Friday, September 08, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE. cute primary six!
it was a rather lucky yet unlucky day for me today.
all of us were supposed to meet at parkway at 11am this morning but all of us woke up late. k, sasa called then i woke up so i called joy and then she woke up. got ready and left the house. met and took a cab to eastcoast to cycle. had lunch at mac while waiting for mel to come over. wanted to start cycling but it was gna rain cos went for bowling. we all suck. okay, not all of us but joy and me! decided to go cycling since it was rather sunny. cycled for two hours. stopped for a while.
while cycling, this group of guys cycle pass us and one of them were looking at us then he fell from his bike okay! we were all so shocked. sat at the waterbreak and we saw many sea snails or something. we even tried to mate them! they are disgustingly cute!

ohyeah, on our way back to return the bikes. joy and me fell. kay, wth. it all started with this little boy cycling on a FOUR-WHEEL bicycle. he banged onto joy and when i was bout to turn left, joy banged onto me. she was on the ground and i fell on her. worse stil, the bicycle fell on me. hm, my leg was freaking pain. had bruises on my legs. joy had scratches and erm, abrasion. thankyou to the passer-bys who helped!
we were kind of lucky cos just as we got into the bowling ally, it started raining frogs and fishes. then after returning the bikes, it started to rain again! how lucky.
took a cab at bedok inter. went separate ways with sasa. mel, joy and me left for jh's for cellgroup bbq. erm, so many new faces and i dont even know if i stil belong to the cellgroup. haha. left with mel and went home alone! we both felt like loners. lol.
ONE MORE THING, im grounded till exams end. ):
thanks to tkt. called my mom and told her i dint go for her extra classes.
hm, mom called and told me. feeling so stressed up now.
actually my mom know i dint go for classes. i think she ground me cos tkt told her i failed both A and E maths. what luck. shut up and go and die.
pictures now!
pretty sandcastles.


disgusting dead fish!

k, bye. ):9:39 PM