oookay, i feel like changing my blogskin but not now obviously. i think its time for me to pull up my socks and start bucking up in terms of my studies. i am lazing around like nobody's business and sometimes i feel i should just go kill myself for slacking so much. i need motivation and momentum so if you have it please dont be selfish and give me some. when will i ever be motivated? so far, i was only motivated for one day and the following day? my motivation's gone! vanish like the winddd... and please tell me why am i wasting my time blogging? when i have lots of work undone! not forgetting, i screwed practically all my tests so far by not studying. kay, or mayb just studying at the very last minute and screwed it up as well. hehe. im having my fucking Olevels this year and hell, APRIL CHEN! PLEASE WAKE UP AND START GIVING YOURSELF A THOUSAND SLAPS. ): okay.... what a stupid post. 4:38 PM
hello kiddos, i cant believe im spending my saturday at home! hmm, so the last time i blogged was last saturday. nothing special. hell, i cant stand the weather. whenever i bring my jacket to school, the sun will shine like nobody's business and whenever i dont, it will start raining and it'll be damn cold. ta ma de. 22jan monday; - school. - band practice. - tuition. 23jan tuesday; - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM AND SHAM! - school. - band practice. 24jan wednesday; - school. - joy, mel, jiahui and sasa. - peninsula. - town. - shopped.    25jan thurday; - HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN! - schoool. 26jan friday;  - schooool. - lunch with the guys. - met the 4 girls again at bugis with sister. - marina square with sister only. - late late dinner at hongkong cafe. - home at 2am. 27jan saturday; - school and singapore conference hall for syf rehearsal. - HOME!! ): what horrible weekend cos i think im gna stay home tmr as well. okay, from now. im gna try to start refraining myself from spouting vulgarities. so stop me when you hear me swear or curse or whatever okay. =) 7:08 PM
 weekends are finally here once again but yet another schoolweek is gna start! updates with hm, quite alot of pictures! friday 19Jan07- schooool. we did some beep test during PE and 4 straight periods of A&E maths. how good is that? my miffy, julia waited for me after school at the schoolgate! hehe, i miss her so much! left for Eastwood and had apple strudel while updating each other bout SO MANY stuffs thats happening and waiting for her dental appointment. after everything, she followed me home to get ready and we were dilly-dallying till we forgot the time! rushed and took train down to town. julia was so damn spastic and i feel like posting the 2 videos of her! alright, maybe next time. :D she left to meet her sister while i went to meet my sister, serene, her bf and jeremy. walked around and caught some chinese movie ( okay, i dont know whats the name of the movie ) at Cine. i was sooo tired that i almost dozed off! walked somemore and took the ugliest prints ever! hmm, bought a top and hehe, Subway. dad came to pick me up and send sister off to St James. i really had a great time with my miffy today! :D lovelovelove. we should do this more often!    i think my sister look like a retard in both pictures.   saturday 20Jan07- hell man, i spent my whole day with nadiah hatta. met up with her and had mac for lunch. head to Temasek Poly open house with izaidah and shikin. ahpoh brought us around and look at the different courses. saw quite a few people there. after that, nad came over to my place to supposedly study but ended up watching What A Girl Wants! went to mac again to meet up with fatin nabila to study as well but hell, we ended up whoring with the camera. chatted and had some laughs then decided to go over to nad's to watch soccer match. Liverpool and Chelsea, 2-0.         not forgetting, nadiah the ultimate cam-whore.  i wonder what i'll be doing later and i'll end off with a picture of me! :D  12:14 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUFYAN MY LOVELY BRATHA. hope you like the nike jacket and hell, thanks for that adidas jacket. :D sooo.. i really dont know what should i blog bout. everyday seems the same. you wake up bloody early in the morning. you go to school and you go home. you go online and watch tv. you go to sleep. the whole cycle repeats everyday but maybe weekends are exceptional. school. izaidah and me were fucking sleepy during lessons. that girl kept dozing off and i was so tired that i needed a serious laughing fit but i ended up laughing alone. like my gosh, how sad? went to have lunch with yas, nad and aly after school then hm, went homeee? ive been eating alot these days and ohdear, im gaining back the weight that i lost. i eat when i feel stress. so am i feeling stress now? hm, i dont think so. i really detest the feeling im feeling right now. fuck, i know its fucking childish but i cant fucking help it right. who am i to even feel this way? this fucking feeling just cant go away and hell it kills to even go think bout it. seriously, fuck you and burn bitch burn. fuck this post is sooo fucking random. 5:22 PM
good evening to everyone. i really think that some people should just fucking burn in hell. dont you all agree? hell yea. some pictures for some fucking viewing pleasure!     okay.. goodbye. 8:35 PM
im really really bored right now with apparently, no one to talk to! nadiah asked me to blog but i was too lazy just now so i decided to do it right now. i shall blog bout my friday and my saturday since it is aldy sunday morning.  Friday - 12jan07 okay, schoool and blah blah. went to tamp mall for lunch with sasa, mel and jh. sasa came over after that and did nothing but to just laugh at stupid things. i got ready and i went to meet fatin at pasir ris interchange then took a bus down to shikin's sweet sixteen chalet. reached and we all just sat around. slacked and we had some laughs. took some retarded pictures. ohoh and watched John Tucker Must Die on adam's ipod video. with no intentions of staying over, i ended up staying over. (k, this sentence sounds weird) all squeeze on the 2 beds and 2 matresses and it was as squeezy as a can of sardines. hehe. we all woke up and left the chalet for mac breakfast. homeee and knock out on the bed without even bathing. heeh. one of the group photos.  fatin, farhana and me hiding inside irni's dress(?). hehe.  me, fatin and arif.   natasha, me, irni and bee.  natasha and me.  retarded fatty butt and me.  my lovely beeee. <3  Saturday - 13jan07 so like i was saying that i knocked out straight after i reach home in the morning. i woke up and pigged around the house. got ready and out to get wingtai's birthday present at tampines. headed down to casafina for his party. hell, the guys were like throwing each other down into the pool. with or without clothes. lol, i almost got thrown down as well but yea, my period saved me. after so much of dilly-dallying, we all finally left to some nearby coffeeshop and had late dinner. after that, took bus with ruifeng and rin while the rest went to glad's to watch soccer. hmm, slacked with rin before heading home.   okay, im done blogging for the sake of it. goodbye to all. 2:55 AM
hi this is my ex-boyfriend, Ridhwan. even thou we both look retarded in this pic. but screw it. i like. kkkkay, i feel like posting more of our pictures but okay nvm. next time! ; just by looking at you, i know you're not the one i know anymore.9th January- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JEREMY AND BARBARA. soo.. it felt like i havent been blogging for like a million years. hehe. aly, junrong and me went back for band on tuesday and i guess we have no choice but to join this year's SYF even though it would be taking hell lot of time. the choice piece was alright for me so far but the set piece was shit. i cant play at all! its so difficultttt with my crooked fingers. ): nothing much happened. just school and home. occasional eat outs and gosh, im loving all my friends. :D nadiah confessed to me bout the bad things she said bout me! lol, that idiot. she was damn evil to me but its alright. no record of wrongs! she also confessed her love for me but sadly, i rejected her with all that i have! psst, she practically throw herself to me! heeh, heart-to-heart girlie. mom's in china right now and yay, im bloody hell rejoicing.   bye all!10:54 PM
haha. great old times that i loveee. and there came act two.. 6:00 PM
school. Olevels. wtf.
okay byebye. 9:27 PM
 i had a very fulfilling macdonalds meal just now at about 3am. sigh, imagine the damn fats! ): alright. so.. is everyone ready for school? school's starting like so damn soon. we'll then all drag our heavy feets to school and sit in the hall listening to ms abraham. how dreadful! Saturday 30 Dec 06- met up with shamyn and we went to get her uniform then head down to town. hunt for bags and ended up buying other stuffs. that girl was practically on a shopping spree while i have to suffer cos i was dead broke! but well heeh, i got two tops. both of us finally found our bags! hmm, even though it was not really ideal and was a total rip-off, we stil got it since it was quite cheap. ohohoh! we took prints also. it was damn retarded but it turned out alright! besides everything, it was quite a great day with my doll without the dimsum leader! :D    31 Dec 05- New Year's Eve sooo, it was new year's eve! i had tuition in the afternoon and i couldnt concentrate at all cos i was obviously in the holiday mood. therefore, it was a unproductive tuition session! got ready and left house to meet joy, benyun, sayhai, kewei, jiahui and mel at marina square. walked to esplanade and found a spot. settled there and took mega unglam pictures! laughed and chatted. sayhai and me left to pick sasa up from marina square. everywhere was blocked and we couldnt get back to where the rest were so ended up at the bridge watching the fireworks display. it was prettttay but yea, like any other fireworks. made a wish while watching the fireworks! heeh. left to take the train and went over to haojie's for a small bbq. we ate, slacked and i drank alittle. uncle diamond came to fetch me home at bout 4something in the morning. here are some spastic photos!     over at haojie's.  alright thats all. im gna go sleep soon, i think? 4:27 AM
(alright i'll blog a proper post like later.) my first post for 2007! HAPPY 2007 TO EVERYONE! :D hello 2007 and goodbye 2006!2006 has been really eventful. good and bad things happened. happy and sad things happened. fun and boring things happened. just so many things happened this year. my social circle got alot smaller this year compared to last year but all's good i guess? so many things changed and so many people changed as well. some grew in terms of maturity, some grew in terms of looks and some just stay where they are (which is considered good and bad! ) lol. Joy Sim -my telepathy girl. you never fail to know what im thinking and how im feeling. the telepathy between the both of us is so strong that it gets really freaky at times isnt it! everything's great with you around girl. we've been thru so much together and i felt like i know you since forever! no matter how pissed we are with each other, we'll still love each other just as much! haha. im so happy that youve found a guy who cares for you so much and loves you for who you are. heeh. thank you for every single thing youve done for me. i'll always be the pillar that supports you all the way alright? <3 Kewei -hey tian. i must say that this year the both of us really drifted so far apart but guess what? i still love you as much as before. you know you never fail to show me that you actually cared and still love me even though we are not close anymore. you will always be there to cheer me up with your nonsense and stupid acts! i really appreciate whatever you've done and i'll cherish this friendship till the end. <3 Clarissa -my dearest girl. thank you so much for being there to listen to me complain, grumble and whine. no matter how much i irritate you with my nonsense, you are always listening without any complaints. there are times when im terribly down but on the happier note, i know you'll always have my back. i love it when we always wonder why are we not sisters? but if we are, we'll definitely be quarrelling everyday! so im very glad that we are not sisters but friends. lovelove. my 9irlfriends. alyssa, april, fatin, lichin, nadiah, ros, shamyn, yasmine and zakiah. -
thank you for all the fun, joy and laughter! wait, not forgetting the tears, anger, the real fights and the fake catfights!! all of us certainly grew to become more matured and lovelier right? lets just forget all the unpleasant shit between us and all get together once again okay? things will be better next year and we'll have more fun and laughters! i love you girls so much! <3 Izaidah -hey bee! we only got closer this year cos we're in the same class! im so glad that im gna have you for another year. we shared so much things together! like boyfriend problems, friends problems and even shared gossips! gosh, all's been really good with you around. times when we tried paying attention during class but still end up yakking like a yak! i love you girl. im so glad that you're part of my life! :D <3 style="color: rgb(204, 102, 204);"> Melissa and Jiahui - gosh, girls! same as izaidah, i only got closer to you girls this year! thank you for being there for me when things are really screwed up! the both of you have been really really sweet! shared so much laughters and fun together! i really enjoy every moment with you girls. i love you two! :D Julia -heeh miffy! ive been missing you alot and yes, we finally met up during christmas and updated you with the so many things that have been happening in my life. i love getting all crazy with you and you never fail to brighten up my day to flash me your mega-watt smile! i love you miff. we must remember to KIT (you made it up yourself!) even after you leave the sch kay. mi fi bu yong ji jiao. ahaha. Ridhwan -you you you. played a real big role in my life! you are just so silly to me no matter what you say or what you do. both of us have changed so much compared to the first time we met or talked. even though we're not together anymore but whatever blah blah blah. the relationship i had with you was my longest and there are so many firsts in the relationship. thank you for always tolerating my nonsense and my moodswings! but fret not, you wont be tolerating it anymore! haha. i love you. (: Mervyn -gosh, youre just so irritating and annoying at times but you never fail to cheer me up. thank you for always listening to me and being there for me whenever things were going on a rough patch. youre like a brother to me and youre always taking care of me. heeh, i thank you for that of cos. youve been a really great friend and i'll never trade this friendship for anything else. loves. Adam, Ballz, Boo, Bryan and the rest of the group. -hey guys. thanks for being there for me and cheering me up with all your crappy talks and actions. all of you taught me so much and you guys are always telling me what to do whenever i have problems or i feel unhappy. not forgetting, thanks for taking care of me when im drunk and listening me spouting hell lots of nonsense! you guys are so great that i hope that our friendship do last till the end of time. :D Rin & Suf -both of you have been really great to me! my tf and my brother. for everything that you guys did for me, im really thankful. the chats we used to have on msn was never-ending. so much craps to share and to laugh at. great times like.5 will never be forgotten alright? thanks for being right behind me to support me all the way thru yea. i will try my very best to be there for you guys whenever you guys need me too! loves. Sayhai -whoa, youre like a big brother. always taking care of me and stopping me from doing things that are wrong and you dont like me doing it. you know whenever im pissed or irritated or unhappy then you will do all sorts of acts to make me happier but noo, it makes me angrier! haha but i know youre trying to make me happy as well! youre always the one who tolerates my spoilt attitude and heeh. im sorry! whatever it is, loves. the list goes on and on for the people i need to thank so yea, i'll keep it short! THANK YOU! to everyone. :D remember to say welcome on my tagboard okay. LOVE YOU ALL! remember to say love you too on my tagboard okay. last but not least, i miss my primary school bestfriends! Samantha, Rebecca and Barbara! <34:14 PM
April Chen
19 April
♥ my Bestfriends.
oookay, i feel like changing my blogskin but not now obviously. i think its time for me to pull up my socks and start bucking up in terms of my studies. i am lazing around like nobody's business and sometimes i feel i should just go kill myself for slacking so much. i need motivation and momentum so if you have it please dont be selfish and give me some. when will i ever be motivated? so far, i was only motivated for one day and the following day? my motivation's gone! vanish like the winddd... and please tell me why am i wasting my time blogging? when i have lots of work undone! not forgetting, i screwed practically all my tests so far by not studying. kay, or mayb just studying at the very last minute and screwed it up as well. hehe. im having my fucking Olevels this year and hell, APRIL CHEN! PLEASE WAKE UP AND START GIVING YOURSELF A THOUSAND SLAPS. ): okay.... what a stupid post.
hello kiddos, i cant believe im spending my saturday at home! hmm, so the last time i blogged was last saturday. nothing special. hell, i cant stand the weather. whenever i bring my jacket to school, the sun will shine like nobody's business and whenever i dont, it will start raining and it'll be damn cold. ta ma de. 22jan monday; - school. - band practice. - tuition. 23jan tuesday; - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM AND SHAM! - school. - band practice. 24jan wednesday; - school. - joy, mel, jiahui and sasa. - peninsula. - town. - shopped.    25jan thurday; - HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN! - schoool. 26jan friday;  - schooool. - lunch with the guys. - met the 4 girls again at bugis with sister. - marina square with sister only. - late late dinner at hongkong cafe. - home at 2am. 27jan saturday; - school and singapore conference hall for syf rehearsal. - HOME!! ): what horrible weekend cos i think im gna stay home tmr as well. okay, from now. im gna try to start refraining myself from spouting vulgarities. so stop me when you hear me swear or curse or whatever okay. =)
 weekends are finally here once again but yet another schoolweek is gna start! updates with hm, quite alot of pictures! friday 19Jan07- schooool. we did some beep test during PE and 4 straight periods of A&E maths. how good is that? my miffy, julia waited for me after school at the schoolgate! hehe, i miss her so much! left for Eastwood and had apple strudel while updating each other bout SO MANY stuffs thats happening and waiting for her dental appointment. after everything, she followed me home to get ready and we were dilly-dallying till we forgot the time! rushed and took train down to town. julia was so damn spastic and i feel like posting the 2 videos of her! alright, maybe next time. :D she left to meet her sister while i went to meet my sister, serene, her bf and jeremy. walked around and caught some chinese movie ( okay, i dont know whats the name of the movie ) at Cine. i was sooo tired that i almost dozed off! walked somemore and took the ugliest prints ever! hmm, bought a top and hehe, Subway. dad came to pick me up and send sister off to St James. i really had a great time with my miffy today! :D lovelovelove. we should do this more often!    i think my sister look like a retard in both pictures.   saturday 20Jan07- hell man, i spent my whole day with nadiah hatta. met up with her and had mac for lunch. head to Temasek Poly open house with izaidah and shikin. ahpoh brought us around and look at the different courses. saw quite a few people there. after that, nad came over to my place to supposedly study but ended up watching What A Girl Wants! went to mac again to meet up with fatin nabila to study as well but hell, we ended up whoring with the camera. chatted and had some laughs then decided to go over to nad's to watch soccer match. Liverpool and Chelsea, 2-0.         not forgetting, nadiah the ultimate cam-whore.  i wonder what i'll be doing later and i'll end off with a picture of me! :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUFYAN MY LOVELY BRATHA. hope you like the nike jacket and hell, thanks for that adidas jacket. :D sooo.. i really dont know what should i blog bout. everyday seems the same. you wake up bloody early in the morning. you go to school and you go home. you go online and watch tv. you go to sleep. the whole cycle repeats everyday but maybe weekends are exceptional. school. izaidah and me were fucking sleepy during lessons. that girl kept dozing off and i was so tired that i needed a serious laughing fit but i ended up laughing alone. like my gosh, how sad? went to have lunch with yas, nad and aly after school then hm, went homeee? ive been eating alot these days and ohdear, im gaining back the weight that i lost. i eat when i feel stress. so am i feeling stress now? hm, i dont think so. i really detest the feeling im feeling right now. fuck, i know its fucking childish but i cant fucking help it right. who am i to even feel this way? this fucking feeling just cant go away and hell it kills to even go think bout it. seriously, fuck you and burn bitch burn. fuck this post is sooo fucking random.
good evening to everyone. i really think that some people should just fucking burn in hell. dont you all agree? hell yea. some pictures for some fucking viewing pleasure!     okay.. goodbye.
im really really bored right now with apparently, no one to talk to! nadiah asked me to blog but i was too lazy just now so i decided to do it right now. i shall blog bout my friday and my saturday since it is aldy sunday morning.  Friday - 12jan07 okay, schoool and blah blah. went to tamp mall for lunch with sasa, mel and jh. sasa came over after that and did nothing but to just laugh at stupid things. i got ready and i went to meet fatin at pasir ris interchange then took a bus down to shikin's sweet sixteen chalet. reached and we all just sat around. slacked and we had some laughs. took some retarded pictures. ohoh and watched John Tucker Must Die on adam's ipod video. with no intentions of staying over, i ended up staying over. (k, this sentence sounds weird) all squeeze on the 2 beds and 2 matresses and it was as squeezy as a can of sardines. hehe. we all woke up and left the chalet for mac breakfast. homeee and knock out on the bed without even bathing. heeh. one of the group photos.  fatin, farhana and me hiding inside irni's dress(?). hehe.  me, fatin and arif.   natasha, me, irni and bee.  natasha and me.  retarded fatty butt and me.  my lovely beeee. <3  Saturday - 13jan07 so like i was saying that i knocked out straight after i reach home in the morning. i woke up and pigged around the house. got ready and out to get wingtai's birthday present at tampines. headed down to casafina for his party. hell, the guys were like throwing each other down into the pool. with or without clothes. lol, i almost got thrown down as well but yea, my period saved me. after so much of dilly-dallying, we all finally left to some nearby coffeeshop and had late dinner. after that, took bus with ruifeng and rin while the rest went to glad's to watch soccer. hmm, slacked with rin before heading home.   okay, im done blogging for the sake of it. goodbye to all.
hi this is my ex-boyfriend, Ridhwan. even thou we both look retarded in this pic. but screw it. i like. kkkkay, i feel like posting more of our pictures but okay nvm. next time! ; just by looking at you, i know you're not the one i know anymore.9th January- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JEREMY AND BARBARA. soo.. it felt like i havent been blogging for like a million years. hehe. aly, junrong and me went back for band on tuesday and i guess we have no choice but to join this year's SYF even though it would be taking hell lot of time. the choice piece was alright for me so far but the set piece was shit. i cant play at all! its so difficultttt with my crooked fingers. ): nothing much happened. just school and home. occasional eat outs and gosh, im loving all my friends. :D nadiah confessed to me bout the bad things she said bout me! lol, that idiot. she was damn evil to me but its alright. no record of wrongs! she also confessed her love for me but sadly, i rejected her with all that i have! psst, she practically throw herself to me! heeh, heart-to-heart girlie. mom's in china right now and yay, im bloody hell rejoicing.   bye all!
haha. great old times that i loveee. and there came act two..
school. Olevels. wtf.
okay byebye.
 i had a very fulfilling macdonalds meal just now at about 3am. sigh, imagine the damn fats! ): alright. so.. is everyone ready for school? school's starting like so damn soon. we'll then all drag our heavy feets to school and sit in the hall listening to ms abraham. how dreadful! Saturday 30 Dec 06- met up with shamyn and we went to get her uniform then head down to town. hunt for bags and ended up buying other stuffs. that girl was practically on a shopping spree while i have to suffer cos i was dead broke! but well heeh, i got two tops. both of us finally found our bags! hmm, even though it was not really ideal and was a total rip-off, we stil got it since it was quite cheap. ohohoh! we took prints also. it was damn retarded but it turned out alright! besides everything, it was quite a great day with my doll without the dimsum leader! :D    31 Dec 05- New Year's Eve sooo, it was new year's eve! i had tuition in the afternoon and i couldnt concentrate at all cos i was obviously in the holiday mood. therefore, it was a unproductive tuition session! got ready and left house to meet joy, benyun, sayhai, kewei, jiahui and mel at marina square. walked to esplanade and found a spot. settled there and took mega unglam pictures! laughed and chatted. sayhai and me left to pick sasa up from marina square. everywhere was blocked and we couldnt get back to where the rest were so ended up at the bridge watching the fireworks display. it was prettttay but yea, like any other fireworks. made a wish while watching the fireworks! heeh. left to take the train and went over to haojie's for a small bbq. we ate, slacked and i drank alittle. uncle diamond came to fetch me home at bout 4something in the morning. here are some spastic photos!     over at haojie's.  alright thats all. im gna go sleep soon, i think?
(alright i'll blog a proper post like later.) my first post for 2007! HAPPY 2007 TO EVERYONE! :D hello 2007 and goodbye 2006!2006 has been really eventful. good and bad things happened. happy and sad things happened. fun and boring things happened. just so many things happened this year. my social circle got alot smaller this year compared to last year but all's good i guess? so many things changed and so many people changed as well. some grew in terms of maturity, some grew in terms of looks and some just stay where they are (which is considered good and bad! ) lol. Joy Sim -my telepathy girl. you never fail to know what im thinking and how im feeling. the telepathy between the both of us is so strong that it gets really freaky at times isnt it! everything's great with you around girl. we've been thru so much together and i felt like i know you since forever! no matter how pissed we are with each other, we'll still love each other just as much! haha. im so happy that youve found a guy who cares for you so much and loves you for who you are. heeh. thank you for every single thing youve done for me. i'll always be the pillar that supports you all the way alright? <3 Kewei -hey tian. i must say that this year the both of us really drifted so far apart but guess what? i still love you as much as before. you know you never fail to show me that you actually cared and still love me even though we are not close anymore. you will always be there to cheer me up with your nonsense and stupid acts! i really appreciate whatever you've done and i'll cherish this friendship till the end. <3 Clarissa -my dearest girl. thank you so much for being there to listen to me complain, grumble and whine. no matter how much i irritate you with my nonsense, you are always listening without any complaints. there are times when im terribly down but on the happier note, i know you'll always have my back. i love it when we always wonder why are we not sisters? but if we are, we'll definitely be quarrelling everyday! so im very glad that we are not sisters but friends. lovelove. my 9irlfriends. alyssa, april, fatin, lichin, nadiah, ros, shamyn, yasmine and zakiah. -
thank you for all the fun, joy and laughter! wait, not forgetting the tears, anger, the real fights and the fake catfights!! all of us certainly grew to become more matured and lovelier right? lets just forget all the unpleasant shit between us and all get together once again okay? things will be better next year and we'll have more fun and laughters! i love you girls so much! <3 Izaidah -hey bee! we only got closer this year cos we're in the same class! im so glad that im gna have you for another year. we shared so much things together! like boyfriend problems, friends problems and even shared gossips! gosh, all's been really good with you around. times when we tried paying attention during class but still end up yakking like a yak! i love you girl. im so glad that you're part of my life! :D <3 style="color: rgb(204, 102, 204);"> Melissa and Jiahui - gosh, girls! same as izaidah, i only got closer to you girls this year! thank you for being there for me when things are really screwed up! the both of you have been really really sweet! shared so much laughters and fun together! i really enjoy every moment with you girls. i love you two! :D Julia -heeh miffy! ive been missing you alot and yes, we finally met up during christmas and updated you with the so many things that have been happening in my life. i love getting all crazy with you and you never fail to brighten up my day to flash me your mega-watt smile! i love you miff. we must remember to KIT (you made it up yourself!) even after you leave the sch kay. mi fi bu yong ji jiao. ahaha. Ridhwan -you you you. played a real big role in my life! you are just so silly to me no matter what you say or what you do. both of us have changed so much compared to the first time we met or talked. even though we're not together anymore but whatever blah blah blah. the relationship i had with you was my longest and there are so many firsts in the relationship. thank you for always tolerating my nonsense and my moodswings! but fret not, you wont be tolerating it anymore! haha. i love you. (: Mervyn -gosh, youre just so irritating and annoying at times but you never fail to cheer me up. thank you for always listening to me and being there for me whenever things were going on a rough patch. youre like a brother to me and youre always taking care of me. heeh, i thank you for that of cos. youve been a really great friend and i'll never trade this friendship for anything else. loves. Adam, Ballz, Boo, Bryan and the rest of the group. -hey guys. thanks for being there for me and cheering me up with all your crappy talks and actions. all of you taught me so much and you guys are always telling me what to do whenever i have problems or i feel unhappy. not forgetting, thanks for taking care of me when im drunk and listening me spouting hell lots of nonsense! you guys are so great that i hope that our friendship do last till the end of time. :D Rin & Suf -both of you have been really great to me! my tf and my brother. for everything that you guys did for me, im really thankful. the chats we used to have on msn was never-ending. so much craps to share and to laugh at. great times like.5 will never be forgotten alright? thanks for being right behind me to support me all the way thru yea. i will try my very best to be there for you guys whenever you guys need me too! loves. Sayhai -whoa, youre like a big brother. always taking care of me and stopping me from doing things that are wrong and you dont like me doing it. you know whenever im pissed or irritated or unhappy then you will do all sorts of acts to make me happier but noo, it makes me angrier! haha but i know youre trying to make me happy as well! youre always the one who tolerates my spoilt attitude and heeh. im sorry! whatever it is, loves. the list goes on and on for the people i need to thank so yea, i'll keep it short! THANK YOU! to everyone. :D remember to say welcome on my tagboard okay. LOVE YOU ALL! remember to say love you too on my tagboard okay. last but not least, i miss my primary school bestfriends! Samantha, Rebecca and Barbara! <3