Sunday, November 19, 2006
ohyeah, haha. i forgot to blog that i got a pair of shorts.

i spent my day with mels and jiahui today. we went parkway and bought our stuffs at watson then we accompanied mels to have lunch. parkway was boring so we decided to go to bugis. tried finding the topshop spag at the bugis outlet but wth, no size again! shopped around at bugis street. walked and tried finding nice skirts. found one but the shop that has the lower and lowest price did not have my size! so yea, i shall wait till the new stock comes in. had dinner at the bugis cafe. sat around for a while and took some pictures. 12-ed home after that. jiahui and me started smiling and smiling to this uncle in the bus beside ours. when the bus move, we gave the uncle a flying kiss. -.- okay, pictures.

so yea, thats alllll.11:00 PM