school's starting in like about 4 days? im totally not prepared but one thing that im happy bout is that i'll get to see my classmates, schoolmates and of cos, my 9irlfriends. rah, i miss them like hell lot! kay, so like im saying that im totally unprepared. sigh sigh, school. went out to meet jiahui and mel at tampines just now. havent seen the both of them for like a long long time. we walked around and had teppanyaki for dinner. walked somemore and left for home.  i decided to do a collage for the pictures. yawnyawnyawn. new year's approaching. sadsadsad. it seems like there are nothing to look forward to. rah, 2007. 10:21 PM
okay. i shall upload pictures and let the pictures do the blogging. 24Dec - Christmas Eve.    our group photo with the HMV christmas tree.  the 3 of us plus an extra, syakir.  chilling at starbucks and guys cam-whoring.        and more photo-taking...      25 Dec - Christmas
vivocity and town with sisters and friends. our group photo at vivo. 
my real blood sister plus my other two precious sisters. 
us and jeremy. 
weiming and me. 
april and gladys. my one and only. 
okkkay, shall upload all these only. another time again.
8:59 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL YOU SPASTIC PEOPLE.good morning to everyone in this pretty ugly world. its 7.23am now and i got home at 3plus. yawnnnnn. its christmas and i dont feel the christmas mood at all. how sad. ): what a sad and lonely christmas sehxzs. -.- im on msn now and i have alot of pictures to post. BUT im not gna post it now. im gna do it another day or something. school's gna start and can you imagine? i havent buy my schoolshoes, my schoolbag and most importantly, do my holiday homework! i also need to do something to the highlighted part of my hair. hais, imma sad girl. someone just kill me please. this effing post is so effing random sehxzs. 7:13 AM
alright, i know i havent been blogging and sorry for the lack of updates! the rain just keeps coming down endlessly these days and its seriously getting on my nerves! what a spoiler, rain. also, i made a livejournal like last week or something. i cant remember but yea. im still thinking what i want to do with it. should i post posts that will only allow my friends to see OR just blog some random nonsense like lyrics or something? okay, im still thinking bout it. nothing i call interesting happen. days are filled with thoughts and more thoughts. it has been a whole week and the week definitely felt long and tormenting. well, to me. yes. i will not deny that ive not gotten over the breakup and i dont exactly know what im supposed to do but yea, whatever it is. i just hate it when you come telling me that you're happily moving on and you want to find a new girlfriend who can play sports. bloody hell, tell me what am i supposed to feel? sayhai's back from wales and he got me a adidas shirt! thanks guy. :D also, sasa's finally back from myanmar and she got me a pretty seashell bracelet! love it. thanks girl, i love you ever so much! alright so i shall blog bout 19dec-21dec. 19dec- tuesdayi remember it was raining frogs and fishes the whole day. went out when the rain decided to stop for a little while! met sasa and gosh, i miss her so much! it was town and end-of-season sales are practically everywhere! we shopped and i only got 2 tanktops from pull&bear and a blouse from forever21. saw many other things that i want but okay, i should really control my expenditure. we had really late lunch at pepperlunch and continued walking around hunting for more pretty things. left, met mom and home. 20dec- wednesdayall of us were supposed to meet up at 1pm but the plan was obviously screwed cos most of us couldnt wake up and dilly-dallied. from 1pm, the meeting time was changed to 2.30pm then to 3.30pm again. i forgot to inform sasa and none of the guys did as well. she was at bugis so i rushed to meet her first! so sorry girl! walked around and waited for the guys. met boo, mervyn and ballz at the cabin. head to vivocity and had late lunch at carls jr. walked somemore and dint really get anything cos i was feeling so lousy that im awfully broke. walked till bout 9plus and went to catch our movie, Night At The Museum! it was really funny and light-hearted! missed the last train so we took the 10 and dropped somewhere. met ridhwan a little while and he sent me home after that cos mom was making hell lot of noise. wth. 21dec- thursdayi worked today at new york skin solutions as some sort of receptionist or something for 3 hours. it was $10/hr so it was quite a pretty good deal! anyways, met veronica to collect my uniform and felt really bad to make her wait for me! went separate ways and went to work. hmm, we both went to get dinner together. work ended up 9pm and left. did not really feel right so decided to just head home. oooookay, there goes my post. lemme just post some cute pictures of little dogs.    okay alright then that, no more pictures! how sad but its okay, doesnt matter. i miss you ever so much.3:53 AM
i just feel the need to blog right now and i have no idea why. call me an idiot or a bitch but it has been 2 days so far and im not able to deal with it with so-called maturity. i simply thought that i'd able to face it and convince myself. i think im wrong, terribly wrong. i find it so hard for me to accept and face the fact that we're officially over after 1year, 4months and 5days. i couldnt help it but to keep staring at my miserable and pathetic phone and start wondering whether you'll even send me a msg or give me a call which is hardly possible because after all, i was the one who initiated the whole thing. i hate it whenever i start tearing out of nowhere and without even me realising, he has become a part of me. the feeling of losing a part of me really sucks alot. i wonder how is it for you? all the bitter and sweet memories are really great to have. thank you. and youre no longer mine. whatever it is, i love you. (:6:38 PM
i just reach home not long ago from town. 14dec- thursday met mervyn, ballz and bryan at tampmall. looked for bags. head down to raffles city for dinner and sat at subway till it closes. talk bout things and blah blah. head down to simpang for supper. ended up slacking and chatting away. the 3 guys walked me home from simpang and yea, reached home. couldnt sleep. its really stupid how i suggested it and yet, i cant accept it and start moving on. i feel stupid and childish. can someone just throw a rock on my head right now? hopefully i'll just forget every single thing thats happening around me right now. i feel relieved yet, with a heavy heart.15dec- friday went town and met up with sister, her bf, jeremy and serene. walked around and bought a dress at pandora's box. then we caught The Holiday. it has been so long since a good movie and its just all bout love. everyone must go catch it cos it really is a very good movie. home now. im starting to hate blogging. 1:07 AM
omg, i feel like killing myself. had tuition today and went to town on my own! gosh, its like my first time going out on my own. -.- anyways, went to collect my pull and bear skirt at taka. i walked pass mango and guess what? it was the end of season sale i think? i couldnt help it but to go in and take a look. it was so crowded and gosh, the pants and skirts are all so cheap but i dint get any! got two tops instead which leaves me with so little cash left. im broke all over again. ): sadsadsad. you know what? i dont care anymore. why should i even care when you dont seem to give a damn at all.10:32 PM
11dec- HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AMOS AND JOSEPH. 12dec- HAPPY BELATED BRITHDAY SASA! <3 youre finally 15 girl. i love you for everything and i thank you for everything! :Di was supposed to meet up with the birthday girl, joy and mel at 1pm but joy and me ended up waking up late to meet them! alright, head to town and had lunch at ajisen ramen. the initial plan was that mel and me pretend to go to the toilet and go get a small cake for sasa but we totally forgot. remembered only when we were paying the bill so we rushed to get the cake! then sang her a birthday song right outside ajisen ramen! sasa left to meet her dad then we continue walking around and shopped abit. bought a fcuk top and joy was supposed to get it but the size was not right (and now, shes regretting!) ! mel got her gap jeans as well.     went to bugis after that to meet up with benyun. we took prints, without benyun of cos. it turned out quite horribly nice! walked to bugis street and bought another top from the sunday shop while joy got her white skirt. it was swensens after that. joy and her "perfect" bf. -.- lol.  think im gna go get my reserved pull and bear skirt later after tuition! 12:44 AM
fucking connection having some fucked problem. my msn is fucked. im having butterflies in my stomach now. i hate the feeling. bloody butterflies, please come out now. - woke up at 4.20pm. - went to joy's. - watched star awards. -.- - mel and jiahui came. - bought food! :D - mom came. - to send me home. yawnxzs, boring. i need to do something to this blogskin. its fucked too. 11:56 PM
its 1.35am now which means its 10dec. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! it was just like any other day. went to church after 1 whole month of not going. what else? met up with suf and rin at tamp mall for dinner. we walked around and i went to collect my mango pants. left with nowhere else to go, we slacked at macdonalds and had some laughs.     ohohohoh, christmas is coming!get ready all your presents!i wanna catch Deck The Halls! anyone want to watch with meeee? 1:35 AM
alright. im finally blogging. this is gna be quite a long post so dont read if youre an idiot. lol. thursday to friday morning was sasa's early birthday chalet. it was at safra, tanah merah.  clarissa, joy, kewei, claire, jiahui, melissa, fatin, izaidah, mervyn, ridhwan, azri, fareez, ballz, haojie, nicholas, syakir, jamadil (?), asri, sanjeev, farid, sofian, bryan, adam and sham. (sorry if your name's not inside!)  i finally saw izaidah! gosh, i miss her and fatin! we chatted and chatted. then everyone played a few rounds of 7 minutes in heaven and dare-or-dare. it was really funny! azri and farid's dare were damn hilarious! also, claire had to put some fake moustache on her face. was in the kitchen chatting with fatin and izaidah then the rest of the people are playing pictionary and mahjong. some of them left after a while to catch the shuttle bus to tanah merah. then all just slacked and played bluff.     it was one hella night, i tell you. angry that they finished the vodka i brought then started snatching from people. people like, sasa, adam, nicholas, syakir and joy they all. gulped all down with an empty stomach. got drunk after drinking from syakir's. adam was giving me a full report on what i did and said cos he was with me the whole time (thankyou son! :D) . he told me i spouted ALOT of nonsense and yes, how embarrassing. i even said i wanted to have sex with the red power ranger. -.- i also asked adam if he wants to watch happy feet this sunday. i was so damn random. said many other things and also hugged him and cried on his shoulder for like 6 bloody times. struggled and ended up rolling in the middle of the road which results to having scratches on my knee and elbow. wtf, damn pain please. then i started crying and asked them why is it soooo pain. i slept on mervyn's lap and he kept pushing my head cos i wanted to get up! then he started laughing at me! it was so retarded. okay, moving on. i told them i wanted to vomit then adam had to sacrifice his hand to catch my puke. eww, i know but yea. adam's such a true friend to even catch my puke! haha! blah blah blah. woke up and started talking nonsense again. the hangover really sucks! i couldnt walk still and i kept puking and puking. it was so disgusting. the guys went to buy food and milk for me. drank the milk but ended up puking it out as well. checked out of the chalet and ridhwan followed me to sasa's.puked in the cab and puked somemore there. felt damn horrid. bathed and slept! woke up and felt hell lot better. used the com and rested there. woke ridhwan up and cabbed home. gosh, what a crazy day. a really really big thank you to everyone there who took care of me, watching me puke and listening to my nonsense! :D <32:11 AM
GOOD MORNING. can someone tell me why youve become like that?i dont even know how to react to whatever youve done.i think i dont know you. anymore.met sasa to get schoolbooks then left for parkway to get chalet stuffs. ended up buying lots of unimportant things! cabbed down to jiahui's and slacked there. chatted alot bout practically everything. we felt so bored so we head out for dinner so joy's dad came to pick us and went to have dinner at bedok 85. felt so satisfied after eating and of cos, soooo sinful! joy's dad sent each and everyone of us home while he drop me at simei mrt. my dad and sister came to pick me up and went to white sands to pick serene up! we went to eastcoast lagoon to get again. shucks, imma fatty. mom came to fetch us back. oh soooo random. sister and i mixed green tea with chivas just now. sister has been farting non-stop ever since we got home. mother has been nagging and nagging. okay bye. 1:11 AM
the only reason why im blogging at such wee hours is because i am so effing bored. to the extent that im actually playing neopets. i remember during my primary school days, i skipped meals just to play neopets and my dad will usually start yelling at me to have my dinner! talking bout my dad, i miss him. i hardly even see him or talk to him and thats cos my parents are divorced. all you crazy fools. i feel so bad whenever i think of the times when im so young and i throw my tantrums on him. i feel kinda sad when i think bout it. i was (or rather, i am) a spoilt brat! i will sulk whenever i cant get the things that i want (im not so bad now thou im stil like that sometimes!). whats worse, im always buying nonsense and things that practically so useless. i waste money on letterpads, notebooks, slippers of the same design but different colour, toys, stufftoys, colourpens and more more more! my dad has never say No to me in terms of satisfying my material needs. including things that i dont even need it and im obviously wasting his money. i even got him to get me a palmtop and I DONT EVEN FUCKING HELL NEED ONE. i hate myself for being such a spoilt brat. i hate myself for throwing my temper at my dad. i hate myself for taking my dad for granted.im feeling this whole rush of emo-ness after typing all these out. i dont even know i'll be typing all these shit out. gosh, i feeel like an idiot but its okay. thanks for reading! i think i'll sleep soon! 1:58 AM
what a day. i havent see my darling, joy, for years and i miss her terribly! but guess what? the telepathy is still there! it gets really freaky when i know what shes thinking and she knows what im thinking. how amazing can it get? at least i know that shes really happy with her boyfriend now! i wanted to post a picture of that best friend of mine with her handsome boy but guess what? that idiotic girl said shes shy and asked me not to post it. -.- well, too bad for all of your eyes cos im sure you girls will go "aww, so sweet! i wish i have a boyfriend like hers!" after looking at the picture. i miss sasa. even though i met up with her on sunday! :D i dint see melissa for like sooo long! i miss her tooo. oh oh, i also miss kewei and jiahui! i miss like so many people. dint get to see these people much during the hols. people like 9irlfriends, jingying, izaidah, adele, rin, suf, zao and of cos, the list goes on and on and on! hope to see all of you soon kay. (: sayhai's leaving for wales later tonight! 10:19 PM
down down down. caught "Girls Out Loud" on tv after shopping at tamp mall with mom. woke up at bout 3pm today and was supposed to go get school books with adam and mervyn but we ended up not getting cos we all woke up late just as expected. mom wanted to send her spoilt nokia phone for repair but the person told her it'll be expensive and she might as well get a new phone. i think her luck has been really sucky these days. she lost her wallet and her phone is spoilt. how happy. okay, walked around and got a top from outfitters. also, a grey mango jeans and a basic top. the jeans' too long so sent it for alteration. collecting it next week! alrighttt. i better get my school books soon! 10:55 PM
today was supposed to be the start of the dreaded tuition sessions but yea, it was cancelled in the end.  got ready and went out to meet my girl, sasa over at town! she was holding like hell lot of shopping bags and yes, that girl went on a major shopping spree again. walked around while she get her stuffs. saw adele and jingying working at takashimaya. left for wisma and sat down at starbucks to chill alil bit. asri, bryan, boo, mervyn and ballz came to find us then we set off to airport for dinner at popeyes. well, that was the initial plan but it was as crowded as hell. so we had our dinner at fish&co. instead. slacked at the viewing mall for a while then all left for home. alright, i have a question. is anyone out there willing to share their man or woman? you know what? i think im willing. 11:36 PM
/editfinally, a new skin but im getting quite sick of it aldy. even thou its new! hey people, comment okay! i took like quite a long time to do it. -.-
okay, im quite pissed now.
yet another saturday spent at home. crashed at 6 in the morning and woke up as early as 2 in the afternoon. as usual, i pigged out at home watching some hongkong serial and yay, im left with one more espisode! mom's friends are coming over tonight for some mahjong and monsterous eating session. alright, i quit my job yesterday and yesterday was my first day of work. it was terrible and i totally felt like shit. felt real bad bout quitting and it was as good as wasting kenneth's (our supervisor) time. they're really nice and cool people. after quitting, we ended up slacking our butts off at starbucks. im so sick of my blogskin and i think its time to give it a change! okay, im gna try to work on it now. 4:54 PM
April Chen
19 April
♥ my Bestfriends.
school's starting in like about 4 days? im totally not prepared but one thing that im happy bout is that i'll get to see my classmates, schoolmates and of cos, my 9irlfriends. rah, i miss them like hell lot! kay, so like im saying that im totally unprepared. sigh sigh, school. went out to meet jiahui and mel at tampines just now. havent seen the both of them for like a long long time. we walked around and had teppanyaki for dinner. walked somemore and left for home.  i decided to do a collage for the pictures. yawnyawnyawn. new year's approaching. sadsadsad. it seems like there are nothing to look forward to. rah, 2007.
okay. i shall upload pictures and let the pictures do the blogging. 24Dec - Christmas Eve.    our group photo with the HMV christmas tree.  the 3 of us plus an extra, syakir.  chilling at starbucks and guys cam-whoring.        and more photo-taking...      25 Dec - Christmas
vivocity and town with sisters and friends. our group photo at vivo. 
my real blood sister plus my other two precious sisters. 
us and jeremy. 
weiming and me. 
april and gladys. my one and only. 
okkkay, shall upload all these only. another time again.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL YOU SPASTIC PEOPLE.good morning to everyone in this pretty ugly world. its 7.23am now and i got home at 3plus. yawnnnnn. its christmas and i dont feel the christmas mood at all. how sad. ): what a sad and lonely christmas sehxzs. -.- im on msn now and i have alot of pictures to post. BUT im not gna post it now. im gna do it another day or something. school's gna start and can you imagine? i havent buy my schoolshoes, my schoolbag and most importantly, do my holiday homework! i also need to do something to the highlighted part of my hair. hais, imma sad girl. someone just kill me please. this effing post is so effing random sehxzs.
alright, i know i havent been blogging and sorry for the lack of updates! the rain just keeps coming down endlessly these days and its seriously getting on my nerves! what a spoiler, rain. also, i made a livejournal like last week or something. i cant remember but yea. im still thinking what i want to do with it. should i post posts that will only allow my friends to see OR just blog some random nonsense like lyrics or something? okay, im still thinking bout it. nothing i call interesting happen. days are filled with thoughts and more thoughts. it has been a whole week and the week definitely felt long and tormenting. well, to me. yes. i will not deny that ive not gotten over the breakup and i dont exactly know what im supposed to do but yea, whatever it is. i just hate it when you come telling me that you're happily moving on and you want to find a new girlfriend who can play sports. bloody hell, tell me what am i supposed to feel? sayhai's back from wales and he got me a adidas shirt! thanks guy. :D also, sasa's finally back from myanmar and she got me a pretty seashell bracelet! love it. thanks girl, i love you ever so much! alright so i shall blog bout 19dec-21dec. 19dec- tuesdayi remember it was raining frogs and fishes the whole day. went out when the rain decided to stop for a little while! met sasa and gosh, i miss her so much! it was town and end-of-season sales are practically everywhere! we shopped and i only got 2 tanktops from pull&bear and a blouse from forever21. saw many other things that i want but okay, i should really control my expenditure. we had really late lunch at pepperlunch and continued walking around hunting for more pretty things. left, met mom and home. 20dec- wednesdayall of us were supposed to meet up at 1pm but the plan was obviously screwed cos most of us couldnt wake up and dilly-dallied. from 1pm, the meeting time was changed to 2.30pm then to 3.30pm again. i forgot to inform sasa and none of the guys did as well. she was at bugis so i rushed to meet her first! so sorry girl! walked around and waited for the guys. met boo, mervyn and ballz at the cabin. head to vivocity and had late lunch at carls jr. walked somemore and dint really get anything cos i was feeling so lousy that im awfully broke. walked till bout 9plus and went to catch our movie, Night At The Museum! it was really funny and light-hearted! missed the last train so we took the 10 and dropped somewhere. met ridhwan a little while and he sent me home after that cos mom was making hell lot of noise. wth. 21dec- thursdayi worked today at new york skin solutions as some sort of receptionist or something for 3 hours. it was $10/hr so it was quite a pretty good deal! anyways, met veronica to collect my uniform and felt really bad to make her wait for me! went separate ways and went to work. hmm, we both went to get dinner together. work ended up 9pm and left. did not really feel right so decided to just head home. oooookay, there goes my post. lemme just post some cute pictures of little dogs.    okay alright then that, no more pictures! how sad but its okay, doesnt matter. i miss you ever so much.
i just feel the need to blog right now and i have no idea why. call me an idiot or a bitch but it has been 2 days so far and im not able to deal with it with so-called maturity. i simply thought that i'd able to face it and convince myself. i think im wrong, terribly wrong. i find it so hard for me to accept and face the fact that we're officially over after 1year, 4months and 5days. i couldnt help it but to keep staring at my miserable and pathetic phone and start wondering whether you'll even send me a msg or give me a call which is hardly possible because after all, i was the one who initiated the whole thing. i hate it whenever i start tearing out of nowhere and without even me realising, he has become a part of me. the feeling of losing a part of me really sucks alot. i wonder how is it for you? all the bitter and sweet memories are really great to have. thank you. and youre no longer mine. whatever it is, i love you. (:
i just reach home not long ago from town. 14dec- thursday met mervyn, ballz and bryan at tampmall. looked for bags. head down to raffles city for dinner and sat at subway till it closes. talk bout things and blah blah. head down to simpang for supper. ended up slacking and chatting away. the 3 guys walked me home from simpang and yea, reached home. couldnt sleep. its really stupid how i suggested it and yet, i cant accept it and start moving on. i feel stupid and childish. can someone just throw a rock on my head right now? hopefully i'll just forget every single thing thats happening around me right now. i feel relieved yet, with a heavy heart.15dec- friday went town and met up with sister, her bf, jeremy and serene. walked around and bought a dress at pandora's box. then we caught The Holiday. it has been so long since a good movie and its just all bout love. everyone must go catch it cos it really is a very good movie. home now. im starting to hate blogging.
omg, i feel like killing myself. had tuition today and went to town on my own! gosh, its like my first time going out on my own. -.- anyways, went to collect my pull and bear skirt at taka. i walked pass mango and guess what? it was the end of season sale i think? i couldnt help it but to go in and take a look. it was so crowded and gosh, the pants and skirts are all so cheap but i dint get any! got two tops instead which leaves me with so little cash left. im broke all over again. ): sadsadsad. you know what? i dont care anymore. why should i even care when you dont seem to give a damn at all.
11dec- HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AMOS AND JOSEPH. 12dec- HAPPY BELATED BRITHDAY SASA! <3 youre finally 15 girl. i love you for everything and i thank you for everything! :Di was supposed to meet up with the birthday girl, joy and mel at 1pm but joy and me ended up waking up late to meet them! alright, head to town and had lunch at ajisen ramen. the initial plan was that mel and me pretend to go to the toilet and go get a small cake for sasa but we totally forgot. remembered only when we were paying the bill so we rushed to get the cake! then sang her a birthday song right outside ajisen ramen! sasa left to meet her dad then we continue walking around and shopped abit. bought a fcuk top and joy was supposed to get it but the size was not right (and now, shes regretting!) ! mel got her gap jeans as well.     went to bugis after that to meet up with benyun. we took prints, without benyun of cos. it turned out quite horribly nice! walked to bugis street and bought another top from the sunday shop while joy got her white skirt. it was swensens after that. joy and her "perfect" bf. -.- lol.  think im gna go get my reserved pull and bear skirt later after tuition!
fucking connection having some fucked problem. my msn is fucked. im having butterflies in my stomach now. i hate the feeling. bloody butterflies, please come out now. - woke up at 4.20pm. - went to joy's. - watched star awards. -.- - mel and jiahui came. - bought food! :D - mom came. - to send me home. yawnxzs, boring. i need to do something to this blogskin. its fucked too.
its 1.35am now which means its 10dec. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! it was just like any other day. went to church after 1 whole month of not going. what else? met up with suf and rin at tamp mall for dinner. we walked around and i went to collect my mango pants. left with nowhere else to go, we slacked at macdonalds and had some laughs.     ohohohoh, christmas is coming!get ready all your presents!i wanna catch Deck The Halls! anyone want to watch with meeee?
alright. im finally blogging. this is gna be quite a long post so dont read if youre an idiot. lol. thursday to friday morning was sasa's early birthday chalet. it was at safra, tanah merah.  clarissa, joy, kewei, claire, jiahui, melissa, fatin, izaidah, mervyn, ridhwan, azri, fareez, ballz, haojie, nicholas, syakir, jamadil (?), asri, sanjeev, farid, sofian, bryan, adam and sham. (sorry if your name's not inside!)  i finally saw izaidah! gosh, i miss her and fatin! we chatted and chatted. then everyone played a few rounds of 7 minutes in heaven and dare-or-dare. it was really funny! azri and farid's dare were damn hilarious! also, claire had to put some fake moustache on her face. was in the kitchen chatting with fatin and izaidah then the rest of the people are playing pictionary and mahjong. some of them left after a while to catch the shuttle bus to tanah merah. then all just slacked and played bluff.     it was one hella night, i tell you. angry that they finished the vodka i brought then started snatching from people. people like, sasa, adam, nicholas, syakir and joy they all. gulped all down with an empty stomach. got drunk after drinking from syakir's. adam was giving me a full report on what i did and said cos he was with me the whole time (thankyou son! :D) . he told me i spouted ALOT of nonsense and yes, how embarrassing. i even said i wanted to have sex with the red power ranger. -.- i also asked adam if he wants to watch happy feet this sunday. i was so damn random. said many other things and also hugged him and cried on his shoulder for like 6 bloody times. struggled and ended up rolling in the middle of the road which results to having scratches on my knee and elbow. wtf, damn pain please. then i started crying and asked them why is it soooo pain. i slept on mervyn's lap and he kept pushing my head cos i wanted to get up! then he started laughing at me! it was so retarded. okay, moving on. i told them i wanted to vomit then adam had to sacrifice his hand to catch my puke. eww, i know but yea. adam's such a true friend to even catch my puke! haha! blah blah blah. woke up and started talking nonsense again. the hangover really sucks! i couldnt walk still and i kept puking and puking. it was so disgusting. the guys went to buy food and milk for me. drank the milk but ended up puking it out as well. checked out of the chalet and ridhwan followed me to sasa's.puked in the cab and puked somemore there. felt damn horrid. bathed and slept! woke up and felt hell lot better. used the com and rested there. woke ridhwan up and cabbed home. gosh, what a crazy day. a really really big thank you to everyone there who took care of me, watching me puke and listening to my nonsense! :D <3
GOOD MORNING. can someone tell me why youve become like that?i dont even know how to react to whatever youve done.i think i dont know you. anymore.met sasa to get schoolbooks then left for parkway to get chalet stuffs. ended up buying lots of unimportant things! cabbed down to jiahui's and slacked there. chatted alot bout practically everything. we felt so bored so we head out for dinner so joy's dad came to pick us and went to have dinner at bedok 85. felt so satisfied after eating and of cos, soooo sinful! joy's dad sent each and everyone of us home while he drop me at simei mrt. my dad and sister came to pick me up and went to white sands to pick serene up! we went to eastcoast lagoon to get again. shucks, imma fatty. mom came to fetch us back. oh soooo random. sister and i mixed green tea with chivas just now. sister has been farting non-stop ever since we got home. mother has been nagging and nagging. okay bye.
the only reason why im blogging at such wee hours is because i am so effing bored. to the extent that im actually playing neopets. i remember during my primary school days, i skipped meals just to play neopets and my dad will usually start yelling at me to have my dinner! talking bout my dad, i miss him. i hardly even see him or talk to him and thats cos my parents are divorced. all you crazy fools. i feel so bad whenever i think of the times when im so young and i throw my tantrums on him. i feel kinda sad when i think bout it. i was (or rather, i am) a spoilt brat! i will sulk whenever i cant get the things that i want (im not so bad now thou im stil like that sometimes!). whats worse, im always buying nonsense and things that practically so useless. i waste money on letterpads, notebooks, slippers of the same design but different colour, toys, stufftoys, colourpens and more more more! my dad has never say No to me in terms of satisfying my material needs. including things that i dont even need it and im obviously wasting his money. i even got him to get me a palmtop and I DONT EVEN FUCKING HELL NEED ONE. i hate myself for being such a spoilt brat. i hate myself for throwing my temper at my dad. i hate myself for taking my dad for granted.im feeling this whole rush of emo-ness after typing all these out. i dont even know i'll be typing all these shit out. gosh, i feeel like an idiot but its okay. thanks for reading! i think i'll sleep soon!
what a day. i havent see my darling, joy, for years and i miss her terribly! but guess what? the telepathy is still there! it gets really freaky when i know what shes thinking and she knows what im thinking. how amazing can it get? at least i know that shes really happy with her boyfriend now! i wanted to post a picture of that best friend of mine with her handsome boy but guess what? that idiotic girl said shes shy and asked me not to post it. -.- well, too bad for all of your eyes cos im sure you girls will go "aww, so sweet! i wish i have a boyfriend like hers!" after looking at the picture. i miss sasa. even though i met up with her on sunday! :D i dint see melissa for like sooo long! i miss her tooo. oh oh, i also miss kewei and jiahui! i miss like so many people. dint get to see these people much during the hols. people like 9irlfriends, jingying, izaidah, adele, rin, suf, zao and of cos, the list goes on and on and on! hope to see all of you soon kay. (: sayhai's leaving for wales later tonight!
down down down. caught "Girls Out Loud" on tv after shopping at tamp mall with mom. woke up at bout 3pm today and was supposed to go get school books with adam and mervyn but we ended up not getting cos we all woke up late just as expected. mom wanted to send her spoilt nokia phone for repair but the person told her it'll be expensive and she might as well get a new phone. i think her luck has been really sucky these days. she lost her wallet and her phone is spoilt. how happy. okay, walked around and got a top from outfitters. also, a grey mango jeans and a basic top. the jeans' too long so sent it for alteration. collecting it next week! alrighttt. i better get my school books soon!
today was supposed to be the start of the dreaded tuition sessions but yea, it was cancelled in the end.  got ready and went out to meet my girl, sasa over at town! she was holding like hell lot of shopping bags and yes, that girl went on a major shopping spree again. walked around while she get her stuffs. saw adele and jingying working at takashimaya. left for wisma and sat down at starbucks to chill alil bit. asri, bryan, boo, mervyn and ballz came to find us then we set off to airport for dinner at popeyes. well, that was the initial plan but it was as crowded as hell. so we had our dinner at fish&co. instead. slacked at the viewing mall for a while then all left for home. alright, i have a question. is anyone out there willing to share their man or woman? you know what? i think im willing.
/editfinally, a new skin but im getting quite sick of it aldy. even thou its new! hey people, comment okay! i took like quite a long time to do it. -.-
okay, im quite pissed now.
yet another saturday spent at home. crashed at 6 in the morning and woke up as early as 2 in the afternoon. as usual, i pigged out at home watching some hongkong serial and yay, im left with one more espisode! mom's friends are coming over tonight for some mahjong and monsterous eating session. alright, i quit my job yesterday and yesterday was my first day of work. it was terrible and i totally felt like shit. felt real bad bout quitting and it was as good as wasting kenneth's (our supervisor) time. they're really nice and cool people. after quitting, we ended up slacking our butts off at starbucks. im so sick of my blogskin and i think its time to give it a change! okay, im gna try to work on it now.