Sunday, April 16, 2006
apparently, ive been out for like 2 and a half whole days. cos i just got back from church and airport. im going to my grandma's for some birthday dinner thingy. so yea.
i reckon that if this continues, and my results are not good for midyear, my mother is so gonna skin me alive please. i must know my limits. im a good girl. HAHA.
went to church in the morning. i overslept. thank God kewei called me. wan called me 3 times at 7.30 but i dint even hear a single shit in my sleep. okay so rushed to church. easter service. the drama was as usual great. there were sound effects and whatever it is. the drama was superb. headed to airport for lunch at popeyes and slacked around the viewing mall with some cam-bitchin.
took pictures. okay shall post some pics for some viewing pleasure.

haha the escalator isnt working. the people climbing up. LOL.

laters people. ah. school starts again tmr. sighhhh.4:10 PM