i was supposed to go for emerge conference at church yesterday but thanks to my mother, i dint go cos she was complaining that my results suck. quarreled with her and yea, i was obviously super pissed. okay moving on.
i had a haircut yesterday, like finally!
i have nothing to blog bout so okay i think i should upload some pictures.
my bestfriend, J. :D

12:03 PM
hello people. my com is down and yea, that explains the lack of updates. my last post was like 23 days ago.
midyear ended and we got back our result slips. everyone did horribly and i failed my Amaths (f9) yet again. whats new right? my L1R5 is lousy that i dont even think any ITE will accept me. okay what else? nothing much happened and no one died too. had MT drills for like 2 weeks and it was killerxx. it was non stop chinese for the 2 whole weeks! monday will be our MT Olevels and i am so not prepared to sit for the damn exams!
alright i have no idea what else to blog anymore. im at alfred's house anyway.
4:03 PM
happy birthday lichin and jiahui! :D
oookay, im gna waste some time blogging. i realised i havent blog in a long time. i remember how i used to blog everyday without fail. moving on, we're all having our midyears now and i havent been coming online for like days and days! i tried making full use of my time to study but i ended up watching loads of nonsense show on tv and 1 really stupid taiwan drama which results me in having some kinda "fever." im so not gna say that drama out cos its damn bloody !@#$%^& embarrassing!
ohoh guess what! i stayed at home the whole weekend and turned myself into a total crouch potato. can you imagine that! okay, nvm.
ohoh! party in my house on monday (30 Apr) ! LOL.
mels and joy, LETS SPRINGROLL!lol okay i have some pictures to upload. overdued pictures! :D
20th April - town with mel and J. :D

21st April - Speech Day/ Learning Fiesta.

Jiahui's early birthday celebration! (really funny bicycle incident.)

3:09 PM