Friday, November 17, 2006
i dint get to see sasa today and i miss her terribly. ):
woke up damn bloody early today cos of some dumbass phonecall.
tried going back to sleep then got a call from aly to go for some interview.
got ready and went out to meet her while she hopped onto the train. reached orchard and we couldnt find the building so we walked and walked. interviewed for Guess outlets as some sales associate or something. took a bus to shaw house and had lunch then walked somemore. went to meet joy, mels and jiahui at heeren. then after much deciding, we decided to slack at starbucks. chatted alot then aly left for home. joy and me continue talking while mels and jh continue reading their magazines. we left the place and was approached by some DBS people to take a free photo and dammit, i look so horrid in it. its ugly memories i tell you. i'll stil upload it thou. heeh.