Monday, February 05, 2007
guess how i start off my week? by running into the hall like some mad dog to prevent myself from getting late. thats like damn SAD la. chinese new year's coming and hell, i havent got all my clothes yet! ): sighhhhh.......
3feb07- saturday.
-met up with julia. <3
-tried doing some work but somehow failed.
-ended up cam-whoring like hell.
-so many retarded pictures that i feel like posting but okay, i wont.
-julia left for party and met suf, rin, jh and mel at parkway.
-met the guys for dinner at spize.
okay can you guys spot julia?

-went over to boo's with the guys.
-did some work.
-caught the Singapore vs Thailand match.
-macdonalds service sucks.
-terence's house with aiya, lazy to name. lol.
-watched Saw 3. bloody gross movie.
okay, i realised that ive been cam-whoring with alot of ugly faces. LOL.7:37 PM