Sunday, November 26, 2006

was supposed to go out with sister today but ended up having only dinner plans. waiting for her and her boyfriend to come back! im watching some hongkong serial right now and im feeling so bored at home. with nothing to do and no food to eat. sadsadsad. i wonder wheres everybody!
slept at 5plus this morning cos ridhwan came over last night for movie marathon thou we only caught 3 movies. thanks to his faulty coach carter dvd. other than that, we caught shes the man, the benchwarmers and the omen. watched alittle bit of mtv after that and he went home. its been quite a while since we last do something like this. yea, it was defintely great! :D
sasa's coming back tonight from genting if im not wrong. woo, sweet and im leaving for peerleader camp tmr aldy till wednesday. i havent even pack shit yet! its gna be such a busy week! joy, jiahui and me are starting work straight away after camp and wooo, i hope i get to see money rolling in! more money which means more shopping. heeh, lovelove.5:58 PM