ohyeah, i forgot to blog bout this. nadiah blogged this so-called poem or something. its really nice and good. yeah, go to her blog and read it. www.-fakefrown.blogspot.com9:59 PM
well well well, my hair sucks. im gna have bad hair day for like weeks and months. wth. the last post i said that my fringe is damn short. okay. well, everyone laughed and asked " eh april, what did you do to your hair!" CUT LA, WHAT ELSE then drop uh? zz. lol. kay, nvm. it will grow. it will grow. sasa came over my place just now. watched A Walk To Remember. ate and slacked. both of us were so high and were having some kind of laughing fit! it was so funny. we wanted to cry for the emotional parts but too high to cry. lol. tuesdays, ah i hate tuesdays. 9:47 PM
kay, i look like a boy now. with that uber short fringe.went to cut my hair today. told that aunty to thin and layer alittle but NOOOO.. she went to trim and my fringe is super short. i even told her not to cut it shorter. AH. matafaking aunty. im a boy now. i looked like a boy. freak. this is freak!to add on, i have 3 tests tmr. dumb chinese, Emaths and Amaths.asshole. what a day. what a whatever.had like 3 hours of tuition today. ialmostdied.mervyn is super desperate to look at my ahboy fringe.lol. desperadooooo. okay. z. im stil considering whether to show him on webcam.i look like a boy and a ball. ):9:48 PM
ohyeah, i forgot to blog bout the wave we did during POA. it started with zongyou giving this shitting idea. rin, zongyou and me started doing. followed by almost whole class. it was damn funny. if anyone dint do the wave, we will be like, " wa lau! you spoil the wave! " it was super funnnnnyyyyy. it was damn funny and filled with class spirit. mrs liau was like laughing as well. it was damn funny. the class went hysterical! i love 3c. =) k thats all. lol. bye. 11:01 PM
okay. thursdays. nothing much to say bout it.okay TGIF!the week seemed to pass very quickly. p.e was fun! captain's ball. it was fun! my team won! kay, enough. left after sch to bugis with sasa. she was having some laughing fit when i did some face. she thinks i look like cheekwee doing that. ):walked around. passed the watch to kelin at his working place. legs were aching some shit. went to eat seoul garden. there wasnt much food and its ALL chicken and blah blah. unlike the one we ate at tamp last time. waste my money! when we went to take ice-cream, this waitor went to write his name and no. on the serviette and put on our table. it was so dumb okay. then we went to the toilet and wrote thanks but no on it. whats worse, we were not even sure who the hell is that guy. lol. dumb.kay, byeee.8:54 PM
"april you are one wonderful person. cute & bubbly. always lovable."nice erm, sentence to start with. lol. took it from kewei's blog.kay, dint blog yesterday. mondays. for the first time, my monday was not spend with the girls. yeah. miss them alot actually. but yea. z. kay, went to have pizzahut. wanted to eat something better cos sasa and me were feeling rich. however, we decided to not to eat. ate with wan. walked around after that. spent alot of time at Times. sasa got the book, The Devil Wears Prada. shall borrow it from her when she finish reading. went home after that. today. school was dismissed at like 2.10pm. nothing special happened. the china students came and join 4 periods of class. 2 girls and 4 boys. nothing much. they speak really fast and most of us couldnt even understand what they're talking bout. lol. zongyou and me got rejected by one of the girls. -.- went home straight after sch cos i have tuition supposedly but wendy got food poisoning. slept and slept. was so tired. almost died in sch. lalala. BYEEE. 9:45 PM
luci just sent me this very idiot sms. it says. "Hi all. Just a gentle reminder. My birthday is next sat, so if you all want to get me something, today is the day! thank you thank you."shes so idiotic okay. lol. 2:37 PM
it was shopping with sasa, joy and mel yesterday. with 3 dumb guys tagging along. suf, rin and zao. z. they were practically standing there and looking at their watches to see how long we spend in that particular shop. it was really funny to see them stoning outside. before shopping we watched Pirates of the Carribean. i watched it ald but yea, promised joy to watch with her. i couldnt sit still. -.-
we were at Marina Square and it was sales everywhere but yet there were not much things to get. Zara was practically empty? wanted to try on this top but the queue for the fitting rooms were so long! went on to the other shops. most of the shops were storewide sale after 8pm till midnight. reserved this bebe top and got it at 8pm so it was cheaper. im thinking if i should get this black tanktop from there. hm. also got a new roxy pencilbox at 10% cos it was after 8. we got bras from younghearts as well. it was buy 3 get one free. lol. it sounds cheapo but yea. we could have receive this free tote bag if we bought it after 8pm. that salesgirl dint tell us!
wanted to get some U2 tanktops cos it was only at $8.50? but the queue was so long. i dint want to wait and we had to rush to m)phosis at citylink cos mel reserved her slippers. walked and walked then went home after that.
shall upload some fugly pics.
  my camera is filled with scratches. im so pissed. -.-gna stay at home the whole day. how boringggg.i hate sundays. it stresses me up cos there's school tmr.2:08 PM
fridays. nothing much happened.had P.E. it was darn fun! we played hockey. we trashed the other team, 11-0. it was so fun. we were all so excited and hajah said she couldnt control her laughter, it made her laugh like crazy. it was tiring but yea fun. =) had POA test. shit i think i screw it? i couldnt balance the whole thing. dont think i'll fail la. mayb a borderline pass or something.i forgot that i was blogging. just finish tuition. i was so sleepy and tired. i almost died and goodbye everyone. but yea, im stil here to blog.went to tamp mall with sasa, joy, mel and jh. it was really crappy. went home after eating and walking around. took some pictures. retarded and horrible ones.kaybyeeeee.7:09 PM
everything came crashing now on me these few days. im really tired. too tired to even say anything anymore. misinterpretion and misunderstanding. lol. but what to do? they just dont believe you. its fixed in their minds, youre a liar and a bitch? haha. what else. nothing else. to make things worse, gayle is out of singapore idol. of all people, gayle. shes good and pretty. racial harmony yesterday. wore yukata. shall put up some pics when i feel like. kbye. 9:08 PM
i love to eat crunchy apples. :) my maid gave me some not crunchy apples. not nice. hahaha. tmr racial harmony! 9:28 PM
school starts again. normal lessons.i got scolded by some teacher for something that its not even my fault. okay i dont know what to say bout it also.had massrun in the morning and had to run like 3 rounds. sasa, yasmine and me walked thru the whole thing. lol. only ran at some parts. yea. wasted time after sch and left for sasa's house. went to try on costumes for wednesday. supposed to wear this white kebaya that myn lend me but aly wanted it so yea, wearing her yukata. hm, i hope i wont look weird.we played mahjong! lol. we dint even have to wash the tiles or something. it was like ready made or whatever. it was super addictive! i won a few rounds. lichin went crazy while playing. yeah went home and yeah. kay bye. haha.tmr is tuesday. i hate tuesdays.10:02 PM
okay. its darn early now. i should be sleeping. half of my day was spent playing the com and staying at home doing nothing. i thot i was gna go out or something. went for baybeats with yasmine, khai, nad and wan. syakeer and fauzi was there also. wasnt really in a high and good mood. idioting asshole kept brushing my legs. sucker. ohwells. met joy, mel, aly and sasa after that. walked and sat abit. i bought ice-cream. left to meet jeremy at cineleisure. waited for our sisters to come. watched pirates of the caribbean. it was quite nice but the ending is bloody dumb. i almost had to take a cab alone but deshun sent me back. idiotic sister. -.- kay. whatever. dont feel like blogging anymore. deshun asked why am i so quiet today. i dint even realise i was quiet. or rather, so many things on my mind. how fake is everything. i just wonder. i really want friends,who are gna be there for meand stand by me.thru the good and the bad.thru the sunny and the rainy.thru the brightest and the darkest.thru the laughters and tears.5:06 AM
baybeats later. well, everything is messed up for everyone else now. just the time when everything rushed down on you. its terrible isnt it. the mess that im facing. the mess that every other idiot is facing. this is what life can do to you. my true friend do not want to tell me whats bothering him.hm, please just tell someone bout it. i dont want you to keep it inside.cos you know its not good and it sucks.so yea, im ignoring you for now.6:34 PM
my speakers are working. kay. nvm. lol. my com is bloody lag. wth please. im so bored. no one to really entertain me. shall rip this quiz off joy's blog and do. 1) What is the phone brand?samsung.2) What's the last 3 digit of your hp number?1313) What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?sorry. my com hang and i was fixing it. sorry.4) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?mabel.5) Who's the last person you rang?my home?6) Who was your last missed call from?joy.7) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?Daryl8) What does the last message in your inbox say?no more toaddies. lol. (very long ago msg. -.-)9)Who comes up under J?jack.jacob.jacqueline.jaime.jais.janan.jane. jasmine.jasmine lee.jason.jeannie.jelene.jennifer.jeremy.jerene.jessicalim.jessicapua.jessilyn.jiahui.jiangyue.jiawen.jill.jingying.jingyi.joalin.jordan.joseph.josephine.joyce.joycelyn.julia.julian.junrong.junyang.justin.junwei.10) Go to your Sent Items - what does the 10th message say?lol. fine. will check. nope, i dint finish.11) Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?sarah.12) How many messages are currently in your inbox?17513) What do you have as your background?a picture of nad, me and yasmine.14) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?richelle.15) Who do you have on speed dial 3?er, i dont know?16) Who's the first person who comes up under C?caslyn.17) How many bars of signal do you currently have?418) What do you have as your main ringtone?delta goodrem- lost without you. 19) List the last 10 names under C.chunfui.claire.claireGOPAL.clarence.clarissa.clarissa's.clement.cleo.clifford.commonwealth.20) How many pictures do you have in your phone?120+okay dumb. just wasted time of my life doing this shitty quiz. erm, everyone's been emo and whatever. well, i am as well. kay nvm. chee up everybody. ;D 11:32 PM
okay. hello. my com is fixed. i know i should be bloody happy but okay, my com is so effing screwed okay. the internet connections sucks and i have no idea why. it was said that the cable was not stable. i cant seem to download any songs. i cant even hear anything and im wondering whether my speakers are working. i cant seem to get my msn plus to work with the dumb windows live messenger. screw you. all my documents are gone. all my songs are gone. i dont even know that my com is gna get fixed or screwed. aiya fuck.9:07 PM
good morning. i have school later.just finish watching world cup not long ago. it was a draw during full time. 1-1 and they had penalty shot outs. 5-3. -.- italy won. im damn sad okay cos i supported france. wth. i was on the phone with joy and kewei. me and joy were damn sad kay. kewei wasnt. -.- . zidane gave some italian soccer player a headbutt. whats with him anyway. he was given a red card and was sent out. what a bitch.right. gone with the world cup shit.im having cough, flu and this severe headache.i wonder if i should go to sch later cos im feeling damn sick.whats worse, i have mass run.5:27 AM
I WANNA WATCH HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL.):everyone else seemed to watch it ald.9:48 PM
(edit.today is the official giving up day.we couldnt find the costume shop and we gave up.we waited for the neoprint machine for so long that we ALMOST wanted to give up. yea pathetic.okay what else, i cant think of anything.we had to do CIP today. flag day for the Singapore Heart foundation. nothing much actually, almost couldnt wake up in the morning but the bad dream came just in time to wake me up. it was a stupid dream. shant talk bout it. met the people and whatever. took our tins and left for simei. i did with yasmine, nadiah and izaidah. we walked around and ask people for donations. after that we went to bedok for even more donations. walked around and other nonsense. saw the ruggers and wanted them to donate but all they donate was a 5 cents coin. how pathetic. felt so tired so went back to tamp to return the tins. went to tamp mall and walked around. saw this pair of converse shoes thats really cheap. it was on sale! $29.90. wanted to get it but on second thought decided not to. yasmine likes the high cut and i like the low cut one. kay whatever. left for bugis to find costumes! walked around Arab St. our legs were aching like hell and we're all so tired. but we couldnt find the shop. left and took prints at bugis!  and took pictures in the train!     with loads of love. x] 7:17 PM
okay. 1.21am in the morning and im stil not sleeping yet.i have CIP in the morning. gosh. going to tamp and collect some donations.i hope its fun. kinda exciting also. heeh.school. had some assembly.some sch emergency nonsense. crazy people doing crazy things. shant elaborate bout that part. isnt that nice to talk bout it here as well. zinc bags. haha. so dumb.stayed in sch for a while. shared a cab with gerald and went home. bathed and got ready to go out again. went to town to meet my sister, serene, jeremy and the other random people. walked around. legs were aching. jeremy was complaining non-stop. bought a pair of roxy shorts, pants and a french connection top. hm. i injured my toe again at esprit. that dumb place. it was so pain okay. it bleed and after that, i had cramps on my leg. they laughed. wanted to watch movie but there were no shows available. walked to parklane. the guys went to game and we sat at mac. so cacat.since i had an injured toe, jeremy helped me carry my stuffs. lol.he kept complaining that he dint buy anything today.hm, in the end dint go for the pit.ohwells. hm. home.righttt. 1:23 AM
okay. im really sad. im not sitting with izaidah and casslyn anymore.thanks to my stupid suggestion. i shouldnt even suggested it to ms hoori.argh. how frustrating. im sitting with ryan and zongyou now.had lessons and class ended at 4.50 but it was not over. my class had to stay back and she talked to us bout behaviour and blah. many teachers complained bout our class being the worse express class and being the super noisy class.): IM NOT SITTING WITH IZAIDAH AND CASSLYN.thanks to who? me AND my stupid suggestion.but even casslyn thinks that the suggestion is good. -.-the girls waited for me and we sat around for a while before going home. fatin went crazy. it was really funny. well, i love all you crazy girls.7:44 PM
everyone is asking me to do this. so yea, i shall do it now. 7 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME: 1. i am april? 2. i love 9irlfriends & joyjadapr. 3. i love shopping. 4. i love ice-creams. 5. im lazy. 6. im stubborn. 7. im doing this. 7 THINGS THAT SCARES ME: 1. fake reptiles. 2. fake reptiles. 3. fake reptiles. 4. fake reptiles. 5. fake reptiles. 6. fake reptiles. 7. fake reptiles. 7 RANDOM MUSIC AT THE MOMENT: 1. I've got you- Mcfly 2. Last Kiss- MEST 3. Beautiful Disaster- Kelly Clarkson 4. Move Along- The All American Rejects 5. Buttons- PussyCatDolls 6. Until I Get Over You- Christina Milian 7. Stars Are Blind- Paris Hilton 7 THINGS I SAY MOST: 1. whatever. 2. shut up. 3. i dont know. 4. fatty. 5. weiiii. 6. wa lau eh. 7. fag. 7 PEOPLE TO DO THIS: 1. assholes. 2. faggots. 3. gays. 4. lesbians. 5. suckers. 6. idiots. 7. you. BYE/: im feeling so effing irritated. 10:16 PM
rightt. im back to like blog regularly so just hope my com wont fail me anymore.school as usual. ms abraham is stil not around today.hope she wont be around the whole week. i dont miss her at all.hm. waited for aly to finish slacking to sch and left for eastpoint for BK. like FINALLY alyssa roxanne seah. -.- we walked around. did really stupid things that really piss the people off. we sampled sweets. haha.marriage.separation.divorce.7:18 PM
hi. ms abraham wasnt in sch. so yea. everybody rejoice. ;DDD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ADELE AND RUIFENG.school. lessons. late recess. was so hungry. got super sleepy towards the end cos class ends at 2.20pm. walked halfway to the bus stop with zak then went off alone. I'VE GOT REALLY SAD LIFE. well, i think ive decided.and.. youre such a distraction.byebye. 8:19 PM
guess what? i heard we tried to mess up someone's life when we do no shit. the world is funny isnt it. we managed to mess up someone's life without doing anything. how grreat. well, you can continue to pray harder. so retarded.10:01 PM
hello people in the cruel world! :)HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY JULIA NU REN. ;D
havent been blogging seriously. i shall upload some nice random pictures into this post. i had tuition yesterday and kinda rushed down to adele's pit. thot i was meeting joy, kw, lc and claire. ended up, i went to meet adam, sham and mervyn. walked all the way to the pit. slacked. went to the waterbreaker. i got all wet and they were ALL laughing at me. how mean. went to lagoon and eat then walked back and said bye. went to take cab with joy and lc. waited for like 1 hour? besides everything, my headache was gone and fever went down. its only left with flu now. supposed to meet the girls at 9.30 in the morning but all of us woke up late. so waited and rushed down to aly's house. went swimming and tanned abit. i look the same can. wth. lol. nvm. we holded hands and jumped into the damn pool together like some retards who never go swimming before. ordered mac and ate. chatted. took pics. aly and me went to peep at lc, myn and ros when they're bathing! lol. it was damn funny. lc, myn and ros went to meet their NP friends. while, me and aly went to singapore post for dinner. talked. been long since we last talk like that. i love alyssa seah. after reading this, i bet she will become damn idiot. -.- school starts again tmr. ): pictures now.    today's.     okay no more of today's pic. the rest were all fugly ugly. lol. i stil havent got the pictures of Elyn's wedding. i shall post it up when i get them. see you people around. =) 9:31 PM
i think im dying. ):my head is super heavy.im sick and its killing meeeee.goodbye everyone. apr is gna die. ):11:15 PM
hello i decided to update my blog. its like so dead. -.- i went for syf today. i was so late to meet the people that everyone was waiting for me. i feel damn bad. sorry guys and girls. lol. was like sick. headache, flu and slight fever. felt damn sick. anyways, wasnt that high at first. was like dying. after i went to sit with adele and jingying, i felt damn high. lol. we were screaming like crazy asses. syf was kinda boring btw. except for the band display. the bands were all damn goood unlike ours. -.- and also, theres not fireworks! how boring. after syf, we had a hard time deciding where to go and eat. walked and walked. got separated in the end. all of us went to meet at kallang mac. its like super far and stuffs. yeah reached there and ate. dint eat much cos felt super sick. took 14 to tanah merah and took 38 home. i was freaking noisy in the bus. -.- nothing special or interesting happened the past few days. so yea not gna blog bout it. my blog is dead and pictureless. 11:05 PM
April Chen
19 April
♥ my Bestfriends.
ohyeah, i forgot to blog bout this. nadiah blogged this so-called poem or something. its really nice and good. yeah, go to her blog and read it. www.-fakefrown.blogspot.com
well well well, my hair sucks. im gna have bad hair day for like weeks and months. wth. the last post i said that my fringe is damn short. okay. well, everyone laughed and asked " eh april, what did you do to your hair!" CUT LA, WHAT ELSE then drop uh? zz. lol. kay, nvm. it will grow. it will grow. sasa came over my place just now. watched A Walk To Remember. ate and slacked. both of us were so high and were having some kind of laughing fit! it was so funny. we wanted to cry for the emotional parts but too high to cry. lol. tuesdays, ah i hate tuesdays.
kay, i look like a boy now. with that uber short fringe.went to cut my hair today. told that aunty to thin and layer alittle but NOOOO.. she went to trim and my fringe is super short. i even told her not to cut it shorter. AH. matafaking aunty. im a boy now. i looked like a boy. freak. this is freak!to add on, i have 3 tests tmr. dumb chinese, Emaths and Amaths.asshole. what a day. what a whatever.had like 3 hours of tuition today. ialmostdied.mervyn is super desperate to look at my ahboy fringe.lol. desperadooooo. okay. z. im stil considering whether to show him on webcam.i look like a boy and a ball. ):
ohyeah, i forgot to blog bout the wave we did during POA. it started with zongyou giving this shitting idea. rin, zongyou and me started doing. followed by almost whole class. it was damn funny. if anyone dint do the wave, we will be like, " wa lau! you spoil the wave! " it was super funnnnnyyyyy. it was damn funny and filled with class spirit. mrs liau was like laughing as well. it was damn funny. the class went hysterical! i love 3c. =) k thats all. lol. bye.
okay. thursdays. nothing much to say bout it.okay TGIF!the week seemed to pass very quickly. p.e was fun! captain's ball. it was fun! my team won! kay, enough. left after sch to bugis with sasa. she was having some laughing fit when i did some face. she thinks i look like cheekwee doing that. ):walked around. passed the watch to kelin at his working place. legs were aching some shit. went to eat seoul garden. there wasnt much food and its ALL chicken and blah blah. unlike the one we ate at tamp last time. waste my money! when we went to take ice-cream, this waitor went to write his name and no. on the serviette and put on our table. it was so dumb okay. then we went to the toilet and wrote thanks but no on it. whats worse, we were not even sure who the hell is that guy. lol. dumb.kay, byeee.
"april you are one wonderful person. cute & bubbly. always lovable."nice erm, sentence to start with. lol. took it from kewei's blog.kay, dint blog yesterday. mondays. for the first time, my monday was not spend with the girls. yeah. miss them alot actually. but yea. z. kay, went to have pizzahut. wanted to eat something better cos sasa and me were feeling rich. however, we decided to not to eat. ate with wan. walked around after that. spent alot of time at Times. sasa got the book, The Devil Wears Prada. shall borrow it from her when she finish reading. went home after that. today. school was dismissed at like 2.10pm. nothing special happened. the china students came and join 4 periods of class. 2 girls and 4 boys. nothing much. they speak really fast and most of us couldnt even understand what they're talking bout. lol. zongyou and me got rejected by one of the girls. -.- went home straight after sch cos i have tuition supposedly but wendy got food poisoning. slept and slept. was so tired. almost died in sch. lalala. BYEEE.
luci just sent me this very idiot sms. it says. "Hi all. Just a gentle reminder. My birthday is next sat, so if you all want to get me something, today is the day! thank you thank you."shes so idiotic okay. lol.
it was shopping with sasa, joy and mel yesterday. with 3 dumb guys tagging along. suf, rin and zao. z. they were practically standing there and looking at their watches to see how long we spend in that particular shop. it was really funny to see them stoning outside. before shopping we watched Pirates of the Carribean. i watched it ald but yea, promised joy to watch with her. i couldnt sit still. -.-
we were at Marina Square and it was sales everywhere but yet there were not much things to get. Zara was practically empty? wanted to try on this top but the queue for the fitting rooms were so long! went on to the other shops. most of the shops were storewide sale after 8pm till midnight. reserved this bebe top and got it at 8pm so it was cheaper. im thinking if i should get this black tanktop from there. hm. also got a new roxy pencilbox at 10% cos it was after 8. we got bras from younghearts as well. it was buy 3 get one free. lol. it sounds cheapo but yea. we could have receive this free tote bag if we bought it after 8pm. that salesgirl dint tell us!
wanted to get some U2 tanktops cos it was only at $8.50? but the queue was so long. i dint want to wait and we had to rush to m)phosis at citylink cos mel reserved her slippers. walked and walked then went home after that.
shall upload some fugly pics.
  my camera is filled with scratches. im so pissed. -.-gna stay at home the whole day. how boringggg.i hate sundays. it stresses me up cos there's school tmr.
fridays. nothing much happened.had P.E. it was darn fun! we played hockey. we trashed the other team, 11-0. it was so fun. we were all so excited and hajah said she couldnt control her laughter, it made her laugh like crazy. it was tiring but yea fun. =) had POA test. shit i think i screw it? i couldnt balance the whole thing. dont think i'll fail la. mayb a borderline pass or something.i forgot that i was blogging. just finish tuition. i was so sleepy and tired. i almost died and goodbye everyone. but yea, im stil here to blog.went to tamp mall with sasa, joy, mel and jh. it was really crappy. went home after eating and walking around. took some pictures. retarded and horrible ones.kaybyeeeee.
everything came crashing now on me these few days. im really tired. too tired to even say anything anymore. misinterpretion and misunderstanding. lol. but what to do? they just dont believe you. its fixed in their minds, youre a liar and a bitch? haha. what else. nothing else. to make things worse, gayle is out of singapore idol. of all people, gayle. shes good and pretty. racial harmony yesterday. wore yukata. shall put up some pics when i feel like. kbye.
i love to eat crunchy apples. :) my maid gave me some not crunchy apples. not nice. hahaha. tmr racial harmony!
school starts again. normal lessons.i got scolded by some teacher for something that its not even my fault. okay i dont know what to say bout it also.had massrun in the morning and had to run like 3 rounds. sasa, yasmine and me walked thru the whole thing. lol. only ran at some parts. yea. wasted time after sch and left for sasa's house. went to try on costumes for wednesday. supposed to wear this white kebaya that myn lend me but aly wanted it so yea, wearing her yukata. hm, i hope i wont look weird.we played mahjong! lol. we dint even have to wash the tiles or something. it was like ready made or whatever. it was super addictive! i won a few rounds. lichin went crazy while playing. yeah went home and yeah. kay bye. haha.tmr is tuesday. i hate tuesdays.
okay. its darn early now. i should be sleeping. half of my day was spent playing the com and staying at home doing nothing. i thot i was gna go out or something. went for baybeats with yasmine, khai, nad and wan. syakeer and fauzi was there also. wasnt really in a high and good mood. idioting asshole kept brushing my legs. sucker. ohwells. met joy, mel, aly and sasa after that. walked and sat abit. i bought ice-cream. left to meet jeremy at cineleisure. waited for our sisters to come. watched pirates of the caribbean. it was quite nice but the ending is bloody dumb. i almost had to take a cab alone but deshun sent me back. idiotic sister. -.- kay. whatever. dont feel like blogging anymore. deshun asked why am i so quiet today. i dint even realise i was quiet. or rather, so many things on my mind. how fake is everything. i just wonder. i really want friends,who are gna be there for meand stand by me.thru the good and the bad.thru the sunny and the rainy.thru the brightest and the darkest.thru the laughters and tears.
baybeats later. well, everything is messed up for everyone else now. just the time when everything rushed down on you. its terrible isnt it. the mess that im facing. the mess that every other idiot is facing. this is what life can do to you. my true friend do not want to tell me whats bothering him.hm, please just tell someone bout it. i dont want you to keep it inside.cos you know its not good and it sucks.so yea, im ignoring you for now.
my speakers are working. kay. nvm. lol. my com is bloody lag. wth please. im so bored. no one to really entertain me. shall rip this quiz off joy's blog and do. 1) What is the phone brand?samsung.2) What's the last 3 digit of your hp number?1313) What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?sorry. my com hang and i was fixing it. sorry.4) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?mabel.5) Who's the last person you rang?my home?6) Who was your last missed call from?joy.7) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?Daryl8) What does the last message in your inbox say?no more toaddies. lol. (very long ago msg. -.-)9)Who comes up under J?jack.jacob.jacqueline.jaime.jais.janan.jane. jasmine.jasmine lee.jason.jeannie.jelene.jennifer.jeremy.jerene.jessicalim.jessicapua.jessilyn.jiahui.jiangyue.jiawen.jill.jingying.jingyi.joalin.jordan.joseph.josephine.joyce.joycelyn.julia.julian.junrong.junyang.justin.junwei.10) Go to your Sent Items - what does the 10th message say?lol. fine. will check. nope, i dint finish.11) Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?sarah.12) How many messages are currently in your inbox?17513) What do you have as your background?a picture of nad, me and yasmine.14) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?richelle.15) Who do you have on speed dial 3?er, i dont know?16) Who's the first person who comes up under C?caslyn.17) How many bars of signal do you currently have?418) What do you have as your main ringtone?delta goodrem- lost without you. 19) List the last 10 names under C.chunfui.claire.claireGOPAL.clarence.clarissa.clarissa's.clement.cleo.clifford.commonwealth.20) How many pictures do you have in your phone?120+okay dumb. just wasted time of my life doing this shitty quiz. erm, everyone's been emo and whatever. well, i am as well. kay nvm. chee up everybody. ;D
okay. hello. my com is fixed. i know i should be bloody happy but okay, my com is so effing screwed okay. the internet connections sucks and i have no idea why. it was said that the cable was not stable. i cant seem to download any songs. i cant even hear anything and im wondering whether my speakers are working. i cant seem to get my msn plus to work with the dumb windows live messenger. screw you. all my documents are gone. all my songs are gone. i dont even know that my com is gna get fixed or screwed. aiya fuck.
good morning. i have school later.just finish watching world cup not long ago. it was a draw during full time. 1-1 and they had penalty shot outs. 5-3. -.- italy won. im damn sad okay cos i supported france. wth. i was on the phone with joy and kewei. me and joy were damn sad kay. kewei wasnt. -.- . zidane gave some italian soccer player a headbutt. whats with him anyway. he was given a red card and was sent out. what a bitch.right. gone with the world cup shit.im having cough, flu and this severe headache.i wonder if i should go to sch later cos im feeling damn sick.whats worse, i have mass run.
I WANNA WATCH HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL.):everyone else seemed to watch it ald.
(edit.today is the official giving up day.we couldnt find the costume shop and we gave up.we waited for the neoprint machine for so long that we ALMOST wanted to give up. yea pathetic.okay what else, i cant think of anything.we had to do CIP today. flag day for the Singapore Heart foundation. nothing much actually, almost couldnt wake up in the morning but the bad dream came just in time to wake me up. it was a stupid dream. shant talk bout it. met the people and whatever. took our tins and left for simei. i did with yasmine, nadiah and izaidah. we walked around and ask people for donations. after that we went to bedok for even more donations. walked around and other nonsense. saw the ruggers and wanted them to donate but all they donate was a 5 cents coin. how pathetic. felt so tired so went back to tamp to return the tins. went to tamp mall and walked around. saw this pair of converse shoes thats really cheap. it was on sale! $29.90. wanted to get it but on second thought decided not to. yasmine likes the high cut and i like the low cut one. kay whatever. left for bugis to find costumes! walked around Arab St. our legs were aching like hell and we're all so tired. but we couldnt find the shop. left and took prints at bugis!  and took pictures in the train!     with loads of love. x]
okay. 1.21am in the morning and im stil not sleeping yet.i have CIP in the morning. gosh. going to tamp and collect some donations.i hope its fun. kinda exciting also. heeh.school. had some assembly.some sch emergency nonsense. crazy people doing crazy things. shant elaborate bout that part. isnt that nice to talk bout it here as well. zinc bags. haha. so dumb.stayed in sch for a while. shared a cab with gerald and went home. bathed and got ready to go out again. went to town to meet my sister, serene, jeremy and the other random people. walked around. legs were aching. jeremy was complaining non-stop. bought a pair of roxy shorts, pants and a french connection top. hm. i injured my toe again at esprit. that dumb place. it was so pain okay. it bleed and after that, i had cramps on my leg. they laughed. wanted to watch movie but there were no shows available. walked to parklane. the guys went to game and we sat at mac. so cacat.since i had an injured toe, jeremy helped me carry my stuffs. lol.he kept complaining that he dint buy anything today.hm, in the end dint go for the pit.ohwells. hm. home.righttt.
okay. im really sad. im not sitting with izaidah and casslyn anymore.thanks to my stupid suggestion. i shouldnt even suggested it to ms hoori.argh. how frustrating. im sitting with ryan and zongyou now.had lessons and class ended at 4.50 but it was not over. my class had to stay back and she talked to us bout behaviour and blah. many teachers complained bout our class being the worse express class and being the super noisy class.): IM NOT SITTING WITH IZAIDAH AND CASSLYN.thanks to who? me AND my stupid suggestion.but even casslyn thinks that the suggestion is good. -.-the girls waited for me and we sat around for a while before going home. fatin went crazy. it was really funny. well, i love all you crazy girls.
everyone is asking me to do this. so yea, i shall do it now. 7 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME: 1. i am april? 2. i love 9irlfriends & joyjadapr. 3. i love shopping. 4. i love ice-creams. 5. im lazy. 6. im stubborn. 7. im doing this. 7 THINGS THAT SCARES ME: 1. fake reptiles. 2. fake reptiles. 3. fake reptiles. 4. fake reptiles. 5. fake reptiles. 6. fake reptiles. 7. fake reptiles. 7 RANDOM MUSIC AT THE MOMENT: 1. I've got you- Mcfly 2. Last Kiss- MEST 3. Beautiful Disaster- Kelly Clarkson 4. Move Along- The All American Rejects 5. Buttons- PussyCatDolls 6. Until I Get Over You- Christina Milian 7. Stars Are Blind- Paris Hilton 7 THINGS I SAY MOST: 1. whatever. 2. shut up. 3. i dont know. 4. fatty. 5. weiiii. 6. wa lau eh. 7. fag. 7 PEOPLE TO DO THIS: 1. assholes. 2. faggots. 3. gays. 4. lesbians. 5. suckers. 6. idiots. 7. you. BYE/: im feeling so effing irritated.
rightt. im back to like blog regularly so just hope my com wont fail me anymore.school as usual. ms abraham is stil not around today.hope she wont be around the whole week. i dont miss her at all.hm. waited for aly to finish slacking to sch and left for eastpoint for BK. like FINALLY alyssa roxanne seah. -.- we walked around. did really stupid things that really piss the people off. we sampled sweets. haha.marriage.separation.divorce.
hi. ms abraham wasnt in sch. so yea. everybody rejoice. ;DDD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ADELE AND RUIFENG.school. lessons. late recess. was so hungry. got super sleepy towards the end cos class ends at 2.20pm. walked halfway to the bus stop with zak then went off alone. I'VE GOT REALLY SAD LIFE. well, i think ive decided.and.. youre such a distraction.byebye.
guess what? i heard we tried to mess up someone's life when we do no shit. the world is funny isnt it. we managed to mess up someone's life without doing anything. how grreat. well, you can continue to pray harder. so retarded.
hello people in the cruel world! :)HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY JULIA NU REN. ;D
havent been blogging seriously. i shall upload some nice random pictures into this post. i had tuition yesterday and kinda rushed down to adele's pit. thot i was meeting joy, kw, lc and claire. ended up, i went to meet adam, sham and mervyn. walked all the way to the pit. slacked. went to the waterbreaker. i got all wet and they were ALL laughing at me. how mean. went to lagoon and eat then walked back and said bye. went to take cab with joy and lc. waited for like 1 hour? besides everything, my headache was gone and fever went down. its only left with flu now. supposed to meet the girls at 9.30 in the morning but all of us woke up late. so waited and rushed down to aly's house. went swimming and tanned abit. i look the same can. wth. lol. nvm. we holded hands and jumped into the damn pool together like some retards who never go swimming before. ordered mac and ate. chatted. took pics. aly and me went to peep at lc, myn and ros when they're bathing! lol. it was damn funny. lc, myn and ros went to meet their NP friends. while, me and aly went to singapore post for dinner. talked. been long since we last talk like that. i love alyssa seah. after reading this, i bet she will become damn idiot. -.- school starts again tmr. ): pictures now.    today's.     okay no more of today's pic. the rest were all fugly ugly. lol. i stil havent got the pictures of Elyn's wedding. i shall post it up when i get them. see you people around. =)
i think im dying. ):my head is super heavy.im sick and its killing meeeee.goodbye everyone. apr is gna die. ):
hello i decided to update my blog. its like so dead. -.- i went for syf today. i was so late to meet the people that everyone was waiting for me. i feel damn bad. sorry guys and girls. lol. was like sick. headache, flu and slight fever. felt damn sick. anyways, wasnt that high at first. was like dying. after i went to sit with adele and jingying, i felt damn high. lol. we were screaming like crazy asses. syf was kinda boring btw. except for the band display. the bands were all damn goood unlike ours. -.- and also, theres not fireworks! how boring. after syf, we had a hard time deciding where to go and eat. walked and walked. got separated in the end. all of us went to meet at kallang mac. its like super far and stuffs. yeah reached there and ate. dint eat much cos felt super sick. took 14 to tanah merah and took 38 home. i was freaking noisy in the bus. -.- nothing special or interesting happened the past few days. so yea not gna blog bout it. my blog is dead and pictureless.