Saturday, April 15, 2006
hollaback crew finals!
okay nothing much actually. we went for the hollaback crew finals. we were given this goody bag thingy sponsored by Motorola. theres this Motorola umbrella, this very nice nice nice coke bottle and the other nonsense. lol. yea. Ronin and Click5 performed. it was grrreat.
there were under 17 and above 17 categories.
SCG-stand out won first for the under 17.
Street Fusion won first for the above 17.
i must say, street fusion is really really good. their dance moves are awesomeee! its very nice. okay. whatever. took 31 and walked to simpang for late dinner. home.
okay now for the pictures. shall upload yesterday's too.
YESTERDAY'S pics. :)

TODAY'S pics. ;D

okay thats all folkkkks. :)10:55 PM