Saturday, February 24, 2007
okay, i dint manage to blog before 12am!
not forgetting, my "no.1" zakiah! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! (19feb)
chinese new years. reunion dinners. fats, fats and more fats! ):
we dint even go visiting at all. only went to both sides of grandparents' place on the actual day. got to talk to my cousins and it was really great. such gatherings make me feel happppy and er, loved? i dont really have new clothes for the new year so i just wore this dress that i bought last year during the hols which i havent wear before! alright, sooo. this is so random.
ooooh, what else!
- caught Protege with sister and cousins.
- met up with zak, ros, fatin and afro for a whileee.
- celebrated grandfather's 81st birthday on tuesday.
- met joy and kewei before that for a while at town! :D
- mom's friends came over on wednesday.
- civil defense bullshit after sch on thursday.
alright, pictureeeees!
mother and sisters. without bratha.

as usual, i had sch and had dumb chinese remedial after sch. lunch at simpang and went to terencechong's house. they gambled and i watched them play. mossy the pussy was damn lucky i tell you. left at bout 4 plus to go home get ready. left house again to meet joy to VivoCity. wanted to find presents but couldnt find any! shopped and got 3 tops. lovelovelove. :D couldnt make it to sean's so yea. yawn!
hi, i love you joy.