Thursday, January 11, 2007
hi this is my ex-boyfriend, Ridhwan.
even thou we both look retarded in this pic. but screw it. i like.
kkkkay, i feel like posting more of our pictures but okay nvm. next time!

; just by looking at you, i know you're not the one i know anymore.
soo.. it felt like i havent been blogging for like a million years. hehe.
aly, junrong and me went back for band on tuesday and i guess we have no choice but to join this year's SYF even though it would be taking hell lot of time. the choice piece was alright for me so far but the set piece was shit. i cant play at all! its so difficultttt with my crooked fingers. ):
nothing much happened. just school and home.
occasional eat outs and gosh, im loving all my friends. :D
nadiah confessed to me bout the bad things she said bout me! lol, that idiot. she was damn evil to me but its alright. no record of wrongs! she also confessed her love for me but sadly, i rejected her with all that i have! psst, she practically throw herself to me! heeh, heart-to-heart girlie.
mom's in china right now and yay, im bloody hell rejoicing.

bye all!10:54 PM