Thursday, November 23, 2006
joy sent me some old pictures of us. damn, it was horrid.

woke up damn early in the morning just to go over to grandma's shop. decided to sell the leftover old clothes and manage to get some money. yes baby, just when im so broke. wooo, i settled my november and december pledge aldy. talking bout church, i havent been to church for like 2 weeks aldy and k, i am so freaking lazy.
went out for lunch with grandma and grandpa then went back to the empty shop to sleeeep, watch tv and read my book. loool, i was practically lazing around and snacking on seaweeeds. mom came and we had dinner and left for home. what a dayyyyyyy.
ive been sneezing so much that i think my eyeballs are dropping out.8:28 PM