hello! okay. im like blogging now. bet you people are wondering.
my com suddenly worked la. i know its like damn surprising. dint use the com for like what? weeks? okay nvm. im over-reacting.
school started on monday. how boring. normal lessons. new timetable. same old teachers and classmates. stil as crappy! =) quite happy to be able to see my classmates and 9irlfriends. miss them like crazy! dint like hang out.
been busy with sch as usual. nothing much.
hm, hang out abit. i love them. they mean world world world to me.
i love joy and kewei also. ;D
dont know why but been missing a few people alot. okay. really weird i must say.
okay what other random stuffs.
i cant think of any so yea. hope i'll get to update soon.
my blog so dead. x]
11:10 PM
my com is down. im using my uncle's laptop for a while.
hes like threatening me by looking at what im blogging. lol.
havent been updating my blog its like abandoned! ):
not much tags as well. how pathetic.
hm. the past few days have been a busy one i guess.
last week was busy with work. blah blah.
i went to jiahui's house for dinner and slacked for a while with the JMHs. blah.
last friday was my sister's friend, Elyn's wedding. i had to rush down after work. i remember very clearly that i spent like $20 on cab fare that day. rushed to Marriot Hotel and got changed. the dinner was great. took quite a few pictures. shall post it up when my com is repaired or whatever. went home and other nonsense.
sat- went for service. joy, kw and mel came over. ate and watched soccer. lol. screamed when Portugal goaled. lol.
went out for dinner with father and sister. met brother for a while. headed to airport for some ice-cream after that. lol.
mon- out with wan to watch Runaway Vacation at cathay. walked around and ate ice-cream again. lol. hm, went to esplanade for a while. blah blah. ohyeah, its alastair's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. ;D
tues- She's The Man with mel and joy. the movie s great. damn funny! go watch. its good. walked around. home. other nonsense.
okay. nothing much. my com is down and i cant seem to email my essay to ms hoori. damn i passed the deadline ald. shucks. i dont know what to say bout my essay. irritatinggggg. okay. nvm.
shall blog when i have the chance to touch the com or any laptop. lol. bye.
continue to tag eh. =)
i miss my 9irlfriends. ):6:53 PM
second day of week. nothing much.
felt like a total loner. -.-
the long journey to work sucks.
the long journey back home sucks just as much.
hm, one of the boss of the shop walked into the shop. she said i dint attend to her and wasnt attentive enough cos i was sitting outside. wads worse is that i dont even know why shes like "scolding" me cos i dont even know that shes one of the bosses. lol. blah blah. okay whatever luh.
wasted my money on mag. met mom after work.
blah blah. 2 more days and im free from work.
have quite a number of random pictures to upload.
shall upload when im in a better mood. im in a loner mood now.
i know its effing pathetic and stupid but yea, i feel like a loner.
im gna go emo.
11:43 PM
first day of work was fine for me i guess. sales was bad. i just sat in the shop and stone. i should bring something to do. got to know the people from the other two shops. they're friendly. =)
worked till 7 and left for home ALONE. i felt damn pathetic and shitty. lol.
okay nvm.
dinner. ohyeah, guess wad? mom bought me a new phone. samsung e-730. before i bought my current phone, i told her i wanted this phone badly. starhub was out of stock. she got it from singtel. how nice of her. i think im gna pay her some of the money after i get my pay.
okay tmr is work again. i feel like a loner! x]
well, rin is blogging and reviving his dead blog cos im blogging.
he claims that im a malay. what an idiot.
lastly, mervyn is down syndrome.
ive got a down-syndrome best friend. -.-
10:59 PM
after our lecture,

zak and me.

fatin and me.

our slippers and shoes!

papa moron. so moronic and broke. btw, he's actually posing for the picture.

hai and me before dinner.

see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.

okay i just woke up. -.-

11:02 PM
feeding the dumb fishes!


my sheep.

clouds with silver lining!

okay no more pictures on sebana cove. im done with the post!
theres more pics from joshua, chel and jingying's cam. will post some will i get the pictures from them. refer back to the post on wad we did in sebana cove if you want uh. =)
10:52 PM