Friday, November 17, 2006
the belated birthday boy! :D

whoaaakay. 12.41am.
blogged that im gna go for dinner! hm, to celebrate mervyn's birthday. met up with the people.
mervyn himself, ridhwan, clarissa, boo, sofian, adam, sham, luciana, bryan, kingston, asri, shikin, haojie, siva, amira and shannon.
okay, thats quite alot of people. had a real hard time deciding where to eat for dinner. then we all decided on swensens! we all had main courses plus mervyn, wan, sofian and me shared a giant earthquake! damn fuuuull! okay, so asri ordered a firehouse happy birthday or whatever for mervyn then we all sang him a song and toast and all. darn funny. sofian was getting all excited bout the ice-cream and food! erm, after dinner. the guys + luci went for movie, Step Up. decided to give it a miss and left home with sasa and sofian!
our GIANT earthquake. -.-

whoa, look at sofian. so darn excited bout the earthquake. HAHA.