Sunday, February 18, 2007
hello boy, did you love? did you care?
i loved and love. i cared and care.
okay, how random.
hi all, good morning everyone. happy chinese new year to everyone.
ohoh, its my brother's birthday now. hes in philipines btw. that asshole.
it was my mom's birthday yesterday (17feb).
my dad's coming over to pick sister and me at 1030am and im still not asleep yet. tell me how am i supposed to wake up later? had reunion dinners just now but i dint even have it with my dad's side. so yea, whatever. it was greatttt. i'll upload some pictures taken on friday.
my lovely class, 4C! <3

went for rugby match on friday but it was cancelled due to lightning and shit. so yea, had dinner with sayhai, terence and poh. went homeeee.
sigh, im not feeling any new year vibes!
oh and im wondering what are you doing now?
smsing the new girl you like? out with friends slacking? or sleeping in your boxers?
all the while, i thought i was a strong girl but no, ive been acting like one.
it has been quite a while but i still do think bout you and miss you too.
hahahahahaha, doubt you'll see this either!3:55 AM