well, i was talking to rin on msn and decided that i want to blog bout people and do some whatever nonsensical dedications. i shall start!
joy and kewei;these 2 girls. we used to do everything together. the stayovers at my house. the after-school-go-to-my-house thing. the PLL concerts. the teaching me how to cook maggie mee. the praying together and ended up crying times. studying and doing pre-work together and rushing thru and also ended up crying! too many sweet memories together. they've seen the ugliest sight of me and so many secrets shared together. the confessions and shit. backstabbings and betrayals. haha. it has all been great! i know they're gna be there when i need them. i love you two girls. <3
9irlfriends.my lovely 8 girls. knew all of us since last year but only got closer this year due to classes and blah blah. we're not a clique but we're just like a clique. well, these 8 girls are part of my life and they mean world to me. all the laughters we shared. flooding my cam with each and everyone of your faces really rocks. the getting all crazy and retarded together were great too! the times when we're unhappy with one another but will be okay after sometime and confessing that we actually bitched bout one another behind their backs. how funny and sweet. i love each and every one of them and i'll always try to be there for them whenever they need me. the reason is cos i love them.
aly, fatin, lichin, myn, ros, zak, nad and yasmine. =)
these 10 girls are really important in my life.wan;i love you even though youre so idiot at times. always disturbing and irritating the hell out of me. i like it when we spend time together. thou youre always making me get so frustrated and blah but i stil love you.
mervyn;youre really super annoying and irritating at times but well, youre just there when i needed someone. the late night chats on the phone. talking bout practically everything was fun. giving some solid advices and some ultra crappy, shitty and dumbass advices. youre stil a really great friend that i treasure and cherish alot! you never fail to make me smile with how dumb you get. lol. youre such a dear best friend.
boo;youre so sarscastic and it gets on my nerves at times! youre stil a really great friend! we always argue and ended up getting no where. all were great.
sayhai;always there for me unconditionally. listening to me whine and complaint bout practically everything. youre always there to let me rely on and you know my temper and whatever. always trying so hard to make me laugh when im angry or pissed. always making me irritated with all your not-funny-but-think-its-ver-funny-jokes. lol. youre always so faithful and i cant stand it! youre so important to me as well. youre always my tui. the very precious one!
rin;classmates during sec1 and now and next year. wasnt that close to him during sec 1. got only closer to him this year cos he was sitting behind me and always getting on my nerves. lol. always talk on msn. im his true friend and that makes him my true friend too. LOL. he gets really retarded at times too. thank you rin. ;D
well, i think i should stop here. there are also people like julia, kiathua, donna and peilin! whatever it is, i love all of them.
i feel like eating lime-sorbet.5:46 PM
im so bored. since the start of my hols, i havent had a super enjoyable yet. like hello? what a loser. everyday seems so random and mundane. somehow, i rather have school if everyday is like that. ive been facing the damn com for the past 2 hours.
emerge starts tmr. im gna go for the first day. well, im running away from all the questions in my head. the temporary happiness to the eternal happiness. i seriously dont know what im thinking. im not ready for things i should do. despite the priorities, i stil cant let go of certain things in the world.
i miss you.but you never seem to care.and why is that so.i want to know.5:07 PM
well, i was supposed to go out today but DINT in the end. i dont think im angry. i think im just alittle frustrated and pissed. i know you cancelled your whatever ald but yea. i dont feel like going anymore. its just the same all the time. what else can i say.
mom asked if i wanted to go DutyFree with her. dint cos thot i was going out. okay, i really dont feel like doing anything. im so irritated and annoyed.
now im alone at home, thinking what i should do. i havent take my lunch yet. im effing hungry. screw everything la.
F :(2:37 PM
A - Available: NO. lol.
A - Age: 15.
A - Annoyance: just too many.
B - Best friend(s): 9irlfriends. jadjoyapr.
B - Band(s): .
B - Birthday: 19th apr.
C- Crush: chad micheal murray. ;D
C - Country: paris?
C - Cat: ew?
D - Dead pet's name: no names.
D - Dad's name: andrew tan.
D - Dogs: nooo.
E - Easiest person to talk to: mervyn.
E - Eggs: eggs are eggs.
E - Email:
ouchless07@hotmail.comF - Favorite colour(s): green
F - Food: many. lol.
F - Foreign language: .
G - Gummy bears or worms?: bears!
G - God: Saviour.
G - Good times: with my love ones.
H - Hair colour: black
H - Height: 156.
H- Happy: rahh.
I - Ice cream: lime sorbet.
I - Instrument: clarinet.
I - Idol: Jesus. =)
J - Jewelry: earrings?
J - Job: student.
J - Jokes: fart.
K - Kids: 2.
K - Karate: used to take them.
K - Kung Fu: siao.
L - Love or lust: love.
L - Longest car ride: hm, not sure.
L - Lipstick or chopstick?: lipstick.
M - Milk flavour: plain. :]
M - Mother's name: becky leeeeee.
M - Movie last watched: over the hedge.
N - Number of siblings: 2
N - Name of siblings: david and diana.
N- Name: april.
O - One wish: money to shop for great singapore sales.
O - One phobia: fake reptiles.
O - Otter pop: eh?
P - Parents, are they married or divorced: divorced.
P - Part of your appearance you like best: butt. lol.
P - Part of your personality you like best: ?
Q - Quick or slow?: depends.
Q - Queer or straight?: eh?
Q - Queen or king?: Queen.
R - Reason to smile: ice-creams.
R - Reality TV show: rahhh.
R - Right or left: lefttt.
S - Song last heard: goodbye to you- breaking point.
S - Sex: Female.
T - Time you woke up: 1pm.
T - Time Now: 1.30am
T - Time for bed: 2am.
U - Unknown: wad unknown.
U - Unicorns: em?
U - U are: a girl?
V- Vegetable you love: er.
V - Vegetable you hate: hu?
V - View on politics: screw it.
W - Worst habit: *thinking*
W - What's up: sky.
X - X-rays: none.
X - X-rated: porn.
Y - You have something to say?: this is dumb.
Y - Year it is now: 2006.
Y - Yellow: kewei.
Z - Zoo animal: pig.
Z - Zodiac: aries.
Z - Zoolander: -.-
1:18 AM
hello. its 1.07am. stayed at home the whole afternoon just now. went to bugis to meet mom just now. she was with aunty susan. walked around abit. mom bought this heart-shaped diamond ring. its very nice! hmm. went to have late dinner opposite bugis. was super full. headed home.
rin sucks. lol.
there's band tmr i think. doubt im going. i dont even know wad time. shalbiah dint reply me.
okay nights.
1:10 AM
i went to school just now to pass money for Sebana Cove to mrs low.im going there next week. 5th june - 7th june.met nad and myn. ros, fatin, yasmine and lc had physics class.we headed to parkway. aly and luci came to meet us.saw some stuffs that i want to get. belt, wallet and halter neck.gosh. money money. i need a get a job but definitely not fastfood restaurants!eww?they went home and i went over to aly's. we watched memoirs of a geisha and practically did nothing thru out. how pathetic, i know. okay. headed home. mom's sick. she was vomitting super loudly just now. like some thunderstorm. LOL.okay. darn.wan dint msg me the whole day! hes super idiot.i hope he reads this. lol. NEXT!7:42 PM
was out with mom yesterday to Ikea with uncle david and aunty pat.
not forgetting, natalie.
walked around. got the stuffs they needed for the new shop. went shopping alittle with mom and grandma. bought levis jeans and shirt. GREAT SINGAPORE SALES! my gosh.
okay i uploaded the airport photos. shall upload some of them now.

bored bored bored.
zao rin and joy are playing with their personal nicks.
im too lazy to keep changing it. lol.
3:24 PM
im super pissed with my maid. she really sucks at times.
anyways, its kinda like the last day of sch.
my results suck so lets not talk bout holidays and the going-outs.
did nothing in sch. its kind of like free period all the way. after sch, went to siglap to eat with aly, myn and nad. luci came over to meet us. myn's mom sent all of us to sch for the boring parent-teacher-meet. i went alone. i waited so long for my result slip. okay. i dint do well. my percentage is like 60. class position is like 10/39. i almost got Cs for practically all the subjects. how pathetic. argh. whatever. i left my result slip on the table for mom. hope she can understand.
went home and bathe. meet the girls at tanahmerah to go to airport to pick ros and zak. the hongkong people came back today. jason, john, otah and amos were there too. they're gna ton there. aslam, afro and isa came. blah. ate and slacked alittle while. took 34 home with aslam. yawns. im like tired. took some pictures. upload another day la. lazy.
20 freaking itchy mosquitoe bites. screw you.
where are you.11:34 PM
almost everyone else blogged bout the camp. i shall do it now. im back from the 3 days 3 nights camp at Sarimbun! i wasnt that excited bout the whole thingy and i dint even feel like going. one of the reason was because i thot my group would suck the hell out of me and ive been there during p5 camp. the activities we did were somewhat the same though.
DAY ONE;school.
group allocation. i was so scared that im gna be alone in my group but NOO. i had really great group! i was in group D with FATIN, that crazy girlfriend of mine. not only her, jiahui and claire, junrong, fely, raihan and blah blah!!! they were all soooo great! =) except for one horrible guy. shant name. lol. our instructors were J.J and Bumblebee.
pitch up tents. we had dry activities the whole day.
command and conquer. - it was kinda boring. we were too lazy to build the catapault. we ended up throwing water bombs at J.J. lol. the guys were super idiot. they kept throwing at me and fatin. raihan threw one straight at my tummy. it hurts like crazy. idiot.
saints challenge.- this activity is quite fun i must say. we had to transport people and blah blah. it was so funny. fun fun fun.
standard obstacle course.- we had to climb over walls and blah blah. it was fun too. wasnt that boring! did almost everything. fatin couldnt stop laughing! lol.
bathed, slept! lol.
DAY 2;rise and shine. we had morning exercise. blah.
initiative games.- blah blah. it was quite boring too i guess. we were all so 'not awake'.
rock climbing.- the whole thing was damn high when you're climbing! anyways, i only reached half of the whole thing. i wanted to climb again but i was too lazy. my hands and legs were shivering like crazy when i came down. haha.
team building- carry people over some spider web and blah. the raft and onboard and shit. lol. we were to squeeze like crazy on the thing and on the raft. all of us were super sweaty and smelly! i was squeezed like hell that i dint had any fresh air! gosh. HAHA.
river challenge- transporting people over the disgusting Milo river. lol. i was on the thingy with ryan, huzaiffah, junrong and raihan. i was screaming at some parts. i almost tear my shorts! lol.
nature rumble- this is like the fun-estestestestestestestest! they took a different route as the p5 one i went. it was MUDDIER and DIRITER! okay nvm. its fun anyway. we had this hornet attack which is damn gross. we had to lie on the grasss. eww? lol. walked thru. got muddy and dirty. my shoe was stucked in mud and fahmi was like grabbing my leg. huzaiffah went rub mud on my face and my ear was full of it. i even tasted some of it. haha i know sick but its damn fun.
CAMPFIRE- my gosh. its damn fun. i got alittle high! fatin and me were screaming like crazy. did cheers and items. games and songs. it was so fun fun fun! bumblebee and penguin were the emcees. they are super happening. towards the end of the campfire, we requested for disco! everyone went crazy and danced. i was perspiring! its like the best campfire i ever attended!
bathed, slept.
DAY 3;it was time to go home. we had to un-pitch the tents and do some area cleaning. the buses came early. it was kinda like a rush! some award presentation.
best male camper- fathi.best female camer- murni.best cheer-Banana.best item- Coconut.BEST GROUP- DURIAN.lol. which is my group. woooo. =)) we got staplers. -.-
went back to sch. blah blah. the girls were simpang. i waited for wan with yasmine and fatin. went to eat at mac with wan while the 4 of them headed to town for some Xmen. LOL. yeah.
byebye! =)))
8:35 PM
okay its the Annual Sec 3 Camp tmr. -.-its over at the scouts camp, sarimbun. went there when i was p5.the place is gross gross plus GROSS! eeeew?im so not ready and prepared! im having this super bad feeling bout the camp.no clean toilets, disgusting sleeping area. anf blah.nevertheless, i hope the camp turns out fun and good.okay. watched Eight Below with the 3 express, 3F, 4 express and 5 NA over at Tamp mall. we had two cinemas i think. i was with 3A, B and D. they were super noisy. they kept talking bout Hector. lol. cos the whole show was bout dogs and blah. it was quite nice i guess.headed to parkway with myn, fatin, nad, izaidah and clarissa to buy some stuffs for the camp. ate and walked around. got our things and headed home. was too tired. legs were aching like shit. yea.slept just now. and till now, i havent pack my stuffs!kay im gna pack now. see ya. shall blog bout sec3 camp when im back.provided my com is working. =)10:08 PM
sec 3 camp on tuesday. im so not prepared!
my gosh. i dont even have enough shorts for it.
went out with wan today. town. blah blah.
he went to get his topman shirt and wth. it was SALES almost everywhere!
how annoying. just the time when im so broke. with only $44 in my atm.
watched Over The Hedge at lido. couldnt decide to watch that or Poseidon. we called Ballz to ask which to watch and he told us Over The Hedge cos one of the characters look like him. lol. the show is kinda dumb i guess. it was all bout food. i think Poseidon would be so much better.
headed to marina square. yeah. walked around. saw many nice skirts over at zara. damn. practically everywhere was on sale! walked and walked. now im home.
yeah blah blah. byeeee!
10:27 PM
dammit. everything doesnt seem to be working.
i cant seem to sign into msn and i cannot get into o2jam.
argh. how frustrating.
was well enough to go to sch today. mrs kow came in to give us our english paper 1 results. oh by the way, ms hoori is back. my english paper 1 suck like crazy. i only get 31/60. how disappointing. okay nvm. speech and drama last day. we took pictures with miss michelle. she said she'll send it to us.
english paper 1- 31/60
english paper 2- 34/50
chem- 22.5/50
s.s- 20/50
chinese paper 1-44/70
chinese paper 2- 43/80
im damn happy that i passed my chinese. its like whoa. heeeh.
parent-teacher meet next friday. damn.
i get like c5 or c6 for like everything. i dont even have an A.
im so scared. im like so screwed.
headed to dy's to watch some show. was so sleepy and tired.
had some stupid catfight with aly. shes damn idiotic. so damn bulliable also.
we scratched each other and she bit me.
went to simpang slacked. blah blah blah.
ate some stupid mingfa no.1 noodles. -.-
that stupid aly threw her left-over ice-cream cone on my head.
stupid shit. lol. shes damn idiotic.
i cant wait to ask nad and fatin to bully her.
everything is stupid. cos i cant sign into msn.
anyways, happy birthday weizheng.
happy belated birthday to brother kenneth.
9:18 PM
i dint go to sch today. i was so sick just now.
i couldnt even get out of the bed to go to the doctors.
which means i dont even have like mc. -.-
the feeling was damn horrible. it was like fever yet not fever.
im like feeling so much better now after forcing the bloody PANADOL into my throat. fyi, i cant swallow pills. okay anyways, stil not feeling that well so gna rest. hope im okay to go to school tmr. bye.
8:22 PM
my com died on me so many times.im so pissed. i better blog quickly.speech and drama today. we acted and it was damn funny.miss michelle did not come so mr ho took over the WHOLE class.yeah it was fun fun fun. =)nothing much. slacked. got to know my Amaths results.53.5/100. guess wad? i have so many careless mistakes.i could get so much higher. up till 70. okay whatever.i forgot to mention my Emaths results yesterday.i got 56/100. its damn screwed i know. many careless mistakes too.parent-teacher meet next friday i think. I AM SO SCREWED i tell you.): gosh. what else to update.waited for the girls to finish art ALONE till harry and junrong came to sit with me. we went to library first den headed to parkway. it was damn funny. nad and me got damn high cos of red-bean. shant elaborate. we kept bullying aly. shes so bulliable, i cant stand it. HAHA.okay BYE.9:15 PM
okay. right. super tired today.
school. no lessons. had the speech and drama workshop again.
some money management talk in the AVA room with 3A, B and C.
dialog session with mrs kow. yea. sec3 express did very badly.
headed to lavender to meet my dad to make IC.
my picture was horrid and i got it within 30 minutes.
i added April into my name and that April will officially be my name!
okay. hm. gotta change the passport thingy and many other shits.
had late lunch with papa and headed home.
i need to change my blogskin.
6:01 PM
now wan wants his picture on my blog.ALONE picture. lol. his shirt looks blue but its actually white.okay whateverrr. heeeeeh.hoy. i look nice in my plaits righttt.go watch DIA with your mother kay. lol.be a good boy.9:28 PM

terence chong's pit.

my sweethearts.

the cookie i gave my mom!

hiphop icecream!

so hip hop! LOL.



our favourite and nicest picture! =))
LOL. shant upload videos.
its offensive. lol.
8:33 PM
school wasnt as bad i guess. we dint exactly had lessons or something. we had this english oral workshop during the start of the day by Helen O' Grady. their workshops are really fun like last year's. we did some mini script thingy yea. i was separated from myn and izaidah. ):
i got to know my history and poa results.
history- 28/50
POA- 63/100
okay. i think im failing my humans cos if im not wrong, i failed my social studies.
nvm. i really need to buck up and pull up my socks.
anyways, headed to nad's house for some slacking and resting.
we were all so tired! i had panda eyes today. i looked like i got boxed by someone. really, it was so black. we watched Constantine and half of Butterfly Effect. we ordered Mac! lol. nad and fatin helped me and aly tied french plaits! its super nicee, i tell youuu.
aly and me got so excited.
we took many pictures and videos.
anyways, i went home with the plaits! lol.
i was telling aly that mayb some Ah Lian decided to whack us cos we step pretty and cute with our plaits. HAHAHA. but it did not happen to us so fear not! heeh.
fatin bought me a Billabong wallet for belated birthday present. how sweet of her! it was the wallet i wanted long ago and she got it for me. i love you girl!
not to forget, my other girlfriends! <37:49 PM
im so bored. decided to blog a post bout rin wanting to be white ranger. yes, the one from PowerRanger.

and one of the reason of him wanting to be white ranger is because white ranger is very sexy and style. let me show you a picture of it.
rinn- i shit you not. says:
rinn- i shit you not. says:
the last bad guy is so digusting.
rinn- i shit you not. says:
he got this very long tongue and trying to lick the red ranger to death.like honey to the bee. says:
-.- -.- -.- -.-rinn- i shit you not. says:
rinn- i shit you not. says:
rinn- i shit you not. says:
they use their magick powers to summon this dinosaur thing eat the bad guy.as you can see, he's obsessed over er. PowerRangers.
hes been watching ranger videos on youtube.
okay if you realise, the white ranger in the picture looks alittle like rin.
(/edited) cos the other picture of rin is too retarded.changed to a better one. :)

LOL. =))
6:37 PM
HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY TO ALL YOU MOTHERS.guess IM stucked at home today. How pathetic while the others are all out celebrating mothers' day with some scumptious dinner. ):
okay nvm. watched Miss Congeniality 2 on HBO just now.
it was kinda nice actually. i know im alittle outdated but yea.
im sooo bored.
im sorry for forcing.i hate myself for doing it.sollllyyyy.school starts again tmr.
i hope it turns out good or something.
i wonder when are we getting back our results.
i just hope my mum wont blow up upon knowing my results.
i gave my mum the Mrs Field's cookies last night. i put it on her bed when she came back from movie with her. er. friend. i think shes happy. i cant wait to eat it. i slept with her last night. heeeh. i felt like a good daughter for once. kay nvm.
5:05 PM
okay i practically did nothing today.met ros to collect the cookie thingy. tried on clothes. wanted to get esprit 3/4s.how mooody. how boring.dinner. it was a boring one.got nothing to say bout it. went home alone.the moon was so annoying.it kept following the bus. wth.no one is online to talk now. im so bored.i dont want to be bored.rin is not online.mervyn is not online.girlfriends are not online.wad elseeee.i want things to work out.i hate it this way. its so exasperating.you think everything is okay when everything is not!HAHAHAHAHAHA. effyou.ifyouseekay.you will stil go in the end wadddd.so dont talk to muchhh.9:17 PM
ive been blogging alot. erm. i guess.
im so pissed that im actually boiling inside.why you just cant seem to get it? i dislike this whole bloody thing. THIS IS SO EFFING ANNOYING.screw you upside down.whatever it is, you never seem to get it. NEVER.and wth. i have no idea why.im just blinded. ffffffffffffffffyouseekay.12:34 AM
happy vesak day to all. :)slept at 3 plus last night and woke up at 10 plus in the morning. slacked on the sofa and watched tv. felt asleep and woke up at 4 when i was supposed to meet Ros at 4.30. rushed the shit out of me. was late for like 10-20mins. we went to do the Mrs Field thingy. collecting tmr. left to meet Fatin. she was cutting her hair. headed to Melville Park for terence chong's birthday pit. lol.
his mother is really nice cos she kept giving us food, telling us to eat everything. very cute. :) his mother so yo-yo. haha. played table tennis and did some shit. yea nothing much. luckily i dint have lunch. yea. he had two ice-cream cakes! it was really good.
went to nad's house after that to slack. mum called and start nagging that i go out everyday. i think she called cos shes at home and she felt bored. most importantly, i think she miss me. heeeeh.
took the Fox catalogue just now. saw so many nice clothes in it!
think im gna go take a look tmr with ros. i hope i dont see anything nice.
cos im broke. broken. break.
anyways. shall upload today's pictures another day.
i captured a photo of aly and me's conversation.
shes damn idiot. -.-

shes so gna kill meeee. =)))
11:07 PM
its 1.27am. im stil not sleeping.im on the phone with kewei now.lol. we're talking bout so many things!we're such idiots.anyways, did i mention that last night i dreamt that i got molested by an indian? i was so freaked out that i went to slap that man and scolded him ChaoCheeBye. -.-i know wth. anyways, im like so bored please.i wonder what im gna do tmr.yawns. IM NOT TIRED.urghhh.1:29 AM
out with my girlfriends today.
fatin, ros, aly, nad and zak. myn couldnt come. ):
yasmine and lc were no where to be found. heeh.
anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NICHOLAS. ;Dhad some problems just now earlier in the day.
i wore skirt at first but after that i felt so zzz so i went back to change and wore pants.
met fatin and nad while ros went home to change.
she met zak. aly came to meet us at city hall.
fatin nad and me went to esplanade to walk around. bought some marshmellow chocolate! it was really nice. we took some pictures. by the way, fatin was really high today.
met all of them ald. town. we took prints. will scan and upload later.
walked around. went paragon. we bought new err. sandals? from Novo. lol.
aly and fatin bought this nice pair of erm. slippers.
i bought this nice pair of sandals. it was darn cheap. =)
it was on sale. heeeeeeeeeh.
left for tamp cos fatin wanted to cut. zak and aly went home.
in the end, she dint cut hair. we slacked at coffeebean. cam-bitched.
afro and aslam came.
went to isetan and guess wad, fatin and me bought another pair of slippers.
havianas. i bought the green one and fatin bought the pink one.
i almost died. buying two pairs of slippers a day! gosh.
went home with aslam after that. i shall not buy anymore slippers this month and next month. if i can take it la. haha. i hope i dont see anymore nice ones. i need to save up for clothes! how exciting.
gna go order the mother's day thingy from mrs fields tmr for my mother.
right. i shall upload the pictures later and the prints.
lets just hope my com wont die on meeee.
10:34 PM
that girl. wad an ass.
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
like honey to the bee. says:
-.- wth. you suck.
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
ALYSSA says:
LOL.10:32 PM
9:42 PM
baby just say goodnight,i'll be gone tomorrow.baby just close your eyes,i cant fake the sorrow.baby just walk away,you know i can stay.theres no easy way to say goodbye,so baby just say goodnight.no sch for me today cos i dont have any papers.
my midyear is OFFICIALLY over, remember?
rightt. had lunch with mom over at tamp mall.
we had soeul garden. only the both of us.
went to starhub to upgrade my plan to the student plan. which means 500 extra free sms.
almost bought this Mango shorts but decided not.
would rather get the esprit one.
mum went to work after that and i went home alone.
had nothing to do. com died on me just now. i predict it will again later.
i watched 'The Perfect Man' just now ALONE. i know im damn pathetic.
its kinda nice.
rin was so random just now. -.-
ahhh. im so bored.
youre just not there all the time.
9:33 PM
midyearexams are finally and officially over for me!
i had my last papers today. amaths and poa paper 1.
past few days have been spent with my girlfriends. we studied. we crapped. we cam-bitched. okay. they flooded their faces in my camera. many pictures to upload but im damn lazy. okay. now i hope my com will continue to work well so i can use it often.
went to ros' place today with myn. we watched 'A Cinderella Story'. chad micheal murray is sooo hot and handsome. my gosh. hothotheat.
anyways, i wont have sch for the next few days.
school will only start for me until this coming monday!
whoa. a good break from sch and other stuffs i must say.
rin is like rushing me to blog! i realise i havent been talking to him much!
lol. anyways, hes stil the MOST retarded. =)
okay shall upload ONE picture.
9:16 PM
saturday afternoon. im at home.wonder where are my girlfriends.mum has been as usual irritating for the past few days.i have no idea why too.anyways, she bought the Osim uZap.i definitely hope it can zap the fats and oil away.my girlfriends are so excited! haha. ;DDim stil left with like 3 papers and im done with miyear.history, amaths and poa paper1.i had poa paper2 and science yesterday.went to eat with my girls and headed home.was supposed to go over to ros' but i fell asleep.in the end, myn and fatin went. lol.sorry girls. =)im so bored. im so hungry.my blog is sooo boring.yawns. moodswingggs. :(12:52 PM
hello. im halfway thru my exams.
i screwed most of my papers! so theres nothing much to say bout it.
had maths and paper 2.
by the way,
i dint forget okay. just that no chance to wish you la uh. =)science and poa paper2 tmr.
gosh. im soooo dead.
went over to myn's to study alittle. yea.
managed to study alitttttle.
i wanted to blog bout something but i kinda forget now.
nvm, its nothing important anyways.
you guys must continue tagging eh!p.s my sister took my cam. argh. -.-

a retarded picture of me. =)
10:10 PM