A picture of me so you all wont forget meeeee.
please keep me very close to your hearttttt!

TGIFFFFF! iv been feeling lazy these few days or rather, lazier than usual. so lazy that i dont even want to get out of my house on a Friday night. anyway, prelims started aldy but i am still not studying hard enough. no sense of urgency at all. ohmymother.
History, English and Amaths papers are overrrr! ;D
i studied Amaths abit just before the paper so lets just hope i wont fail so badly.
right now, i am left with Emaths, POA, SocialStudies and Science!
i need motivation and momentum.
*sings* all we need is a little bit of momentum...
soooo, what else to blog. this is sooo boring.
i should have gone to ride with \m/. okay, no.
im like talking to myself. this is so stupid.
i feel like closing my blog or maybe i'll change it to private.
or.. i can hope to Livejournal so i can lock my entries.
locking my entries sounds cool and i can make people's hearts feel itchy.
cos they cant readddd! wah, sounds good right.
but i am way to lazy to change anything so i shall be loyal.
im sticking to butterfly-fleee.
OH WAIT, i think i wanna change my url. butterfly-flee sounds dumb.
okay i think i am not making sense, thanks for wasting time reading these 10 lines.
i wanna watch the movie 881 cos i just saw the trailer on tv and damn, my sister dont want to watch with me. i am damn sad but its okay, i think we're going out later to catch Dead Silent at townnn. oh right, did i mention my iPod's like spoilt now and i have no freaking idea whyyy. i feeel so empty and lost without it.. its like no portable music, unless i sing to myself that is. HAHAHA.
you know what? i realise that if i watch gruesome movies, i will think of people chopping my hands off. hahaha such fantasieeees, not.
i feeel like slamming my sister right now. shes so damn annoying and laughing at things that are not even funny. now shes touching my face, that madpig.
okay i think it's time i end this post. it's filled with erm.. okay, nvm.
BYEBYE my people. see you around at the merry-go-round.
8:38 PM
my entries are getting lesser compared to last time. aaaalright. 5 days without sch's great but sadly, school's gna resume as per normal yet again.! how dreadful.
Wed, 8 Aug 07-
i went to school for the National Day celebration and this might probably be the last time we're all gna celebrate National Day officially. left sch after celebration with Myn and went to Airport to pig out. we had Popeyes! after that, we went to the Viewing Mall to erm, sit around and ended up falling asleeeep for a while. we woke up and left for Swensens. it was crazy cos i had Topless 5 on my own while she had some chocolate thingy! the both of us wanted to donate some blood but we needed some parents consent so yea, it was so gay.
Thur, 9 Aug 07-
Happy Birthday Singapore and my dad. oookay, 9 Aug. z-.-z
- i went for lunch with Dad, Aunt and Grandma at Suntec.
- Aunt's house.
- Dad came, sent me home.
- home.
- went out, town.
- caught Secret. i thought the movie was great with a twist.
- home.
Fri, 10 Aug.07-
Rebecca came over in the afternoon and watched some movies. we had this stupid catfight and it was really funny! i love you Reb. ;D met Jason, Faiz and Jacob to ride (okay fine, they ride i cycle) to East Coast for our so-called Feasting at Lagoon! lol, i had my fun. then Sean, Otah and Amos came after sooo long! we had another round of Feast! left after that and rode homeee all the wayyyy. yayyaygaygay.

i am sooo tired. out the whole day with Myn for some shopping but we ended up having some major shopping spree. we walked the whole day as we went from Tampines to PasirRis to Town to Penin to Marina Square. bought lots of stuffs and now, i am feeling really guilty about overspending despite being satisfied (sort of) with my purchases.

alright see ya'll.
11:46 PM
hello there's this sudden urge to blog. so butterfly-flee, here i am.
(Rebecca is trying to step yi ge candid here yo.)

i went for Nightclass on Friday after much consideration and persuasion by Myn and Nad since i wasnt feeling that well that night. i cant say it was productive so whatever. we left and went to Eastpoint, Starbucks to chillaxXx. Nad left after a while, the guys rode and we all talked. pretty good actually. left at bout midnight and walked home. \m/ HAHAHAHA.

Saturday. i was supposed to go out and study but no. i did not. i went for the NDP preview with Rebecca, the (good girl gone bad). the only thing we were looking forward to during the parade was the fireworks BUT nooo, "... and there will be no fireworks." slap the 4 bimbos who were sitting behind us 1000x. we thought it was boring so we left halfway with alot of sadness since theres no fireworks. then we walked to Gluttons Bay for dinner and had La-la challenge. there were so many people at Esplanade cos of Baybeats and wanted to find Reb's friends but we couldnt find them so yea. walked around Marina Square after that and left for home bitter home.
i hate sundays.
i hate studying. well, i do not know how.
i love my friends. esp, you, you, you, you, you and you!
i love to eat ice-cream.
i want to eat Mac breakfast.
1:20 AM