im sure its gonna be the same for tmr and friday due to the speechday rehearsal and she stil dont want to tell us if we're playing anot. wads your problemmmm. its just a yes or a no. issit THAT hard? whatever.lessons and lessons. went for band after sch. rehearsal at the quadrangle. the weather was effing hot i tell you. its like burning. we couldnt even open our eyes. the saliva in my clarinet evaporated too. full-dress rehearsal tmr. i cant wait for this to end.yea. bout 1 more week to my birthday.oh-so-exciting. but when its over! den its not exciting anymore.IT HARDDDDD.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY. <3tuesdays. 6 periods of maths.tired chasing rin in class. rin lost. HAHA. i drew pictures of me, rin, myn and suf on ru's fullscrap. yeah. nothing exciting happened. besides having a POA test after sch which i totally screwed it. so yea. had tuition just now. felt super grumpy cos i was so sleepy and i was forced to wake up. bloody. lol.anyways. yea. byebye! theres this video bout the fake memoirs of geisha which is damn funny. i cant seem to put the video html here. okay shall just post the link.http://youtube.com/watch?v=j-Sp28shL_Ego watch! ;D
monday blues.lessons. after sch, almost all of us were so blue. its like we're so quiet which was kinda unusual. waited for everybody. the girls, faiz and me went to mediacorp thingy to collect the hollaback crew finals tixs. yeah. theres some problem at first but it was settled after that. yeah. went to toa payoh central for like late lunch. we all except myn took 8 back. we were like talking and talking. lol. faiz the black one. -.-ah damn. tuesday. 6 periods of maths. kill me.no no kiss me. HEEEEH.oh. my left shoulder is like burnt by the sun. -.-
this is so annoying. projects, projects AND MORE PROJECTS. the speech day or learning fiesta project is taking too much of our time. finding the artefacts and doing the presentation. RUGBY SINGAPORE SEVENS. if not for the project, i'll be there watching the damn thing now. okay. mayb i'll try tmr after tuition. damn tuition. argh. everyday is so packed yet i stil need to find time for tuition. but well, i need tuition. my lessons end at 2.20 on tuesday but yet we have so many endless extra this and extra that. extra test and extra homework. wth. this is sooo exasperating. ): okay this is so random. randomly complaining bout the things around me.complaining isnt gonna help much but yea i stil want to complain.i abhor school. i detest school. i dislike school.its so stressful please. -.-
its been such a tired week! finally, its friday.3 periods of POA today. i couldnt concentrate cos i was too sleepy and tired. before that, we had napfa test! i screwed my standing broad jump! the rest was alright. As and Bs but i had a D for my sbj. how sick. all i need to do now is to get at least a C for my 2.4 and have a retest for my sbj! my muscles are so gonna ache for the next few days.went for band. ah whatever. the condigents said that the songs we played were like funeral. they ALL detest it. she kept changing the counts. its so annoying. totally different from mr jais. the weather was like hothothot. ohyeah, did i mention that they are stil deciding if me and aly should perform due to our drastic atttendence but at least we stil know how to play? anyways, WTH. hehehe. we're stil on the pending thingy. band is like err. ive got no comments bout it.okay singapore sevens tmr! i hope boo gets the tixs so i can go on sunday. doubt i can go tmr cos i have to fix the presentation thingy. shit mannnzxs.hollaback crew finals coming up! lol. whoa.i better get started on my midyear revisions.i cant afford to do badly. >:(okay. bye al.
It was just another schoolday. Right.Anyway, lessons were as per normal. I yawned 7 times in history class today because I was really tired. Girlfriends did not go to simpang today cos most of them couldnt go. Aly, Fatin and me slacked in school till class starts. Chem was fun! Rin and zao were trying to act emo on the table. Ms Chan allowed us to do some practical today cos she finish teaching what she is supposed to teach. Was supposed to go some slime thingy but it wasnt a success. It become like some potatoe. The one zao made was like a ball, a fishball, it was bouncing! lol. They wanted to throw it at me. ): Okay whatever. I went to Eastpoint to collect Gladys' phone. HUHUHUHU.-.- What a boring day.To end off, RIN SUCKS.
+HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!okay shall blog cos RIN said i dint blog.4 periods of maths today. i was so sleepy during class today. dont understand why too. whatever it is, i chased rin everywhere just to throw this paperball on his head. its all his fault that i got so tired. well, i WON anyways. lol.i went for band. kel came! i dint even get to touch my clarinet. the sec2 boy was using it so decided to just let him use. shall be nice.it was raining so heavily after band! i was almost ALL wet. just hope i wont fall sick again. myn, ros, aly and fatin came over just now. before that we had dinner at eastpoint. myn and me did the physics presentation thingy. well, its alittle screwed but yea screw it.rin is like rushing me to blog cos he wants to spam on my tagboard. well, he sucks.RIL ROCKS! =)okay whatever it is, i should be nice to him cos hes helping me converting the rollercoaster video format for my physics presentation. my report sucks. i cant find any pics. ARGH. so pissed and guess wad? i havent bathe. ):
this is such a tiring day. its like continuation of studying without any breaks or stops except for recess and the 10 minutes break after sch. how annoying. we had extra POA lessons today cos Mrs Liau thot that we were quite slow and we need to speed up. okay. after the POA lessons, we had our english essay test. it was so irritating. it was raining frogs and fishes, and cats and dogs. the thunder was so loud. izaidah, casslyn and me were like freaked out. amos and terence were busy screaming. how retarded. nad and fatin waited for us. met wan on bus10. HOME.okay. i have to do my homework.ohyeah. i had my chinese test. i totally screwed it. chinese sucks.
i am so bored. what a sunday. sundays are usually boring.
so rightt. just felt like blogging. school starts again tmr. midyear is coming really really soon. dammit, it seems like commontest was just over and now midyear is just round the corner! damn you midyear.
mondays usually rock simply because theres no mass run, theres no maths and theres no physics. life's good without maths and physics. erm. yeah. mondays are usually quite free. before you even know it, lessons end. THATS WHY ITS GREAT.
i need clothes. new clothes. im so sick with all the clothes i have in the cupboard. just felt like throwing everything into the dustbin. goodbye clothes. some of you suck cos you made me look fat. thats how you suffer when you make me look fat! MUAHAHA. >:c
i need to get new slip-ons and whatever.
okay this is bloody random. some time back.
sunday. sunday blues. gonna have tuition. supposed to have it at like bout 12 and its 1.09 now. yeah. might be meeting my mother after her work for some esprit retail therapy! she has some 20% thingy. whoa whoa. tell me bout it but later she leave me again. lol. -.- im on msn now. talking to shahrin. hes telling me and zao how does orchard look like yesterday? he explained that it was like a human zoo. wads worse, he got owned by his mom. heeeh. he loves calling me RIL. just cos i call him RIN at times. wad an idiot.(edited) rin asked me to mention zao in my blog. okay. so right. zao is an idiot. he's damn smelly. oh. and rin sang with me on msn. LOL. when he dint exactly realise that he was doing something so stupid. well, thats RIN. he thinks that he's big just cos he's older den me by 10 days. like wah. wad a difference! RIN is scared of ZAO.