it was ros's birthday pit yesterday! had dinner at home with mom and her boyfriend then took a cab down to eastcoast. reached kinda late so i guess most of the people left aldy. the guys were there and we all just sat around. lichin, ros and me wore pink without planning! anyway, us girls started talking pictures. blah blah. cut cake then left with syakir, jamadil and nicholas. walked all the way to st.pats to take a cab but NO CAB. it was so funny! yea got a cab and homeeee.

this is such a retarded picture!

guess what? fatin cheated on me. ):


lichin, the satay model.

hi, what a lovely picture.

happy birthday ros!

9irlfriends. note: nadiah's not the birthday girl.


we seriously dint plan to wear pink togetherrrr.

hi doll, you're so spastic.


lastly, meeee. with a hole in my fringe.

okay alot of pictureeees. went to my cousin's church just now. Heart Of God Church. it was alright i guess. the people were really friendly. met another cousin for early dinner then went homeeee. im having tuition later and i havent study for my history test tmr! so deeeead. x[
7:00 PM

okay, i dint manage to blog before 12am!
not forgetting, my "no.1" zakiah! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! (19feb)
chinese new years. reunion dinners. fats, fats and more fats! ):
we dint even go visiting at all. only went to both sides of grandparents' place on the actual day. got to talk to my cousins and it was really great. such gatherings make me feel happppy and er, loved? i dont really have new clothes for the new year so i just wore this dress that i bought last year during the hols which i havent wear before! alright, sooo. this is so random.
ooooh, what else!
- caught Protege with sister and cousins.
- met up with zak, ros, fatin and afro for a whileee.
- celebrated grandfather's 81st birthday on tuesday.
- met joy and kewei before that for a while at town! :D
- mom's friends came over on wednesday.
- civil defense bullshit after sch on thursday.
alright, pictureeeees!
mother and sisters. without bratha.

father and sisters. without bratha again.

as usual, i had sch and had dumb chinese remedial after sch. lunch at simpang and went to terencechong's house. they gambled and i watched them play. mossy the pussy was damn lucky i tell you. left at bout 4 plus to go home get ready. left house again to meet joy to VivoCity. wanted to find presents but couldnt find any! shopped and got 3 tops. lovelovelove. :D couldnt make it to sean's so yea. yawn!
hi, i love you joy.

joyjadapr! <3

12:11 AM
hello boy, did you love? did you care?
i loved and love. i cared and care.
okay, how random.
hi all, good morning everyone. happy chinese new year to everyone.
ohoh, its my brother's birthday now. hes in philipines btw. that asshole.
it was my mom's birthday yesterday (17feb).
my dad's coming over to pick sister and me at 1030am and im still not asleep yet. tell me how am i supposed to wake up later? had reunion dinners just now but i dint even have it with my dad's side. so yea, whatever. it was greatttt. i'll upload some pictures taken on friday.
my lovely class, 4C! <3

went for rugby match on friday but it was cancelled due to lightning and shit. so yea, had dinner with sayhai, terence and poh. went homeeee.
sigh, im not feeling any new year vibes!
oh and im wondering what are you doing now?
smsing the new girl you like? out with friends slacking? or sleeping in your boxers?
all the while, i thought i was a strong girl but no, ive been acting like one.
it has been quite a while but i still do think bout you and miss you too.
hahahahahaha, doubt you'll see this either!3:55 AM
hellooo. happy total defense day to all.
13feb- tuesday
went to tamp mall with sasa, izaidah and shikin after sch. walked around and went to cathay with sasa to meet my mom. cut my hair at Inspiration and ): benn just went to cut my hair when i told him whatever it is, i dont want my fringe to be too short. ugh, so like im having bangs now. -.- had dinner at raffles place then went homeeee. ohoh! thank you sasa for accompanying me thru out my dearest girl! :D
went to sch as per normal and they all laughed at me cos of my hair. ): lol, had some gifts. thanks people. =) left for home straight after sch and got ready. went to meet sasa for shopping at town but both of us were not in the mood to shop and nothing caught my eye. i ended up buying a pair of red pointy pumps and thats all. how sad is that? roses are everywhere and love is in the air. hehe. -.- after that, met up with the guys and supposedly for dinner but somehow it cocked up.
okay, random pictures!
before my haircut. ):

after haircut. ):

chinese new year's coming! yawnnnn.
5:53 PM
ah stupid blogger forced me to move to the new blogger.
im so lazy to update but okay, im gna blog bout yesterday.
went to boo's place at 9 for his party. we just sat around and chatted then went up to his place after that. played DOA on his xbox and hell, I THRASHED ALL OF THEM! hehe. they were all bullying me esp mervyn and ballz! ohoh, we made a revelation! rin is gayyyy. what else? asri was drunk and i think thats all. oookay, left at bout 12 plus cos mom refused to let me stayover then she sent a taxi driver to fetch me home.

i have tons of homework not done. tell me bout it.
schooldays really suck.
1:47 PM