im so sick of my skin!teachers' day celebration today! it was raining again in the morning. thank God for jingying's extra umbrella. so ruifeng and me walked to sch under a pink umbrella. so romantic right? wth. had some healthy lifestyle talk! the guy was rather funny and he looks like alson! kay, after the talk was the long-waited Aces Day! so i was doing it anyhow and it was so embarrassing. i should not complain. ): but its stil freaking embarrassing!
had lessons. POA test postponed to thursday! i have to like go back to sch for like 4 days in a row. from monday to thursday which is kind of sad. its supposed to be holiday! RAH!
the teachers' day celebration starts here. had like quite a few items. was quite alright la. everyone got rather restless towards the end of the show. it was stil quite alright! saw all the ex-bdsians! so excited. miss them alot actually!
okay was supposed to go over eugene lee's place for some primary sch gathering but couldnt make it in the end cos i need to accompany joy for some stuffs. so yea, sorry eugene and the rest. i guess you guys are rather pissed with me or something.
9:30 PM
hello all you people out in the sexy banana world.
its a rainy bluey blueberry day! *sings*dint blog yesterday. was damn busy with the english essay. wrote nonsense. dint have tuition in the end. kay, end.
wth, the weather was damn bad today! it had to rain like frogs and fishes. stayed in sch and have lunch. slacked in the canteen while waiting for lessons to start. before that had normal lessons, i almost died. felt really sleepy. slept and jingying took a picture of me. ): i look terrible. lucky i deleted it ald. heeh.
went for chem. blah. went home. wthhhhhhhhhhhh.
on a lighter note, tmr is aces day and teachers day!
everything's changing.......
10:18 PM
monday! ):
mondays are usually enjoyable. okay, somewhat enjoyable i mean. after that, normal mondays there will not be any band practices or anything. had 5 periods of english today! i rather have english than maths, really.
went for band. felt so lost upon stepping into the bandroom. its no longer the "HI! I AM A BANDIT AND I LOVE BAND" kind of feeling. feeling so weird and strange. i dont feel the warmth that i used to feel when i go for band practice. i remember band practices are always a drag but i will stil enjoy it and at least have fun in band. its all different now. wanted to really stay for band for the whole day but junrong, aly, joy and me left even before the conductor come. z. band. i miss the old band. whats up with the band now?
left then went to parkway. overwhelmed with guilt and irrespondsibility, joy and me were complaining and complaining cos we didnt want to make things difficult for the leaders. walked around and ate. junrong was complaining that he want to play mahjong! lol. they're coming over on friday for midnight mahjong session. this is damn aunty-uncle, i tell you.
right, my sister and serene are coming back from phuket later!
9:47 PM
BEST:1. Male friend: Mervyn?
2. Female friend: eh, i have quite a few! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">
3. Vacation: i have no idea. lol.
1. Time of the day: morning! i hate dragging myself up.
2. Day of the week: sundays! cos theres sch the next day!
3. Food: bittergourd? thats all i can think of now.
4. Memory: eh, too many bad memories. sad life. sob*
1. Person you saw at school/work: er, joy?
2. Talked to on the phone: sufyan.
3. Text: ridhwan.
5. Person who Instant Messaged: amos!
1. What are you doing now: singing to myself and doing the quiz,
2. Wearing: bra and panty.
3. Better than yesterday?: NAHHH. yesterday was better.
1. Is: monday. blues.
2. Got any plans: band. ):
3. Goal: survive thru band.
4. likes about tomorrow: getting to see my friends! :)
1. Number: 7
2. Song/s: october skies- waking ashland & deep and meaningless- rooster.
1. Missing someone: some whoever.
2. Mood: grumpy!
3. Wanting: some whoever.
I am a morning person: FALSE.
I am a perfectionist: hm, falseeee.
I am an only child: false la! i have elder brother and sister.
I am currently in my pajamas: eh, not yet so false!
I am currently pregnant: pregnant, no? fats, yes. lol.
I am currently single: eh, i think false!
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: aww, yes. true. ):
I am left handed: trueee.
I am addicted to friendster: nah, friendster is getting borring.
I am online 24/7: eh, not really. FALSE!
I am very shy around the opposite gender: eh, depends who!
I currently have a crush on someone: HOHOHO. TRUE! jonathan bennett.
When I get mad I curse frequently: nahhhh. okay mayb sometimes.
I enjoy country music: nope! false!
I enjoy smoothies: stil fine i guess.
I enjoy talking on the phone: erm, true i think.
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: TRUEEE!!!!
I have a hidden talent: stil trying to hide it!
I have a lot to learn: yeah, of cos. definitely.
I have all my grandparents : nope! one gone.
I have at least one brother and/or sister: yea yea.
I have been told that I am smart: i think soooo.
okay nadiah go do this quiz!10:13 PM
i just feel the need to blog. im feeling stress cos theres sch tmr.
i dread going to sch. even thou its a monday!
i removed the "ms abraham is gna screw the sec3 express tmr." to prevent people from coming to me and start asking bout it. lol. cos apparently, quite a few people have asked me bout thing. so yea.
so many people in my class going for obs tmr! my class is gna be so quiet but nvm, i reckon it will stil be noisy but not as noisy! okay wth am i talking bout? suf and jh are going as well. sad! i will miss you bro and that crazy jh!
okay what else? hm.
i dont know.
emoshitxzs. alamak wasapa pilipala ai bu pa.LOL. okay. -.-
9:51 PM
dint go to church today. blah.
went out with mom to shop at tampmall and century square. sounds dumb i know. haha. bought a mango basic tee and two sets of bras. heeh. had dinner at jack's place.
went home to get haagen-dazs vouchers and went to meet joy and kewei to siglap. icecream is love! took some lovely pictures. a stayover at mine was initiated by LEE KEWEI. we happily took a bus over to joy's to get clothes and celebrate uncle benson's birthday! sang him a birthday song and gave him cake. at this critical point of time, kewei just had to say that shes tired and she wants to go home. so yea, in the end she went home and i was obviously pissed with her. joy came over in the end. we're gna cycle to mac later. LOL.
amos and me are gna die together on monday! ):pictures for yesterday!

joy being rejected by junrong. rejection sucks, joy.

pictures for today!

i took forever to blog this post.
before that joy and me went down to cycle in my embarrassing piyo-piyo! we couldnt cycle each other cos we're too heavy. so we had a hard time riding. it was so embarrassing please cos so many people were laughing at us. they were taunting us! ):
bought mac and came home quickly to save us from more embarrassing moments. lol. idiot please.
12:49 AM
i hate it when my mother tell me not to compare with people with lower results but the next minute she starts comparing my results with people with better results. who in the right mind would compare themselves with people better than you? only the person whos comparing.had pe. aces day dance for the teachers day whatever. its fun! aslam was really idiotic. most of us were super enthu towards it and yea, i had fun. had poa test and vocab test! i just hope i can do well for both of my tests.had asked to go for band. okay or rather, forced to go for band cos they need people for the teachers' day concert thingy i think. went for a while after sch with joy and aly. felt damn uneasy stepping into the bandroom. so many pleasant and horrific memories. i miss mr jais. ):left for airport to send my sister and serene off to phuket! went there with joy, sasa, sayhai and junrong. ate lunch and slacked at the viewing mall. they came over for mahjong! so bloody addictive. hm, yeah. nothing much actually.its just another ordinary day.11:42 PM
had lessons till bout 5pm. having poa test tmr.
got back i think almost all of my results ald.
amaths- 8/30
social studies- 8/13
wth, i never fail so many subjects before. im feeling like so freaking demoralized, totally. my mother is so gna screwed upside down and inside out. i think im gna be grounded after she know my results or something. shitz. okay. ):
just another normal schoolday.
wooooo, life's screwed!sister and serene leaving for phuket tmr...
8:49 PM
okay i am damn pissed. blogged and my com just had to hang.
had lessons. 3C, 3D and 3E spent their PG periods with Ms Abraham. blah blah. lessons. had some problems. i had to cough like some crazy fella. thanks to you my dear izaidah! lol. :D got back most of my papers.
english- 21/40
emaths- 14/40
chinese- 31/50 (SMART EH.)
chem- 8/25 (STUPID EH. ):)
physics- 15/25
history- 6/13
lousy results. ):
i have to admit, i dint put in effort at all.
went to sasa's after sch. played mahjong but before playing. taught joy and jh how to play. very addictive! had mac for lunch. the delivery man took 34590345348 years to come! i bet he went to meet his girlfriend. :(
ohyeah, i think hady mirza rocks! he sang some malay song just now and it was so captivating. i know i sound like some freak cos i dont even understand what hes singing but i know its goood!
gna upload some sec 3 camp pics!

k, finally uploaded.
9:38 PM
WHAT A BITCH !@#^&*($
k, start all over again.
went back to class after MPE and to our horror, our classrooms (3C, D & E) were all vandalised. okay not exactly vandalise but just all messed up. totally messed up! the tables and chairs were all over. 3D even had their curtains hung on the fan. i wonder whos the idiot who did it. lol.
had normal lessons after that. went home after sch. bought pen refills and fullscrap. cancelled tuition cos i was so damn tired. slept after that! im happy that i slept. lol.
i miss jingying.....
she dint come to sch today! :(
okay the quite-a-long-time-ago neoprints!

9:31 PM
sunday; spent the whole day at home! had tuition then slacked around the house. studied amaths till 2am! called wendy and did questions together. lol.
school. ah,
monday blues. lol. had Amaths paper. its the last commontest paper today. like ugh, finally! the paper is stil alright i guess? lost some marks here and there ald but yea, i think i will get at least a borderline pass? k, i just hope i dont fail. was so sleepy during lessons! was practically dozing off. got back emaths paper. i got like 14/40. many many careless mistakes. cant do anything bout it as well since i did not check my paper properly. im thinking how am i supposed to let my mom sign the paper. -.-
my whole class went to see Ms Abraham after sch cos i think we did not queue up in the hall after recess which is quite dumb. so yea, 500 words of apology letter to her. happy reading btw.
wasted time of our lives in the canteen after sch. deciding where to go. left for eastpoint to eat at sakura with sasa, nad, mervyn, finn and adam. ate then sasa and me bought apple strudel home to eat! mervyn left for tuition. finn and adam went over to nad's i think. chatted and chatted with sasa. went down to send her off the cab just now!
ohyeah, she has a new phone. im like in love with it.
its really sweet. its tinkerpink. N72. her phone is filled with dumb animations..
7:13 PM
went church. met joy and kewei in the bus.Dr. A.R Bernard. word was disobeying one, youre obeying the other. joy and me went down for altercall. k, feeling weird. abit lost cos i dont know what am i supposed to do now? the least i could do is just to attend church more often or whatever? okay whatever with it.walked to eastpoint and have kfc for dinner.laughed and laughed cos me and joy took super ugly pictures.we burst out into laughter when we saw our fugly faces! lol.okay its damn funny. will not post the pictures cos its too ugly.but will post some nice smiling pictures. lol.
lol, if youre wondering what we're doing. thats what kewei do whenever shes late.
ah, tuition tmr. Amaths on monday. so the sec3 camp pictures ald. shall post it another day or later.
this girl is my best friend. shes been there for me thru the thick and the thin, sunny and rainy and pretty and ugly. shared so much laughter and tears together. she knows and understands me alot. i love her, alot. <310:46 PM
i dont know if i blog yesterday but i think i dint.
kay nvm. it was just lessons and lessons till 5!
before that went out for lunch with sasa at eastpoint then took a cab back.
today. had lessons as well. had PE. played volleyball against 3A. not as fun as last week but yea. had fun too. after sch, waited for sasa to finish your english essay. left the sch. adam asked where we're going. then i said i dont know and i dont think any of the others replied him. so i think aly and nad are angry over it cos of their blog posts. so yea, we so-called ignore them. well, im sorry for being rude or anything. i was too focus on getting onto the bus. lol.
left for tamp. had fun. blah blah.
left for eastpoint. blah blah.
k, home!
11:47 PM
1.Who is the last person you high-fived?
sadly, i cant remember.
2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
nah, i'll be the first to die.
3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
haha, many times.
4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
7. How fast can you type?
t..h..i..s.. f..a..s..t..
8. Are you afraid of the dark?
9. Eye color?
10. Worst fear?
fake reptiles, rejection and disappointment.
11. When is the last time you bath ?
12. Do you knock on wood??
im not a damn carpenter.
13. Are you drinking anything right now?
orange juice.
14. Are you attractive?
lol.yeah i think i am! appealing of cos. right rin?
15. Can you hoola hoop?
16. Are you good at keeping secrets?
well, not for me to say but i think i am.
17. What do you want for Christmas?
more joy into life.
18. Do you know the Muffin Man:
i know gingerbread man.
19. Do you talk in your sleep?
all the time, i even laugh.
20. Who wrote the book of love?
21. Have you ever flown a kite?
er, once? twice?
24. how many people are on your contact list ofyour cell?
er, the last time i checked was 300 plus?
25. Have you ever asked for a pony?
er, yeah i think so.
26. Plans for tomorrow?
27. Can you juggle?
28. Missing someone now?
yea terribly.
29. When was the last time you told someone 'Ilove you' and really meant it?
31. How are you feeling today?
tired. dumb.
32. Are you black?
no, im white.
33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
yeah, almost.
34. What are you looking forward to?
more joy in life.
35. Have you ever crawled through a window?
eh, yes. at my old shophouse to take shuttlecock. lol.
37. Have you ever eaten dog food?
im a damn human. -.-
38. Can you handle the truth?
the truth hurts but i cant possibly runaway.
39. Do you like ham?
40. What 3 things can always be found in yourrefrigerator?
eggs, fruits and coke.
41. Any cool scars?
not so very cool. one under my chin.
42. Do you like or have a crush on anyone?
haha. yes i like hot asses. so hotttt.
43. How many kids do you plan on having?
2. twins if possible. lol. save time and pain.
44. What do you do when no one is watching?
er, i dont know.
45. R you in love?
yea, with hot asses!
46. Do you talk to yourself?
yeah, i do. i even think im crazy at times.
47. Do you like dancing?
yes, i love it.
48. Three of your favorite tv show:
hmm, i dont know.
49. Three things about the opposite sex thatappeal to you:
personality. looks. fashion sense.
50. Who are you thinking about right now?
people with hot asses.
51. Who did you last talk to on the phone?
52. Where is your phone?
living room?
53. What was the last thing you ate?
54. What is your favorite color?
green and whiteee.
55. What is the last movie watched?
56. What song are you currently listening to ?
listening to paul twohill's singing on singapore idol.
57. Are you currently suffering from a broken heart?
yes, sobxzs. *cut wrist*
58. Would you ever date anyone on your friendslist?
k, done with this quiz. not gna do the boyfriend/girlfriend one.
cos the questions are so dumb! lol. =)
im having severe headache.
ah, i need an operation.6:10 PM
dint come online the whole day yesterday! am i good or what.
had humans paper. i screwed it totally. im more than confident bout failing this shit. i wrote a damn short history essay and ive been studying on the answers. my mind went *bling!* blank. forget it, no point crying over spilled milk. went home and had fever again. when is this freaking fever going away. faggot. -.-
had combined science paper today. rah, physics was fine except for a few questions but chem was screwed as well. lol. most of them couldnt do it. so whatever. i cant turn back time. lessons as usual. went to parkway after sch with sasa. went home with rin and suf. boring days.
Rooster- Deep and MeaninglessI, I don't know why I miss you so muchYeah I, I don't know why I still feel your touchYou, you left me feeling high and dryWith nothing, nothing but the question whyYeah you, I guess you had another directionAnd leaving me with nothing but a dead connectionChorus:If you call me todayI'll say that I'm fineBut I bet you can tell by the tone of my voiceIt's just a lieYou knew what you hadYou still walked away leaving me in this messMy love for you is deep and meaninglessYou, you knew what you were doing to meAnd I, I guess I was too blind to seeWell you hit where it hurt and you fooled me so badBut I'd do it again to relive what we had(Damn that's sad)There are many things left to remind meOf a love that I just can't leave behind meChorus (Repeat)5:47 PM
k, im gna blog a quickie.
chinese paper. er, it was like disaster cos the clock in my class stopped and all of us dint realise it till tkt told us that we're left with 8 mins. then all of us started to panic! -.-
k, i stil somehow manage to finish the paper.
maid came to pick me after that cos went to the doctors last night and had a mc.
talking to rin on msn, hes finally not emo.
like whoa? thats like crazy. well, its a good thing.
LOL. im glad, very.
GG to you TF. TFF!ohyeah, i was looking at the cards that joseph and josephine gave me last time. i miss w115, brother kenneth, brother zhanwei, joseph and everyone else in the cell. so many times were shared together. laughing over the slightest things that could ever happen. i miss all of them. ):
5:11 PM
k, i almost died yesterday.left house happily thinking that i finally get to watch the fireworks displays after much disappointment and waiting. felt damn giddy while waiting for jingying and alson at bedok platform. cold sweat and almost blacked out. felt super uncomfortable. walked around suntec. blah blah. alson's cousin and friends came over to meet us. sasa came after that. sat while waiting for them. was really sick.
walked to marina square. couldnt meet wan cos there were way too many people standing around. tried finding a good spot. couldnt even stand still to watch the fireworks. watched abit. syakir came to find sasa. got sister to pick me up and they accompanied me to the taxi stand. waited and almost died.
sorry jingying and alson for being sick everytime i go out with you guys! i was sick during syf also. you two always have to take care of me! ): k dont think you two will see this but yea.
what a wrong time to be sick! argh.
3:45 PM
as all you people know, commontest actually starts today.
english paper. eh, it was like a killer for everybody. most of the people dint finish the paper. i kind of rushed thru my summary. it was so not summarised! wth, i know. lol. the passage is simple but the compre questions were toughnuts. ugh, dumbass.
had PE today! volleyball inter-class against 3D. it was darn fun! jingying, myn, izaidah and me were having some kind of laughing fit! we found it damn funny and its quite easy to like score points. yea, fun fun fun.
went over to sasa house to wait for her as she get ready then went home and got ready. left for airport to meet mervyn and boo. studied alittle and waste some time. met aly, luci and nad. yea. home. was supposed to meet my sister but she pangseh-ed me. lol. -.-
i want to watch fireworks tmr.
k, let me show you pictures of mervyn looking stressed and going crazy.
hmm. (trying to study.)



lol. k, was being like random and bored.

oh and not forgetting some pictures of luci acting cute!

took so long to post this!
woooooooo. hey girlllll. ooooo. -.-9:49 PM
hello. school starts again tmr but thats not the worse! the worse is that commontest starts tmr as well! kay, its
H E L L .
out to airport to so-called study. instead, i wasted my time there. what else? actually nothing much. walked and walked. ate the whole day. am i feeling the stress or issit just me eating alot. took many many pictures with joy. it was like crazy.
i think hot asses are oh they are hot and really rock you! RAH.
lol, dont link at all but yea, hot asses are really hot.
k, byeeee.

-.- k, i know. its retarded but shut up! lol.
8:23 PM
1. whose picture is it that you keep in your wallet?
random people.
2. wat time do you go to bed?
bout 11 plus? eh, depends.
3. what's on your mind now?
4. what was the latest movie you saw?
The Lakehouse. ):
5. when was the last time you went out?
erm, just now?
6. what do you hate the most for now?
my fringe. so damn short. like a boy.
7. what things do you want to do now?
8. what do you do everyday besides eat and sleep?
go on msn and talk.
9. talked on the phone just to say good night?
ehhh, no?
10. miss someone?
yes. badly.
11. are you a coffee addict?
nah, dont drink coffee at all.
12. are you satisfied with your life now?
no. not at all.
13. will you share a glass of water with a friend?
14.when was the last time you ate seafood?
just now. the prawn wan gave me.
15. ever had a food fight?
would love to.
16. what do you usually eat for breakfast?
dont really eat breakfast.
17. Lost a friendship over something stupid?
erm, yea mayb? i dont know.
18. what's your favorite fast food chain?
no favourite one.
19. Can you remember what you did on the first day of your school in college?
20. who's on ur mind?
21. did you ever cheat during exam?
heeh. yes.
22. how's your heart lately?
fcuked up.
23. what reminds you of your 1st love?
24. ever had a crush on a teacher?
25. things that you need every day?
air, food and water.
k, so random. got this from joy's blog.
im sooo bored and sleeeepy.
12:49 AM
national day. not a very exciting and happy one.but stil quite enjoyable.hhhhhhhhhhhhfall asleep after blogging just now. woke up at 4.30pm and realised that i was supposed to meet wan at 5pm. got ready and went out to meet him. went to esplanade to wait for bee, azri, mai and aslam. ate ice-dream while waiting and ohyeah, esplanade was infested with cheenas, mats and minahs and banglas. hm. almost died! lol. yeah walked and tried finding some good spot for the fireworks. irni and shikin came. blah blah. in the end, there isnt any fireworks display over at the bay. only at the national stadium. was damn sad and disappointed. ): k nvm. there will be on this coming friday and saturday. i wanna go.some random people went to throw the fire into the river and all were shouting. lol. damn cute. well, better than nothing BUT i stil want to watch the real one!walked to cityhall and ate late dinner at came to pick wan and me. that asshole went to yasmine's party! mom dint allow me to go but yea. dropped him at eastpoint and left for homeeee.k. byeeeeee.

11:55 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE. :DHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD.national day today. gna go watch fireworks later and try to make it to Yasmine's party.
was supposed to like have dinner with dad on monday. my sister msged him and asked then he said hes not free cos he's gna have dinner with elson and joanne. felt effing angry at that point of time. wth, he rather have dinner with them. he can go ahead and celebrate his birthday with them.
right, its spoiling my mood. k, nvm.
mom told me not to beware of molesters when i go out later. damn funny, she was like
" YOU BETTER DONT LET ANYONE MOLEST YOU!" i obviously would not allow anyone to molest me right, who would anyway? k thats so random. this is such a random post.
im hungry. a hungry girl is an angry girl.
im bored. a bored girl is an boredy girl.
this is damn random. kbye.
ohyeah, its one year ald. so many things.
good things and bad things. blahdie. lol.
national day celebration in school just now.
kind of boring compared to last year.
last year 2B was damn fun cos all were screaming like mad.
mr lak leaving for New York for further studies. kind of sad actually. school won many awards ever since he joined the sch. so yea, good luck and congrats! :)
ik, went home after sch and got ready.
went out and meet rin, joy and suf at simei. met zao, mels and sasa after that at tanah merah. left for plaza sing. walked around. they all watched The Lakehouse except for me and sasa. end up sasa and me went to Gelare and have half-price waffles. walked around while waiting for them. blah blah. their movie ended and the girls took prints. ohyeah, before that, kewei, claire and jh came also.
went to have dinner and home. :)
you.for viewing pleasures.

sasa looked super pretty here! :)

and me, looking like a boy. ):

10:41 PM
freak. freak. freak.
my hearts boils everytime i think bout you not mondays.
way too deep.normal lessons. nothing much actually.
rin did not come to sch today! sick.
get well soon true friend. :)why are you doing this shitz to me! -.-sat around in school after sch and left for parkway with mervyn, sasa, adam and haojie. went to eat and walked around. aly and nad came to meet us after that. blah blah. sat around as well.
national day celebration tmr!z. anyway, just hope its not boring.8:02 PM
sunday. stayed at home.
sickening asshole. i hate you for making me feel like that.had tuition for like 3 and a half hours straight.
the time seemed to pass damn fast cos wendy dint talk much and she was rather pissed with me for not being able to understand what she have been teaching me for the past few weeks. k, whatever but time flies.
i miss you so, school starts again. misery k.
commontest next week. this friday.
so sickening.
fall, fell and fallen.hurt, pain and agony.k. how emo.
8:39 PM
thought im gna spend my whole day at home but no, went out.
went over to boo's. played abit of xbox 360. DOA, dint know xbox was so fun. i want to play somemore! left for bugis. took a bus and it was so long. i tell you, i almost died.
was sitting in the bus, happily no i mean sadly waiting for my stop. so yea, then this group of malays came to sit with me and surround me from behind and infront. consist of bout 4 people. they talked to me and asked for my name. told me that they wanted to know me and all. i dint reply of cos and i kept quiet thru out.
finally, it was my stop. i wanted to get down so i said, "excuse me." then the guy beside me dint wanted to like move his friggin ass and let me get off. i had to "EXCUSE ME!" then he moved and i ran down the bus. they followed and i ran or rather walk quickly to find adele and blah. yeah. was so scared. one of the malay guys was quite cute
BUT THATS NOT THE POINT. the point is that its effing freaky to get 4 malay guys to surround and follow you even after you got down the bus.
dont seem to care at all.walked abit and left for home.
):ah, tuition tmr. zzz.
9:43 PM
its 12.36am now which means friday is over.had sch just now. played volleyball during P.E. fun but yea, my hands and arms were darn pain! it went red and swollen? k, kind of. normal lessons. blahblah.
went home with sasa then went out again to meet rin and joy. so-called studied at airport. dint really study i guess. more like minding your own business kind of thing. decided to leave. joy and me tried stalking rin and sasa but yet they claim that they knew bout it long ago. whatever luh. sasa had to leave then we went to have ice-cream at swensens. k, did some stupid things which they think its damn funny. -.- i dont even find it funny. HA-HA.
left to meet my sister at town. she was with serene, jeremy and deshun. walked around. was so tired so kept quiet thru out. jeremy helped carry my bag. lol. wanted to watch movie but the timings were all not right. the right timings tixs were sold out or selling fast. lameshit.
ate and laughed abit. dad came with some bitch in the car.
she was trying so hard to smile at me but yea, failed.
what an ass. screw up for screwing my family up. bitch.
k, sudden emo rush.assssssshole(s).12:40 AM
feeling like a pile of shit now.
im upset. ):school. damn tired. TKT. mad.
giving up.chem lessons.
ohyeah, i said im gna blog this for ridhwan." *clears throat* Guys! you all are not losers when you all lose, you all are losers when you all quit! *loud applause* "yeah.
8:28 PM
no school. polling day.went out today. meet junrong, sasa, adele, harry and ben at bedok phonebooth. lol. kay after much deciding, went to bugis. watched The Lake House. wasnt really paying attention to the show but yea, it was quite nice. very sweet. had to get tissue for sasa! you people should obviously know why.
ate at foodcourt and walked abit. junrong and me left to meet joy at tamp mall. ate dessert. walked around and play arcade. its been a super long time since i last stepped into an arcade! had fun. =)
kay, sch starts again tmr. how sickening.
i have essay and compre not done.
9:13 PM
okay i need to blog this. so many short posts aldy.
R to the IN.Cheap to the O.Fat to the SO10:01 PM
as all you people can see, i changed my blogskin.tag and comment on it kay.yeah finally after like a long seems abit screwed up but yea, i modify the whole skin i downloaded from blogskins.tmr is a holiday! its goood.this year we're not allowed to wear white or red with jeans or whatsoever during national day. how nice, i dont likeeee. we're only allowed to wear red tops with school skirt/shorts/pants. so uglyyy. wa lauu. lol.9:18 PM
my mom is crazy. i really cant stand her at times.5:34 PM
kay, im home aldy. tuesdays usually suck alot.
today is no exception except the fact that there's no sch tmr.
due to some polling day thingy. so yea. thats something to be happy bout.
i want your attention.was dozing off during lessons. was damn sleepy and felt really tired. recess was super late and yea got hungry and all. after sch went to simpang with luci, jill and sasa. went home cos mom said theres this servicing man coming over but in the end, he couldnt come in cos im under 18. its against the law or whatsoever.
i want your love.gna have tuition later.
im so tired and sleepy.
commontest is next week. i really gotta buck up aldy.
rah. ):
its august aldy. soon its gna be national day.
i cant go on like this.
please show me that you care.4:38 PM